fIIMICh-IGAN DAMIP. +* ~w~~~r r r a r rN *pin THE 11ICHIGAN DAILY. Ented aa s sodlass matteratthe An fLab, :it ails5:onday exceptedt duigte r t ii;b.Washigiost reet, ManagingEditor, J. STANLEY BLEY . BusnessMnger, CLAUDE A. 1THOMPSON. tTailoring 4I " -Athietiskt --CIIE Lo . DEW Newr-------------ARTU Rt o C.PO N : i t t .... ..... Joseiph Y e r y r T DITORIAL STAFF: THE E NEW T P IG A. M rI e Hy11,ylAndrt 1. Watte.Jayn WOOLENS ARE Uig . ASS OCIATES READ A. 11. ()Ott :tyer Sidnety It. Miler EA YHugh Allen iltl C. Sanforsd Chas.tW. Amabroise Louis Stickneiy Chta~s. .WIitead .Terru Wiaoalckt GereA. Barns C arenee . l: F And the Styles are BUCSINESS STAFF W.R.llas EN.Pusey .1. 1F. Fetzer A. BImous unusually Handsome. --_ RATES2: $2.50 peryear, or $2.00 ) ifpiduin0 atdvancer. : Off1ce Flours: 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 ^ 'H. ILD O., dily. :{.Adidress: LAt 1)10 A.') tlOtt1PSONBinessi 311 . Sate ianarier, 331 Packard St., T'lelphone 461. College ]dlr7 d~GC.A (Continue'd [tom:pages one.) Text= B ooks *sbicl by l ~Junie ,; I'sli Te cai ALL. Ll5P~l~ I l +N,'hiadlnst decsided jus tlwhat formtheti New and Second-hand memsorial should takebitt that it should ,. ," lo: seulas wtell 'as sornamtental, ITe Br ing Cint voutr sol oos ;t' ::ti::sPlattseemed ito he a hall, built 'anlt'excI:ange them tfor 01 te;cap, i n ith tudt~ls tould + ssil sr,,a:i ils t he wa i.lls :51 55l:iscls hless. Should bes:' hurttl; tsl Le'ts .:t::iIistni:'ssof ittt io s :1 :tsstss. Th is:all ws lso::: and i 1t" isb'eluseby the sAlumiitiassscastissi and ~,a; :stos csontain ofi:cesifsr theAlm Drawing Instruments ns. Fa1 rly th~is Pfall a comt:tette fr'ot: --_____he__I:: Iis r:: sonfe'rshdiwithli evr ali :1 + isis :1 tlssc ~ the i'ssssrs::l s'ssiisttrr on the.: Waterman's [ountain Pens deirb 5 4 of stiimi;thtwo s5:chesri Try Our $.00 P'en j: I: i rpoitii::::was no t favosredl b the'iisi inem 1 'sal ommitteei. Asssusquent To H E, B EST M A I) I s::tfreni had theis:'same s result, rexe'lpt that "sev m meso the: ::iini rs S HEEHAN l lis heU11,11astempolsrary quiarters. ~~IILLII~iI~ CO. ll sis,::::si::::s nost obijecte'dhto: by thecolis::: r o t he Un: I i on':i~:, bust it UJNIVER~SITY BOOKISELLERS It:;;sss i: been: ac'c:ptedslbistheis ar (tf dz ect~t S he rc, u 5:is th t th .f~A..+*1 ..A+-0 .oo. -s +-: A+-.+. .t t 4 i t,> ails'ltas er Ii:, '0t tl deference to 1: s p ioitt- decde t si liri o t a lq ,t e atl II .: is the sudeu ii'ii 051 sandil. iserer; to. I: 'iss :s ' C <,le :lil! 1 wr the ac iit, woki of tl:uii I ::: s te re d rs o have lma::ilu.sktdinsal il itl:othe isword" r:: i i ht I'. i::: is t s's'r Iad t The Ij-' , :Tilsls sg. :1: is: I is 5 re uno to p aiiclb IUitS i te1 fil vliavl !e. iTis is::::: plans a bulling: ou the cs ll ll Tl i 771i l:kti Hic l c'r1; ri lt C ,f z l;c rt 11c Ilc t17.i arar ilisi R[C[IVED! A Biii Coi.ktsii t ofl 13013L LAk NOVELS at 50c S . i r i+" $1.50) Editions IsAHQis t 1)1 1ts nkissofbat. ::r: practial cou sc i t S il: I:: liss i ll i t at the ext June 11 t ' un 0ite :the lclria l a ,}lc om~ ,.u sef ul Bool(s ;tcl()1 --Law vvStudents ( 1 ~lI, I(, Jos Fohrn s of 'si: S 5.7tciitg l's st' osof Catl it ! lll , Q IZ / F 25 0tibjeC' Illo (,-i {,f 1 Xa iilht- 1)1:::a P'Cs15 till O t sr iittt alld IAnt IIic:t ,In} (, e iors1, no ti tellltime toget0 he 1, s ll ii ; w rk oInsO1 truc.tions to Jfuries* wet I: : , o i 5O pages: Pii lllir Ice ss$5. a0 . U lii l ic rlc'Ilrts o 1 5 i ti l , It rc :11 1 () )1 I de a11 LS y IIf It(l i I Il l p..15 m trt l ,th..t Cire sbet oh E idencith ' WILLJAMS' s11U2"". ILl SERVICELWADMEIA ~g Eyes Eixamined Glasses ftlted Easy Glasses for uneasy Eyes AT ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store OPTICAL DEPART~lENT It. H. ARNOILD, Optical Spescialist Lenses Duplicated frames Repaired :1 is:: s'd is : lirgi :,as s l r b~ i i i 5 :1: is that $s buts thtitheuus i1:: s iii:i'l:' ii 'fl isis rilsl cmitehstknrieisS n~)hi n usrp ionsoncodi ::::at$, iiwil iten (is'sl ci I HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY I { BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCA The Students' lecture Association 1004 - ftf[votrzt SeazOn - 1005 Russell N. Conwell I-enry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SO! ISA'S BAND Gov. LaFollette, IdwardBok nenry Van D~yke Leland T. Powern Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Content c Open Number OUR SPRIN LI NES ARE NOW OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION Henry & Kyer I AIIttkt F)L INI5lS 1 70 NTo en SEASON TICKETS $1.00; SINGLE ADMISSION~50c STINBLCHCLOTHING LINDENSCIIMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.