THE MICHIGAN DAILY. SOne Night Out to FLORIDA + ____VIA D ig Four Route ?From Detroit and Toledo ( UNION DEPOT IN BOTH I Toledo and ± Cincinnati '' No disagreeable Transfers write Bi For Aent for Inorma- +L. W. LANDMAN, General Ag. TOLEDO, . j Collegemen find a grateful degree of comfort and service in the Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near= ly two milbl.,1mere. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ae. N, w P oot457 Hell b o' 00 to I ,STENOGRAPHERx Fr-ed E. Butler, '05 La~w OFICE NO. I, LAW BLWt. Hours 2 RE1.0 SiNCI, 523 1. oAISoON ST. P ne347 J.. iDllI'IoOFFl YPSIL.AN'I', ANN ARI)IJI & JACKSON FLY,iAI ABLE. mad' C Clop. n '. to On top - oo'.ulfootoo to 0000s lr - 6 t \.n.' 00 t t oto:r '. d ,c '00 '00 O in A f .0 "0 Coot ot ooo r 0000.0;;:U a. oo Cr iooo 1o1::;0 p 000To[ r. ando L-) u tl 11o' :11'.o'o .o 'Oooo'oo C oo CO ot,to o rot-oo0.- 0 Cm[cloicocr andolioooernoo Dr,l.r ambulance Call attended day or nih. :'ICI tto oc.Av f.; 'ototo'ooo'c 000000)' }'hooetoH00. CoA nn oA00,, CUTTING, RFY3R&CO SOLEt1 AiSN1 # i.f r teIM P E R IA L H A - o 109 & 111 E. Washington S.. f # # i # # N f # i N i i i i i i i i i Vi s i t K E N T S C H L E R ' S NEIW GROUND 11LOOR STUDIO. 319 [ast Hurton Si. opposioc iltdi+-'o' iobrary Special > ektes to SerIlors ii ll Depax-texoetts or flt ia M1sount aificoute W' IC, .M 1 H. ID. ArmIstrongT .A I- 0 Ic i-b 000 0 1 0000 ly 'ottioo ott ,0 'II nic00000 0. el'i< < - t ool ait 000 of ~ .N y1:hstte Iito rTo l loihag punoh too 1oooi 1000. o}tato ototosa ntitoolsa .000 n men w1 t orkotottitllt.most M 'ot ottCahill01ran 'theol tot 0-lo Mio' '0f 00f Cchign hathe.~o ht 1 0 of vi-r41Co thart ste ha0 01et ooi lly flcol i ofIt lof tOtl b o 0an't om keoI00 .0 f'. o flufi f. 1to lot' at:o oo ' tto s., ll f\tit 30100thleti I]loo or aoyothertiorganiz'aion/in0th00 tw ,'Altohas0 as00000 a frainetr 00' Keene0 1 soldos aythflat lMichiogano'sfrack boo 10000000ar as ily 's'0000001 a0 it p t- r l Mclr firstooo lt 0yoyard clat -- eeer toOicilan 000 00,flnb too to 0.00st oni. I in 11 l,l 000010an, 1fA I IM olo hig ju1 000000000 1 000000ead1 Mi1h toc d o,i bo1i~ ligo '. 1:-53 -.0 11 olk.0oll0 o, lc n n ove, P'iI tilto l hto o l oo F ittto Oooto o 00i1, f0r0t; Ibea , :Michigantt 00c0000 ,'w , RaIiney, Carrel0 f sfoOo, 00 oloto. irt Tl - hilo, Firso L't R Inototoo Tickeot for for shamploos, one ol-00 1001. Soft wafer. Misso Vaoogihan, N. Ulniversity, near Quarry's. 0-th-as01'. Try someitoof Cushongysal 1.0.0 c lales. tI L..afest novoelties 0i0 so000000-.: ter & O'C'ounor's, '619 1.. i .00 ol X17otto So l) ySilts ireoo'0d, 25c; t0ro)t 000000 t Fuller & 0'Coonnoor, '0319 l il o FOR i ,' 1' bSotoglo 0 clto J, d~ In00 c 0h a) loo too ' ' 0.. 1; Go to (Cusiing's forlorfo Cailer's Milk tChlocolate. 01 Steam aced Frenech cIro y OO~000 repairing at Fuller &(O 0000to E0. Willoatm St. t'iILI ' 00.001'l .00 1o 0.t' 11 00 fite, State sl tto lllo;t( it' 01 t13ll' officeit]tors,}1toAl)0in )'lo last bo ' 00000000 l"c0' t0 11000 00(I] a10 0 liool 01. ()o. 1'G. 0t 0.' Otto 1001ar il:t z 0 =) C' ]t i~ ° THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Addoresso L. 1). Bt o 0000i0w 0 S. Fouthle Otvtios ooto 1060130 homet~, Astlb is It \t 0 lC ' ~ , i t t 'i t 000 t t I l ti 0 00 j 0' ~l~il 1?E"' : C 11O((' rrjj(4 ,1 - s _ ~ t~ l..,.1 at 10 } t! t2 treet ,0 &"o 'c $03.00 0. M.Martill Funeral Director Plt ooo 4 thob Ave.Ponoce 98. 01 . '00to 3012 SFt.hle Ave. Phone Ill' Ambulance on call. WV XSU'1ENAW LI~ 100 kPOX\ IZ CO 200e I. W \tiINOj ON ST' ,t Pickwick o BOWLING ALL10 Str ictly Vpa-to-daote. S. KO-T'I-NS-rEIN, prop. °Walchzes, Clocks andJjewelry FRESH CRE AM PuFF filled w00 DELICIOUS WHIPPED-PURE CREAM PENNYCOOKt a pair of Rubber Boots Remembher We H'ave the Only Corn- plete Line of Boots in this City for MEN AND WOMEN f 3 DIFFERENT ST1YLESAND1 WIDTH-S IN EACH Two Styles are Entirely New 'IhisjYear and You Will notEind '[hem Etlsewoher- ", 1(19 S. Main St. s-t+- r-- i7+- Ffl--+tr- -o-.39A ,-~ -+- fr -r..- .. 'Tell y0oustewar oo sev theifm000t00100ncht _.... EGY PT 7T ttrTurkish Cigarette can he made CORK TIPS Look forSlt"op 0PLAI N of S. ANAR-Gy ~~ TAILOR. ~The Best I alf~ Always Ahead In styles MIL WARD, THI