1I HIIGA N DAILY. * i~Al>l CO. 4 I R-EGAL .n NEW SRING . x.. STOCK Will Arrive This Week CAELL AMN) :S E: I'lI -- .... PAULfMIIYE3R 611 E. WILLIAMS ST. OWL.N, A elk Cvt0311 Flt .. .. Vi ENT;SCHLIER'S i Itd.1 319ti East Huron St. opposite Ladies'ILibirary t _ s.IIwes to Seriiors insi l Departments NOTICE. iltt 3?t"i ' lt: 'tnt' Reading notices, except to Unicer- soty organizations, one cent a word per issue, payable strictly in advance to the Business Manager only.. lUni .. 3, I II;ai, versity organizations allowed one no- tice free.tr Ai C JOBlIlolRIN TINC,-Mleyer', 215 NIo 4root, 'oclli i c hle 28t. if I II Try corc of Cuesing's Elice CF 1x l , ,,' ater. tf. dol 1 at Iili ii A t I 1 ,t r 1 .I~ i _a' _ii ili 711 ~. 1 4 ' 1c ; ' (ccI .11 1al11 X iii 1 i last ii rtliro to Xiii 0 10r 1teak~s, 0g Click ens, ()sterQ, etc. v. State Street ;iOne Night Out to SFLORIDA Big Four Route +From Detroit and Toledo (UNION DEPOT IN BOTH) Toledo and Cindi nlnlat i +No disagreeable Transfers ',V. Bi oa or Agents fur Informa- lice, or L. W. LANDMANt I eea Agt. TOLEDO, 0. R o we': us Thoma1s.10Riowe, I "- ' 326 N.I F iX STUNOGAiZ~ OFIeE. B flot.,[.' i 11 'a tl \! 0.Ii 1 1 0 0 0 . itt' lll . liLilJrl ir t t iirl 0 1r 1lla icke1t for foor shampiloos, 00nec dol- .1110i 0 te ir. Soft water. Misx VauighiaiiN c 1 11~t Uiversity, near Qiurry's. tlilis ti illl ilt THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA 1C1 0 0c . Adodress I.. i.Baies, mnvoo 0Xi iii lii liii 06J;loime, 289 Redl. 4i 1' 1 I .ll1 ,1 t 1 i 1}'aleliie lii ex ll id oo I tI' icr a&ldoinorn,, 611 111'XX1)y Ci Si 1 . 1IC- 2 2 {1th M in-0c t ('oiller's 1M11k1Cho'colrte. If iit~ I Ii Xi tl dc ,I1i 111 ii to I 1)111 ii I 01 at F, . cr's0 artXii 1 c 0 0M. Ma rt in Fuineral Dlirector i c 00 W1, S. 1111 Ave. Pl'lioiilr98. ft I l,,~3ii ll ;,. XIS Ace. P1000 l 314' Ambulance on call. WASH-TENAW 1..011i'T & P~OWER CO 21101E. WASlIANUTON ST. ,fIIX l\i ISSONS r I or 5.1010 9 CT' Ali!1> CA\)iDEMY Salted Almonds Petit Fours Macaroons Cream Patties or Wafers These are only a few of lithmarny good things You lnetd a 1 pair of PENY Iit 11 t il tt i' Cit9 iforf _ 3 1)FIR1 0' 01iS\I VIItl)TIIS IN LACh EGY riIA Ni 1a01>1 l n. li i'' o.1 ! I~i gel at, G dYo 51il tit1 1 toot 1 1 1 t lorse j-#O°---4 .S a- + #+ +i^-- INS +. F I 1iOit S t. !i. Afn Wi otter Turkish Cigar tce can be made CORK TIPS It PL.AIN Look for I" qf S. A1KAILGYR'O Always Ale a d In Stle s ..uL.4 , 5.ARD, NTHE TAILOR. The Best of Everytbluf in TallOd"~