TIT1 MICHIGAN DAILY. s!!!!!!!!!!!!!.+!.e*THE 1[111UGA N DAILY.1 j Tarilorig I**ii i} t 'titi_ ; I it i}i l t i lt THMNWnPRNG gingt''t I lior t.STLEY ABALEY. THE:E S RI G . FItt . rvriar1. Anrw 1.F Wit e Javi' .it t t !* f W OOH A/LENS niARA t (' u }7 Ht A 'I IIII't, tstttt 3d1tSe Stsae IISt.:ShSTF W.it an as i N. I :e .i I' I ctre AIt , IE~t 1 ' wit i>> it JIJSJ R[_JVF. IOIULARNO L at 50C I(,,1- t i t i I'1 :s tI .l.k College ' Text= Books ALL l)EPARTI NT5$ New and Second hand Mathem atica land I)rawing Instruments;~ Walernan's FoUntain Pens. T* 'ry our $1.00 Pen ISHE[NAN & Co. .?.JNIVERSITY BOOKSFE[URS I. SOAPS--THIREE GfOOD ONES REiXA LL.FOILETl.SOAP4 HIOWARD'S FLESH SOAP4 TRIul VIOLET 100 It. i ' lilt tttt of3 BROWN'S DRUG STORE CALENDAR. ur'ii't t1 I i t tF, t I li *1- ((';11~iii 1tH( Itc, rii i l't t tI i i i ti')t ( "S c it. t c1cc n f( 1 i l l ii'it iii i 'I t h r 1 (1(11 i c 1c c l.t i 011iit t 01 til at li e iiiii it, i tt~ it i ti tli( d nt I t i it ii l ii il it h ;t i ( )it ii ct Oft dt iii 11.11i Wiil l ii th J ill I(Awnlt i ll i I itti i;( 'f ciii i Or t1 c r ; }t ti>ii tl '1 :ii :tt tc lIIdttt WAv lR' Spri iglj2 Woolen lriliil~ - i ll tti} - l i e Il't ii ii' ri Iit1 *1 .cii ) D ' it Ftol: 1"71 Mit- .. I' c iit 1 11i;141l ll, t' l ii f -lni lr trac i t "vithI i - iii -iwt r hI" . C. a S ls Fl;itliz dl cg at y ofthei illl Nt Ii ill itselIt a -i n ,f tt t ili tu Pitt e- a it ; oi1 the tore ofl i t iii e lit thiis i nig- r i t a yi rciii c (C ntiitiu d cThp~e %ine t fith The most complete assortment of Vl telIs andI worste'd cheviot: in all sliatc" of gray are to be found here. You can only ajlp[I diate the good taste with which they hlvc been selectcd by all actual inspectionl 0f the goods. You're invited tolo When a Man uMsspo)or soap, his irrittedit. Soothe it \\itli VN HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE COUThe Students' lecture Assocition iOFF E... R1004 - ltftP~si'wrt !eazon - 1005 Always Fresh-Our Own. Roasting Golden iol, per lb. - - Ise Ml a- iataita.per lit. - ___Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Ar-abiti ian ttĀ«~blt. li }li. j Dean & Co.'sIlnd prl.20c Russell N. conwell Henry van Dyke 214 South Maini St. IJEiA N HnyWteroeadU.Pwr John T. McCutcheon Champ Clark I Ig~Hi~i. 501 SA'S BAND Hamuilton W. Mabie i 18c a co. IS R (Joy. LaFollette r ~ Edward, Bole SEASON TICKETS $1. Oratorical Contest k Open Number Bi 1i .rds a Gentleman's Game, is always an enjoyabile ptastlle" whien played SINGLE ADMISSlON,,5Oc Fat the Varsity Billiard Room which has the fitnest equipmuent ins the city. b 33S. STATE PHO (EE951 I - have your ictures framneu at Die [ries Art Store orneNW TORE OC ai and Liberty