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September 27, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-09-27

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Varsity Footballists Go Through Live
ly Practice Yesterday - Scrim-
mage Today-The Sched-
Just at present in Ann Aror ther(
is only one isueo which calls footi
much attention from the av rage stu
dent, It makes little difference io
him who is going to e elected presi
dent ut the urning qestin of ths
hour is 'What sort of a team are wes
going to have this ,year"
In spite of the threatening weather
over twelve hundred fans trned eet
to watch the practice last night
Most of them came away pretty wetl
satisfied wih what they had Ose'n.
The team certaily leks as good or1
etter than it did this time last year
There was no scrimmage, the practie(
consisting of running through forms-
lions, falling on the al, hiscking thes
charging machine and going sowstsr
punts. Curtis ansi Start, a sew omst
from Denser ligls scoltrIiest kick
lug goals frees the field. st ieithe
showed anything startling. Te at
ter, hever, dis some very goo.
punting averaging clooe to fifty yarss
sod all his Isuts had a spiral that re
minded oes of the good (515 days weno
Everet Sweeley ooted the bal aotl
Ferry Field. Ssuart is one of te most
premising of ths' new men, the only
ohjection to him eingthue act sia
he is rather light
One thing sheet le team that is
already certain i-sha Curtis isgon
to he one f the s to of the west ti
year. Hie is cos.idrahly heavier that
last year and is faster tian e-cer. Tilt
way ie got downsonislts ',s a
source of amazement to the seclsators
while Coach Yost was ohligest to ae-
tion the ig fellow aoiti tackling 01o
fiercely for fear he wstld ptomes
one out of usiness
The roach had little to say 5151111
the pospects of te team as of cuses
he wilt e tnatle to get mch tf a
ine sn it until after Saursy's gains
with Case, anyhow, It is aisiarel
however that ise will select te Ietm
to a considerahle extet from the "M"
men and last year's reserves, although
there is some goid material among
the new men,
The nutmer ott cantitates yesterday
was disappointingy small ut as
many were husy eiteig ansi classi
tying, it is proahle that niee wil
he oslttis afternostn. Csaci Yost
slates that thre wilt prohably be,
scrimmage Ipractice- today
The training tsale has een starts-s
and te followsigmeit taketi to it:
Capt. IHeson, Ctisii, Schitlte, Tom
ttammnd, Norcrossss Longmanti Test
Hammndit, DePree, Beeciler, Garls
It is noticebsle tha there are ns
new men in te list, Its former years
she training tahle has aways ee
a5 Prettymat's ut this season thit
fottlsl men silt eat at Oyster Bay
The schetdtle for til esson is as
follows :
Oct. 1-Michigan vs.'Case School a
Ann Aror
Oct. f-Michigan vs. Ohio Nsrther
University at Ann Artir
Oct. t-Michigan vs. Kalamazoo Cot-
lege at Ann Aror.
Oct. 12-Michigan vs. Physicians S:
Surgeons at Ann Aor
Oct. 15-Michigan vs. Ohio State t'ii
versity at Cslimhts
Oct. 22- ichigan vs. West Virginis
University at Ann Arhsr.
Oct. 29-Michigan vs. Wioctnsin Ui
versity at Madison.
Nlov. 5-Michigan vs. Drake Universi
tY at Ann Arhor. -
Nov. 1.2--Michsigan vs. Chicago Ulni-
versisy at Ann Arhor.
Nov. 19--Michigan vs. Oherlin College
at Ann Arhor.
Nov. 24--Michigan vs. Columbhia Uni-
versity at New York.
The game with Columhia fttt
Thanksgiving Day has bseen all ar-
ran~ged with the exception of signing
the contract, so unless some sunfsor-
seen accident occurs, the game is cer-
-The campus has heen very mitch
improved during the summer hy te
addition of a numbher of new walks.
A new walk now connects Watertean
an5 Barhour gymnasiums and others
have keen put in ameund the Engin-
eering building and University Hall.
Hahn sod Rose Star at St. Louis. Students' Lecture Association. I N FULL SWING NOW.
T5he twolesstlslllsr5sf .littigs's '64 'Ille-fift y-firstt etitistalseasoitiof the Class Work Begins Toy-Univerity
trackts.ecams, lilin andl tlRo seocso- Sudessl sIe scttsirsAssociationitthis Assumes Its Normal Apparane
1 etis onesf [he-bes-sIvercoffered. -increased Attendance is All;
15-ell olltile- lly niistfc aisat t.sA brilliantcrray os taclet tstifies toDeatnn.
Lousis c e lredsi I is 0cles willclry111thisec xelent sortkossthse part of
t 1iRose.- broksth ie 51ld'is recorsi lftoiitalliaes Coleiy aiis Sisitisy Miller whe! For he past two or three days the
zsIi t sibty ire inches, estabishinsu cutresi the serices of te nmen on( stdnts have een pering into Ann
a- netnai .st48 .sust t e rsgrtm.'he return f Sousa's y train loads. Everything sesndto
alogo ecel iacBsand isiis wI ~~lsill lndl~lltelly mieet with skew that Michigan opens this year
r alo go seond lacein he hmm icgrt app~roval on te Ipart of the st-e with a greater attendanca' tha uer.
e thirossanistthirst inithe IdisclusiHahni sieitlbodiy. LelanisT I. Poiwers is an- Never kefore has hrehae sacd a
e agaisi detntstrated lusat wen in roe-Ioler namei which is always warmly jam of aggage at the depte, The
diliosiheis itic'great tsprinteer ini eteloies Ithle irogran. The est iavalanche of trunks Iarly- swanftsd
-ts.- cuisety. the little fellownofs O ithse.lnumb~ers includse seie of the the aggage smashrs. All-day es
ildecisivels-Is S3,,tic hesIs.husred anud Istonttlors and steakers int he con- terday there were log lins of war
weochundredI Imeredacstes. Hahc'ss ty-. 'ih' iscmcbsrsad ast saes are as students waiting to regster; ad at
1 5tr wl~ysas esusc daily gratifyinig to fclts six o'clock tiersswere many u-ku iaxc
ahitc-n ucI ecek ctctsssicscomhuig as Oct1c7- Itss.elII osuss-ll. not een accommdated.
rit id lt cte cicsdefeat.at tic t c5crni d I -is its 11 tersois.Thie frshmen clas reuisd to efar
Itsercllegiatce seetwhenilie hlastatn Nc'-.1 Johtn TI 'ctheon. larger tan that of last year. Aany
einjured1 foot. Tics oly thinig o be- re Dc, -os's ianis. of thens are tpical freshmen and
-gretttedIlis tat IRics of ChiscguossD5etll . s -CoL Fuette. have alreadybought tieir campus
e defeated Satus oilthtcciasion d ilt .asc l1 1151ashdthsi. tickesl. They.alt seem to Piave
a ot see it to comptse agaisnst inm leict--Ilenry anityle. aopted the freshman cap 'is good
ct St. Losuis. hBy Dahiu's graduscction, Sas. I -LelandiT. Pwsers. faith and te willingess to sids hr
th cle st;o loses the 5t51155st.iter it A. 31-Ct haCltssarts. the regulation manifested, is a refresh-
tuhas ever seesn atnshMichigasn 1n11 sf its Aprl 12-1 t lssutoss W. Maie. ing feature. It is tee early yet for
moti~ poplliar alluetI's.tillrIiNumbiter.statistics, hsut they sill surely alow
I _-._-a decided increase in all delartmsnts.
s ~The ness Engineering uilding is
- tasy for occuain this year;-a and
- - Michiganu may now he classed as one
t oflittie best engineering schools of the
t country. This has brught esay' t-
cf~ - - dents from the muteexuesie co-
t lo tges in te east. The enolmnt in
--- oler professional dpartments, es-
pecially the law and medical, is Hich
- 5 increased. ;The itrary dpartnaet,
- 5 111, is holding its own; and ;hat stu-
' ;t todents from nearly eery state ii the
The ruhing season for the fraer-
~f nities is now on; and the litelyools-
inlg freshman tosry mschs i te-
iii fsiasnd. The setstrities,,too, are looig
-ovr the new material; and sn-ll
rr l livery trnut filled- witswse-et fees-
- inisty are mich in -eiece.-
{ Classes commence ouy so thisgs
will soon e in their usual otsecg E-
eertiug pcoits to the mosst pstsler-
e us asuaccsstsul year Michign has
i jyet eperieced. ,
r .lk r i~URDAY. ;
~Asistans; Coacht Cole liasuseci a
- - - s - calItfor cadiats forthiss-Al r Si.
fool~ltesansto Ill iaihl o)- r f r fe r
i r r . n at Ferry Field h-ss'.s; "ing' try~;
t~ 4esvery fr.sttaan sof gr-idir--onai ihy-to
2 " oue out, as Vry- l hi to ' teals
before the Rtn g- nc -T hia lctho-
sislO have een ithlu lirsgc:s for
aatmost 1two w~ooS-si-Id soil: he fit
I for their am againststhelisa rilsinea
wh-Io aill e hndcapped by tkicc of
i practce and the facttat thes w-ll in-
stase the enemy's territoury.
This raches did not know 'thtat a
contest had he scheduled for" Satur-
day, bust they' hgan to usle as soon
s as they were swarsef the PAiOn
PRESIDENT ANGELL. game Yost rounded sty the mjorty
tof he Fteshmn in hu su-su-dadsiset
BANQ ET.ssmbrs. Esiusiasm sill run high them into acother pasture, whokr they
QA OII I caorted ust~Ir te directia. of he
- -- it this mass nmeting, for on he sub- assistant moath.
_ Of the University of Michigan Union scguesic say, 'sitFerry Field, occus "'King" Co''s will have te All-
to he Held on Nov. 11-Great the is-ihiass-ssiago footal ganme. Fresh team under his 'charge, al-
Love Feast to Occur on the J'this facs. sassures foscrte Ditne an thiss- c it is execte 1 that' another
Evening before the Chi- unsallagatedceoaum. coach nill behifed o reiee'e him of
cage Game, 555551Yhr-asssas- auen. part of he stat;.c. With'seek a sys-
Arraingseenstsr thiss Dinner are tera, msch of the assistant coahs
a Nusvembetr 11I is thiss'datefo thhe amoisst col-uil-I. Presisdent Angll wilt time could e devoted to helping Yost
Michigani ClsubsHil~o-se lsanquet ; as this {Ilrcsids'; asdsresses still he made by develup the regulars. Cole is not at
dinhnerllwhicsuwii, facultyetdetehers andall optiistisc ever the chances of iks
shei~,alsnsui, sil h-aeulsyisu-sutlesFreshmen. "It is pretty hate to des el-
l- a Uision of she cesire Unisersity niltliti;lhi-cgca~hlatcs; sant thue ''arsity Glee op any seam woric far Saturday, hut if
he effected. Club11will sitse;lse hMichigan sotngs. she right kind oh-=n skuuasup and
i- Thse purpoI~sce of thss.ion lius 515 hos get intlo the gamen-ilkh tis right sort
ter, hymnssof theiogaizdl fr t s5s oIhsshs* .....e.*e e e f spirit, we may bh abls to Es some-
If tidiet'gialhhalcs, alsnissassIndcmusn- thing creditable. Thse All-F~esh wtill
hers of this Faceulty, icshisan j TH-E, have a good schedule this ye t, whticht
-spirit andtI o secstre as a ho~me lorstshe3 ou~ghat to he on additional inc-ntiv e to
Unioti a('lus H osusus stsher istenit MICHIGAN hDALLY gsmnot
r ane aut ebrsmymeo ommsonfotuling'. Thus'194lMsh igsam- Coach Yost toos the Royah'Arch d-
ua moemntiorsceeed i sathis5ngcusa hhi greheysre insasostephere aiting t. hes
movma n s sno neded-Ia-t titsUslat rsieivrdtotee ramin is as crytepbfre ast ng t.his
-ty; so that asthss first;Anusal than- night Templar goat.
quet which ssill Ise thuhdon 'sos.11,
the University 1f iuchig~an VUion nullj The new athletic button; of orig-
i becoise a permanent osrganizion. $2.50 per year inal des:ign, is everywhere in-'etidene.
- This dinner will .bse informualansd 9 The blockc "M" is a distinct departure
-mosot denmocratic its its nturei. 'The o from the huttons of former years, but
scone1sf Iis greast losve feastn-ill Isis; seems to meet with populatapproval.
this 'uuatermian gynasiusm those $2.00 in advance Secretary Bhlaird says that c;aukacrip-
doocs sn that nighut will swin,,opson tions for the Athletic Assoc~ttion are
to hl-students, alumni sod Faculty * * .* *coming dn very rapidly.

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