TtE hMICHIGAN DAILY ~ [ART SIIAFNdR M RX ~MACK &CEYS, TEARO X "u l s iltlttti pj Coatasnd L4 r1? The Clothier, TbeDRe dfu pen la 217 So.Maiti St. $: Everything First-Class 2nd Floor K+#+++ +++++44 f++ +4.I+++4++ +++ +i+++.t+++ t*++++++++++ + "" "a 4 . e + ++" + w .1 -. r+r 1ie"r"_++". .-. 6- . I...Money Loaned.. W. J. LOURIM ,1. + S Business Stric t.v Confidenitial tNOCH uIL C101L" kabaianc Calls atten ldd d?,-iorcii, t. loffleel it itLw d I At zci S , ("hoS. S ate Hod, t .f' I.- ll'is Cigaretts and Pipesos Most Men's Clothing o '.a of S e. S. &. W. Clothes 111 ittd ji~: or yo ~ itt . iI haldel, it dTAEILErt & W eIJlRT1'I yH y In Y yK KI 15 CTS EACH; 2 FOR 25 VAS CLUE1T, PEAbUDY & C0., MAKERS Of l tiĀ£ T' -j, mo,-( n 6-M, S ( I P, OF ] b Makes . ! Its Own Standard of oil Health I . 1 Az L -.w k Q Most bwds arc i ;5. TV, build up (n taut starts of the bo y, t Q ON: e(rcit, tty n""," . t , I );l il h 1,1 it f tl( it in i ' It 'itt. I tt tltc'S't 31/illl w n tlttK tll,1w_ K 54 ._ 1ii '1 , a t T 1;t tI Ic t i3t, i''', n3l t r 1)13 ItRIN'lINC Iiiyers', at15Matitl Le,-,ltI 1I te 288t i Pry sonie of Custing Fine Cloco- es. tif. i tt\ 1 3 Ic ' 1' 3I :till t ' f1 it I t 'I l c' I lt t 1 t, t- \\t' .t%'. ' (- c 1 lu r 't'' pi c , d f') ii o ii - i . N. aitt Q' :iii Clarl 1 ,' 'It $T% 150 Ij I .cxx I10 Ij0 I00 ?00 it 555 rl~ 1 l 1i >11' fi tt l Iat< ; . I liii t t Academy of D~ancing I11SAN1")CiLiiL itTeNiagara Falls ffttur THE SHORT LINE CHICAGO NNARBOR to, BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK 3t dire-c ttotnections asictago for thoins, Kansas City, lit ltstil and ~tgh leckets calsiiorinformation u'toVWi' 'tQASE, Agent, Attn Arnti' ..Carefully... TESTED and FITTED Bly the Latest and Best Ap- proved Scien- tific fnethods. S-Blailer's Jewelry Store- - it il e' l lt' ,w r u ti ' r ,, ' l a 15 113 I . I Shredded Wheat Biscuit Su:its p essed. 25c'; troutsers, 1t I be.icase it itaet fcha. ad)oh H'tiier & Ottoninor, it K E ii'aiii Sit eise. cti , a llte .tir-tr Steaminidit F result dry cleainig anti bain. C 13 '1< { reptiinig at Fullter a tOCoisor's, 619 Whoe1"1,1,' 0111 1 .,ts miet he, ir co 4 ofTv~h ~te sa cn sad, (aSpany deda titetisWheattlt'i 'i it is nota ' pretied"N ut llg' tpr dt i t 5 Ir),slk ldoi '1oall& ois fle +oods++ +++ +44+4+tomch +'4+ (ii attas . (L Trit'' i't t, ,',c tiiitt ,'ti + THcEMO R SUDO rtakrudHstreaid ucedr Pic. CASH POS)le iT IVL}A *SIi'I 1 l)t, [ i Sl ltl [, 311 S.SateSen r I Noarers ar abs ar onie arelerais HE NtrBU reRALR. slaess w fil elaes isseasas s i ll ahi cttara ii'"a ilN . ca o tsh cmin sfr ieordle. TM TL-Tka ie 5k2,t St Ag R~atIt AtOt arCa al. L'tvry I Diwiilow"A~AiA Waikrr'. Licrey WAHTStarknI iiWdLRY BPliads oo Stipsn elmpeon0 334. JthStteStrLet4 . tt Sre obr o c o a rtis rontCtinartEsAN CORRIgRa met+ ilb ae hssao nesADSKM11'1I~r cash accompanies the order. I.++ + TABLE-Tking+effecteb.+26,+190 AK~q.t., +++ '5++-a+41i--r 4.4*4f+++44.4.4+++++ +++++++++.C4- ~1'1TV iiContinuoes Itts Excel- { You Will Fins Four Trains Daiy Carrying Parlor 'gars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on ight Trains UNION DElPOTS IN TOLEiSDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CL IRK, 202 Elksi' Ti'tit Drorit. tile. WE ARE VEVER UIVDERSOLD-GOODVEAR'S DRUG STORE