to. MIVNWAN DAILY. One INight O t to .. Big Four Route ."* , °,From Detroit and Toledo - (NION DEPOTIIN B OI-'H Toledo and Cincnnatt No disagreeable Transfers : Wite ir Four Agents for Informa- or Visit K.] L. W. L A N D MAN, NEW GROUND FLOORt STUDIO. "#"Genral Agt. tOLEDO, O0" Special Rae.tes to CUTlING, RI3Y[R & CO. ..Are.,. SOLE AGENT'S for the IMPERIAL HAT 109 & 111 13. Washington SI. 4 I 1id4i fiiii44iiii i ioifi 4* ENTSCIHLER'S 319 list Hluron t S., opposite Ladies' Library Sexoiiors Too eaT Departments j Goiing Home? West + or Southwest? J SMissouri Pacific R y. OR SIron mountain Rote H. D. Armstrong, T. P. A.I Amit A1bor, Mtioh. Choice Large ,-: Steaks, Chickens, + 0vts ter~ }f Bay :" State Street1 Coll, vfind Itrat-ootoddegree of o:ofmL :'e-I-i,_ V erviCe 'tl - 3Briglotor xLa Cj 4p Garter. y v, n >y. 1)Tnear. i 00TC'iJ .-i men. Iowe 's Laundry I'hotniai RoweProprietor. 326N. FithAve. ;i r 1 l tst ;> it I 'tct ltI . STENOGKAPH&R{ 1 ved E. I]Sutler, '05 Leewj ,illct~ t"tt I Ci ',,i S it t 0t.f Il s V~ lu it itlume,2itoi4P. n. OtSItit Cit. 023 .0 MtAD~ISOiN Si. Phone 3-17 J. Ott. 'I'1i F, YPSILANTI, ANN ARBIIO & JACKSON ICY. cat", h ! "cl A to.t ooo t~:L to, 1'i i 0.t. r o' w s tt t 1)o taTilet toot ,ootItt ~ 0 o t(c t tt ,t oo t, t t 1 ,ooan 11ttoooo Iw 0000. i it"I t tlt . tit t Itrotot 00 0000 () t lt t ii!1 . t la.( tt ili It oto ) t ot i it t i t t 0 . ttt o, V 1. t 1 11'",. JOBl3PRITNTING-Meyers', 215 ail rtoo 010Sooth. Pliootto 28i. tf Try00 somentoof Cushins Fine Ciioco- o 0 0 Latest novelties in suitings at Fut- "h:"0il 00 0' tt le tt r & O'0..tniior's, 619 E. OW illiami St. o~~~~ 0li000 tOo toe the bost Rubber Boot niade.' too ei ut 'ooLhe1i2:111 Sold 0 y yGeorge II. Miller. lootf' 0 00 00 Suiots pressed,' 25e; trousers, t0c. lid til 0 - tutler & OConnor, 6t9 iE Williani St. o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; W0000.,0 00tOI11.1, B1101 it, loot ot. tooc t1 o 10 o 000tzi l e. 1? 110 100000000 ott oto 0 ot oo hot 0to M v6 J,1.0 totc (m raors tCd it ot-o -oto o 503 ottl it ,tic to t o 1 1l o 0too N(;I ]"S SCHOL,. *. ......... Otto tt0001tz otd0t000-ot(1arO tyto gto 30 DANICI 6 LESSONS # 1 0 v to tot t l o ttlotlitt. Stototo t to 11 (t" j124) Assemblites 11:Ii t0 Soo.t G('r000t . 00000000000~wc~t i 00000 1tw It o tl 00. ii t, I x0, ('1Y 0 0, lI 0 .2 -'.0 (let yotir Gym -,oitiiies oil Cuslilug's. I We' Deliver Our (luaranteed PURE ICES, SHERBETS AND ICE CREAMS *. . ""ftf-ft. - . a.. .. -a - - , W0 W - 4W.. . . ---ta..fCOMEO lO)OUR PARLORl You need Ru}i~ a pair of ubBosf PENNYCOOF R~oememher We Havse the Only Conie- Phone 266 MI1 AND WOMEN EGPfA f3 IFF-EREN FSTYLES ANt) WIDTHS IN-EACH Tw -'ls v are itirel e hs~a an YU ill not Tiid IThemo 'Elsewtthere # Q J ,sJ. 119 S. main St, ...~I.. ....... ...... TurkiSh Cigarettecaj .n be tade mueki farSlt71 tf S. ANA ILOY Always Ahead In Styles MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in T211060%