['IfGAN DAILY. \ 1)A1LY a> a TH NI NI ,\V XAN i t-IL iATL. ,t lavwod asrecetved fromrn S R[C[IAfDf 'ita Dvk(t that he would appear ont tud(itt Letutre as-oci-ation- course t~nt0of Xlprtl 2E). Hit- daughter, A Big Consignmenit of olctited ii tot opital, O U A , N V L it-oig ndhr contdition xwili P PUAlN L peit D Xatt Jyke to il It ottoMatey trinlg April, j at I ± \VOO :LLN s k titi 00 -i i iii 0. Iii 1;IIP ON. ttot.ttatrigg Adt'-tC.ItltA Andi ltiNHttre And the St sArt- it uiiusiiallylaidtii * c -a N " . iii on a * I I~ it Vi t itt tir t lirdtu aiXloilitt-to antotir It m- l t. ihti iit tt~lisoi ontil t ob-iter i1i. M~r, Birit saythtuthere to little or Ipo - ityof a ami-it-i- i enXiiil : It Iine htta. o wev elt ,ti-itit- i t- hitt-i ttl >w nttit-it if to tittk thrtisti li u t-t io'iiitt- itttiis -ibingiafttilngtidt It-' ased i i'ti m ig t--Ilo t b layi ed i s l ii 'oti andtolCh iago fald t j i N1lit-iX,\' LI CTIiN WiLIJ, \tNiT Iit-i UNiTILSTLI). odihr Today-SIDNEY R. MILLER- CALENDAR. 21 . Ctit. tilt - I t ii Ml i t d r i -c,-t-o '- ti{, N1ca , a iii i N-r rebyArm ndi~ l j C f )c~tolt Mtz-S11 ' r(iii td krtltbt facitiostovtr the outcoeiti theorectnt elicifitn iy the juiitr lav ic i t ii ith -rt'ottitit-it ofiftteortitorical ri' tt it ti tiot t o the etire it- tl wicht-l i-i't-e il candi idates it il ttd ftavortllownott. t l-iLSiNiOi)R MEE~T. Tlliii twtill ite ani imt ll tatlmeeinhg .ti 4, t-ttt-ai ottt irlos Iiiesiiay, ,larchi (, .t 5 lt Ill, ill Bar fur lit ni tt lheit-t-i ~ wtt- e t-goitti t-t it.er mqcitaIt-o Ini'i't oilor XXedineosday i -it-.w X tAt-i .1at 01'evenl itclick, at iC' ) hl ouseit-i' AX ithis ist-hie lito itt t-t-i tl,-oogoodi ottite sa su d. Ttickitslt' 10 t rwt-d fo he c m ite 50c Ait- t (id-i(-i-ntt- T-edr t o-e t lt i tel it- tAotheiirit-ltn Prined ion fine botik papr fro te plaintesithe o-iginal $1.S4 Editions WAH R'SI Spring Woolens The most complete assortment of wvors' teds and worsted cheviots in all shades of gray are to be found here. You can only appre' ciate the good taste wvith which they have been selected by anl Sactual inspection °~ S the goods. You're invited to lo0 a ath1 c iiaotti -car'I d -Dlrawing lnstr 1111 unt: -Try LOur $100)en - R~ -- D'J)KHS I SO tl ltN' 1il7 't11)1 t-I iL It. Skw -Xl I lii VIitlOLiET BRO WN'S IIRUG S101RE i\. SES Ih1 t~~s et -E'ot jw- r 7iiitii io' i-t-tit ie i itti it- ) i ll i- titt ol hit- it'ak uti tu reh rivitl - l, ) 1- " CC 11 , 1 i itfa t-i L. TIeet -oofSi' laZt pt it wiho t1the 'f ;tr:1 lillt r itt I ttt - te n i t-oiisalei that ii, e aln a h ro l ovfn.I( -- hs las of fu ntue.- ' , l R o, prl. - - aieba e b ti:t' 1; ti l tl, 1> 1 le art nHal li-. i t lend, tper tve20cu t 12,d 1. o1rs4, 211S 6 M i .Lbry S ate ti iD A thot texl l t 7'. t '(t.i I~i ; 1t1 C'" 1 . e li g l th r o Champ Ciark ('lil~l S al('ootoool oIii at i cdllsll'ii ti--iichi-ta i-t1(d1dPd~iit-PP Oratorical1 -4 Contest S r C HliniOta.MabETEEHNCOPY 1 e Al) S S piION 1a teVriyBiladRo I ~ 313whiAhasFeshequmenRintcity. t) Il 6 S S; ca itus-unil N. Cittiwel Ito icy Vtt-t i I Moill 1'. r'iccutlcoll SO 'SAS it kNI !id ward Bii SE2ASON 'rICKI2IS $1.( tienr, SINOiI I a Q 096 a V , U3VC your riuturHs fiane~dat De tries Art Store corner NEW TORE