THE MICHIGAN DAILY XX'~~~~~~ ~ ~~ MA' 1. ' i i5i ' ii HI ~' ~ riCK & CO.'S DcO 'makes of Stits, (Overtcoat's,IRa ilsCoats anti Peg;'Top ITrouseirs. . t'. o l.dat ll asS t it 't ot Ask to see the "Surtout." I ttt ttltts h tsw lt tingtha t eveitS apeaei n att ltlt overcat. r Look forSatI L P I tte II. S. a&201us t(it nall thin;,to saltIfor-lid lt ito L. ,tLUTZ, the Clothier, 217 ,Syo. ]' Main St. 4. OR ROOfri ., . ':'ixt.4aj''r"xi" .s TL .i' ... . a...t, .. "B + ' - . .-.--.-.."e"..-.i--..-«.,. -.-.-I ers f d renonts ittiIi i i it il 'STIS W[[K DE CORA i ION. 1 1 ...Money Loaned...~ ausnesColrittraCldea l a ut t o W. J. L01< ANCING thexjt ic r~ tt lot 1 tnt ..tiit . iY w ic lt) 2 t~')to'::3, 0a t istia tl B loodess Strc lCidential.iti tn lt Iait ast' it Ay tiitthtatea e till itt 5 tutu f .:a~c01 iii 7 ttsitiiiiit ttittittitl Wl~t Ofit at'iti ititti tittrc t it tie iil'a",tttto tittitt til T urk~iishc titti '' Aisittittuit liii itatititi li t IJ e n s N O NA THI NL E A PC YE A RI P A RT O Y g0g tt t. .t OL ilitat=I h lt i . ri 't'titiiHatt at isi m il ti ' p t7 ;: it ) i a nc nit wt's +.rti ai', n New Brunswickb co_____ad_6 hil tti iii yll b ci c+1 Fine Cindarat;andrTbaeaalls. ut y. ,r Iraq imanage I h itt Bloodaara[lt ic s COIt atd H rol iHoles i 01)ci at 1CAGO titt :tli l ock, ti 13t St. 11 I AheNthAeicORsototiBUFFALOig N W Y R tavote it tin Setil itith direc Citiflret w illt Itoii'eili'tirediait thteli Si. l~iaitia, Kauisat ('Itx. St. Putt mttn is sermon. thrttattirtitathe tftipit ttsot~ti tstotLsaltno okvntelDr.'V. ItO t1oI[[[ W' CtASEt Agiet ttn Arhoir . B ils ~ERlT olONG DISTANCEd d ifa f'N LNMU NMSONE LIFE'LEP WAKAY A lfo 13B.ISI felfel Asnbeca[ blamedatbe g weatr il 308 S tate a., tR. E Ow h aed yar t an' e's husday. vn RaOr e bae et me2and. yarlswilhknaw o t New Br nswicThe a br~sls sook!taitolrs. rngr LEWIS L.CR ESET IN ANCING RED' BLLAD AROR l ~ru rs cad'C',-Iala IFACTS UM7Z -: Nag 0 The mtntietsre ns alitays otiok td spatni, fir ts irsilts, issils bitngt sv tailioredfImttthltsstIftabrics, itt's touctif iy'oi l iii'htre, antIot'lli ehutg of cotitficirits' in your stit aitd yo ptat y for it. \X'e..are hleaders BLER(ngWsRT 1S CENTS EACH; 2 FO 25 CENTS CLUETT, PEABODY & CO. SEYMOICUR'S STUDIO, Stn Santh Main St. f~ Urnt.'t fo trP/en Pan ior wt"r'sin cannot resist an engaging eaei way. lllese . ng g ak eitisr; w ilapeae -/.onf (s/i V/s/i/to lis &me. An engaging exte- rior is assured by the dclothes that bear this label ilt lag it:t Reading eoticen, except to Univns' sity organizatioes, one cent a word per isue, payable strictly ie advance to the Easiness Manager onty.. Uet. veroity orgaiezatiions allowed one n- tine free.t. 'Try sonue at Cashing's FutdeliChow lates. tf. -Mr. 0. A. Mloe, fornierlywiith J. It. 'T'roijtaniowski, has tpurchass'd thes Camt tosIBarher Shopti.antdrespei'tftutlly soits theI iiptatronage ofitse studtit Soils pressed, 25se; trousers, 10c. 'at Stiuller & O'Contior,hi's E Wtlltam iSI.. ctah (li to Cutshintg's for Hersheysa 'F iii ('ilire Sills;. C uocolate. tf_ ~d benamin St t Lteat Inovelties in suitings at hiul- A K R P EW Y K (a 'antior', 11.9 . \i NEauYOSt e erb{ nnrs61 L.WlimS.Get your5 Gymutailhes at Cashingos.- Lquallto fine suitom'snade beTHE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA in allbutlpice. 4The makers' his' guarantee, and ours, with ing, tarnishes niosic for alt occsions. every garment. (I We are thei ISue nsiExseilt. Adluss. aive Agents in this city. D.latess, manager, 808 S. Foturthi ave- itue. New Phouane, as's Red. St ____ r ____________ SDU BSC RI PTIO N S TO TH E DA ILY. i C U T T IN G , R E Y ER)l . S b c i t o s to t e D i y t k n a ,dayte atytalt't t(9.11E. WASHINGTON ST. at tusutiig's Drsug Stiure ani t.tu Sdyer's II 'i Newas Stant.States,$2.50tper year, or thk $20if itpail in idvunce. tI See Uinderweiiiarint1Cuttingi5 RItverSAVt a WAtLtiDOWN SOWN itl; & Co.'samwidow.8-12 'To newta ntdoltiusfor oate. It W"atches, lcs tius at .a)1Packsard srti . i -ti. 9 tr -Mciaesalus $1.00 ec atjewelry Repaired Sheehan's.tI' t i N i, II e tisitbiututerrandtt'u- IPHON[ COM1PANY uttut tat O ear" +Clci 'r BEST LOCAL SERVICE'jrst 4 .SaeSre * Yneaerugnt a' . THE ANNABO RAILROAD SHot Ltxtx chAN Stts touuiu' .1 TIME TABLE-Taking efc et2,10 WASI"IT[NAtWI t1t "tiie.iu. h )iy t otu tt be'twee'ntuu isAn hitbo [IGIIT AND VPOWERI CO. adI-'<)i 7u{t'l)it itulyeland It d a . ttd )i'ti-ui o wui'uioti..uuakean 200 E.W ASliINijTON S . 1"" I I t tBY. i;. I'. A., 'ttu Arbotr, thii'lu. as The New Billiard flaill :tNowvOpen. I ;_ Stimlson C& Stin~son, 4 334 5. State St. 4' ":''' H1'.'" f}'3 i i}r fo#*tr{r#i <40104 *}# 1" { ff 4i.iifi4'~"'''. #C ' WE ARE NEVIER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE