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October 09, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-09

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The Michigan Daily
No. 12
I ,
I ,
I ,
i t
Michigan ...........95 Kai
All-Fresh........... 0 Cli
Chicago............ 20) I'm
Wisconsin.......... 33 -Ia
Illinois ......... 1 Wa
0. S. ............ 24 Der.
_o a . . .. . . . . . . . . 17 IDrf
Anol Arbor ......... 0 Cen
Colombia........... 11 Wi:
Harvard ........... 23 Uli
Yale............. 24 Per
Corne-ll ...........134 lHai,
Carlisle............ ill Bile
Ponna ............. 24 LId:
Princeton .........16 Wa:
Irtiol ....
'Ilison ....
eIto .. ..
oral IHigli
. . . . . . . . 1
... . . . . . .
illam s . . . . . . . . .
iversity of Maine....
mna. State.......
klnoll .. . . . . . . . .
shington and Jefferson...
'gsia M-ilitary Ins...
Varsity Runs Away With Kalamazoo
-Latter Team Nearly Scores-
Heston Stars.
WheinitCoach ist 0111pered o Fr-
ry Fil yosterday, wiaring- a itoisy
yellow- and lluic ttealr est, Oianyi
of ticelecorsr i osed gat1ear
cast le gogeutie en soliii
troe-ca hoodioi. Ioieter-, wheii t
team let the feld alce iith sis ti
gameoplaiied thuis far ithis sason,
with niiiity-fiive.111po iin lartd 111 ol
Ike score oard, iiit was nivrsaly
agreed that as a masot the vest was
a betwling oteces-
lii, lforI he heaeiniig miomiet,
It oil edas thogh fle iorsi fers
of the fanis wer about to be ralioed.
It wasill le secon~d half whle, withi
lihe seoes0 L0iUiiiaiiitho alt n
Mlicligaos 45-yard hine, tere was a
fumbilets-anii the hatll roled toars
'liigait's goal. Rigt End Gi-
dligs licedoiuiiliho pigsin oi te-
eun aniilther etwas iothing bt day
ight between-iohim aiil ih Variy
goial lhe. ]il-ii15s ts ite riase a
st-k ago, iiimemiier ofiihilii ftiis
T1hiiie it it-lieharry whlo avetediiii
thllt threatenedtisasiieter. IHecdug a-
ter tGidinigs andi brouti him down I
en tiIrds friiiiiLhe go at line- b a
beautilifitying tacle friimiibehindi.
he nissedit. Clpo laaii mazI. tittoto
tried for a ilioptict liiiftr this li-
and t-riollegianms ni-v-r threatenei
againiInitt beiii attlc to ae a si-
gle first idtins
Ti'eonewarrangge-n-iloite ttami
storlied inly yssttrdas. he lay
was asteir anitiit, iieniseemed io
wotrkto tgethitr lbeitterthau in le lilt'
vtios tiii. gamts. schIic illhupil
Theme tI igtt-- I ft-elm mitttiSi-tt lilit
etd stailytiatdm-insisttlmthruh
oui t, d hellit;ule ttia fxure tin
the te-i
Catrwssbatkin tegrneilatt
last ttoset toe iv t teVat-iv.H
retiredt a t-tite itoftheilit half
As usualt\\Willie I Itsts Iee tin-
ance-wtasthe- heali-etftheItoioo
nice. A reisw-tof the ante- shows
that le capoaiti advsanmcd le-bal
duirinmg thll afternoioin 515 yar:e-lt
nsierably morin than a qtartr mile.
Fiveo tf his touchdtows westrt- nate
after lng rutis-ttwo 7-art spritls,
tite ftr liii.0110ftr 5, adla 3-art
dash. Patrice lstitseemsiitoiihavet
acutiredthelt labiutandilho tori- 11o101
ftr two ens, tne for 501yarits. le
Other for 25 each has-lng a touch-
down at Itie hunsh. Dtny Clark
tonoimadei-a. touchdowttn a a Itetii
alter twventy-.five yaarts of di ggig.
f\'" one stas overotoked-i y livlet
ctiach,. etry man wstho htewtfile si-
hatslieing giten a chance. [I teI
secondt half Ytst soul inI four stil-!
(Continued on page two.)h j
^ -.,Mm
S BAIRD. * Navy --1
President Angell's Annual Report tGO[ T[AM WINS.
Made Public-Gains In All Michigan Golf Team Outlasses Ot-
Departments. tawa Club From Toledo-
The- antital report of Prosient An- Score, 170. ..
Bell whih wa red atthe ast The result of the golf match be-
meetng f te Bardof egetshastween the Ottawa Clb of Toledo ad
bee gien o te pbli toay.Inthe Ann Arbor Cuh played yeter-
part it is as folltws: day morning on the links o S. Swan
Tbt- ttal atitancre as relint et SI resulted in a sweeing victory
i the Cale-idar exludinig the at- for the honme team. The Ottawa Club
tomiuanmec inile summer school,- was is oe of the stronget teams in tils
ye69.Arstlompre gitihi the tvotal part of the country, having played
yearthee wa a ainin te ttalall summer without a defeat.Eery
attedane, xcldin th sumerAnn Arbor man won his match x-
s-hol fi-on 30.ieh arlyitit ear ren- cept one, which was have. The
aeafitoy ihigsdanlrtiiedar thatn-Detroit Club will be playid next Sat-
statiysurrisd ad gatiiedth tray on the Ann Arbor links. Fol
so many excellett studlents conine loing is yeterday's score:
to clinict10 110froni states wihich
hiave strong ctilleges and universities, Ann Arbor. Ottawa.
as. for istance tduring the last year Smoot, 3:..........Richmont,0
:21 from Illinois Iti9 from Ohio 189 B. Trueblotid, 3---.......Fisk, 0I
friom Now York, 112 from Indiana, Kidton, 0- - --........Hyde 0
122 from P Ienn~sylvania, 2 from Mis- Bloomiled, 2.- --......Weber 0
souri, 21 frunm California 22 from Trueblood 3- --......Lenhart, 0
Massachsets, 15 froim Conectictut Jocelyn 1.- - - --........Lyon 0
andil17 frotm New Jersey. There wr thuemt, 32- - --... hapmanl.0
lu-lu Nw nlneer tt hem,2.........ubad igrepesitted. We ad repesenl- Total-Ann Arbor, 17; Otaa, 0.
tatioits frotm eery state ut Dla-
territitey exce-ht Alaska fronm ll ou SCHOOL OF PHARMACY.
nesw possesons-Hu iawai PortoI Rico The enrollmntt for the Schootl ot
an he Philipphinemls--and fromn the Pharmacy up tit date i- sixt y-tree
fehtoiusig s1aills andl provinces: Ge- aantffytre-tti iels
mianty, Hollaild, ITurkey, Arabia, Btl- aantffytrs tti iels
garia, JaplanAlexico ConlbiaCtba year. Present iprosects indicae an
- - atonidance of -eventy-five or eighty
England, itJamca, Onmtaro, Qocec foe the entire year. Last year the
Niova Selita
The timtmber ohftwomen in attentd- toal attendane reached only sixty..
atict te i tttits eI itoli-it i MrSt. Homer C. Washburn, wlo tols
antewas s folows excusiv of the th egee of . S. in pharmacy atd
tiul-li. 6c1ool-:ucLiDte m ept,-2;who 'aas assistant instructor in phar-
het66:4; 1dical DepaIr-Hitmnthta2;ic ary last year, has been appitned
Laoui a; Charecyhi; Dentalpthigcyinstuctor of pharmacy in the Cni-
i~eica Coleg, 1; entl Srgeyverity of Oklahoma. His place is
2; tottil, 71(1. Tie preceding year the filled by Adoih Ziefe, who gaeam-
nmberit mii7e1tiglhatmutteatedl as pharmaceutical chemist last'
- June.
,i1 s-sll lieu ltoss etuiti609 i1901 u2-03. Tie FredereicksSteans & C.Fl-ot
sihilt ttus tmginim if 1211 over hat of owship is hetd this year by Btrton
thepreedig yarto 23,an n-S Knapp, . S. hun pharnmacy last
creaol: f 21-. And at lhimitime there June. Several valuable adiions
is a 0 ltiti lprospet that at leat
I litil u Itlie o nhat-e een made to the laboratory by
hue0 t-dans-milfurister.eThentay tof certain aparatts tthich
the eparmentfor his ear.Thegreatly facilitates the demonstration
eI comgrI tchtililgictit schtuols and the of mnauitfactrig roceses.
lutell mi lgit-ml ude-parit-lt s in the
ivemt-rsitils all oter tie country are
fidiguhir resuorces Itaxted to the
utuminut ittoacomiiuodsttae tie rapidlty PROFESSOR TAYLOR BETTER.
increasinmg casses. All this is due, Professor Taylor is slowtly recover-
nit dout, tlithlimocallstwhich the re- ing anl hops to meet his clase by
c~emm. extraoriniary deveoptment of Weneday. He has been actively
turmuanufatmuring indlustries is mak- engageud in summer schoolliwtorkm ht
ing foue younmmu en commetenlt to di- waas seriously ill for four or five
rest tie-ini. stthe bsratpiditttith weks before college opene. Being
twhichu this-comtenlttcigradluates p1 hronouitncedlhohtmlof Idager he bttganm
thuse schmlls rise to fill remunuera- his duties as usual, when a severe
ive andu restponsiblte hositins is coldt brought on an attack of bron-
thmeseprofessiouns. chiis--wlck has conined him in bed
"Inth ~e Detal Dcatment Ie foe a week.
numbuhes have consttantliy ash rapidly _______________
deeliuned friothe imoeswe establi.hd
lieu folutr-ears' course. Four year SCHOLARSHIPS.
ago thueu-terec 273 udnta ostudents. Canidaes for the Phillips' Schol-
vhiitu last ye-tu thee sre only 94 arships, three of which at fifty do-
Wkith te ightiueal of prfessonalSlars each are to be awarded this year.
attainmuuint wahichb 'aas atways lher- are requesedl Il make aplicaion at
stuedlit Demn Taft, otteschool wao once to the Dean. The examination
lust of tie firemotsthut theucotuntry. will be held next Saturday, Oct. 15,
Thu schols whaiich coumixi.e the Na- at 9 a. i., in Room , Tapn Hal.
(Continued on page three.) 6-7. M. C. DOOttE.
vi l"
Holmes and Jenney Elected By Good
Majorities After a Spirited Con-
test-Over 550 Votes Cast.
Time final resuults in the Athletic
Astuciaionu el-ecionm yesterday were
as follosws:
Varsity trackt manager, Harold W.
Hlments, 32::tarshahllt. tUhl, 228.
'Vat-oily basebiall umanager, Lee 1R. Jen-
soy, :321; i'aulh 1. Dickey, 230.
liehe os teeoclose-d aunt Presi-
donstiDavidl calleidtime meeting to or-
lder pronmptly ast 10.Hlugo Ston-
minensebetini mtdteli mm 01111g 01111effer-
lilte ls-I-ch unomintingSMr. iDickey
for buast-butll umanamiger. fTtiNorcro-iss
tiutlihi- sot snuappy, v ig'oroIus
oie.-hmnominautigut Sr. Jennoy. Tomn
Hahtutmmond and111Totu Birdl untominated
M~r. Chh 1111 lt. H-lumte ithmappro-
piate sandmu-offs.
Ster. Jennely, the new baseball man-
ager, is a 1904 Lit. and 1906 Engi-
n e. lie ston his uumerals at base-
ball and fotioball, aod last year was
iunter-class hbasebhall11011nager. lie is a
member of time Beta Theta Di fra-
Ste. Holnmes, time new track man-
ager, is a 190)6 Engineer. He was a
meber t o f thut-All-Freshb 11111ball
te am ndao siyer play-edhwith the
SophliEuigitt-r team. i-illservedlon
thec Varsity teacs conmmittee aund was
a memtber in thle Cross Coutrmy Club.
Ste. Holmes is a nimtier of the Phi
Giamuma Delta fraternity.
Thtis teekt till prolbablhy see the
nuajority of line class football teams
plre-paring for lime contest for the Umi-
vcersity chuamiollnsip. The 11106 L~aws
haussalready bees practicing for sev-
eral hays.
Fotballmh umanager SMontgomery has
nlot ye-t sell-tdl a muaniagler foe the
chaos gamnes but will do soI this week,
mul tiheii-stheutlt- stitt hsoonappea'r.
it basalareadly ibeen deidhed that no
Freshmanm teams with be allowed to
compeote for the reauston that Fres-
mciin-who have football aility are
exptied to be out 1fttr the All-Fresh.
The limo foe baning in the tickets
foe the plitical cenlsus has been ex-
tendhed to Mondlay- night.. Any one
udesirintg ltoills inued in utthis cen-
sue ran secore shills as Caskin's
Drag Store.
Manuager iBairtd stateud last night
luau, as yet, he hs hearh nothing from
Cutluimia. "Htotweter, I shalt prob-
ablty hato a statement to give out
ctncerning time gamoe is the courese
of a fe-tvdays," the manager added.
No Freshmn mcla.ss teams will he
alltowedthliit year . All men desiring
hto thay fotball illrepoiet for prac-
tice with thte All-Fesh team eon Ferry
Field eveey aftenoon at 3:30 p. in,
Varsity Football Mgr-

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