'H MICHIIGA N DATL\' HAN~,SH~B A~ + 217 So.-M 1rx Sj + M ny Loaned+ 0~ 4. andcol 4t.I ',. Bus~iness Sti xvlx 7 v) ldvntxial " il1 ceCasatened1.4r igt Most Mien's Cloti rlt' ii'I t''"1 'i'I S. c : W. Clothe 111 1111 11 1 1 I' . 1,]" 0' t < 1 iti t1 ? 7 111l 4' MAK& GO, 'fing 3 1 .0 - 1> :' S PE DE I loll cc Q NJ a rry 's !'HotL rc tew B vun wick mTables RIDlS BILLIARD PARLOES TurkishL igaretles and Wipes lilt, cINix1tIy. Acade'my ofIDanc'in. "TheNagara alls aoue' THEx SHORT LINE CHICAGO ANN ARBOR to' BUFF'ALG BOSTON NEW YORK W1ih dietxl' eto tC icg o xt, LOUIS, axxxxxx ix y SI. tPaxxi aid xl i \\exx. icrlxiorminxxvx and t xxgl ticklexs caxxl xxnxor 0w11te1to W.- ' ASE, Agent. Ann Arbxor. srededwhenBici ;standard 1 . a few Down Town - 'tIlxx:Oat no -ten t..r per- 31 I 3S~iL D 40 atesret 4. -'n4that 4nter PHOTOGRAPHS THE SEYMVOUR STUDIO, 3I1 5o 1tlMin at CASH POSITIVELY CASH ]i}i No order or cabs laor partIies xxor entertinxTHEL A NN ARBOR RAILROAD rfria 11011meatswxi lxxxetaken thxis tea-an n xless W1 axth .aoxpaniexs the xorderxxADSTEAMSItLINE. LIME "ABLE-Taking effect Feb. 26, 1905 1 l lII ATES: . I Ie .Nxx. I+__l9:05ia.m Ix..113+- 4:01 p.m ()[w o l e to id 11 ll'xxlxx lxi I *x r:, 'i Ax. ' i1 ' ",.". x xxix' 01>1 'l x daxx i1111excexxxpt Sunx- _ y, r s oilNos. Iand 4. 1tf ~ tatiIV. 1T. NItLtLS, Agt., Robisonxt& Cox. Hllxx 1i glaxxLx~II l yii 114 I'.A., AxxnxArbor, Mich. i lx t° Walker's Liverxy:x.aStrk xxlxxlxx BiKX otne IsEcl ! llards Pool AIL Y leit Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daiy S im so (+S im so Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 334 Souxth State !Street UNION DELPOT~S IN TOLED)O AND COLUMBUS. *++++++++S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Texmp,IDetroit. Mich. T obacco cigarettes Chgars '4.44 *'"*+--+ ~i. .xe .. ..4. 4" i +. "# '*4 4.. 4. i-+ .. +I4' Tl it WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORI$