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October 08, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-08

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The V y
No. 11
ftfl~fl~itIiU~ ~JI.AIjj.U~iHis Entire Ticket Is Elected-Senior
Sophs Secure Cannon and Put Fresh- Lits Choose Officers After Hot
men Through Usual Hazing Campaign.
Yost Will Try New Combination in Game- Kalamazoo Strong-Good Stunts-No Violence.___
Practice Yesterday. liTeAros trtttItirkrt wnttutittnt
lTe atnnuatl Frsh-Sop) rush totok the sireLit clse eertooyetr-
plaeoil th e ICamtpus 5lst night andtdaiyvaster1oe1ofthe tolhotet coon
Isetiettel Setttr~l Ihourtts aOistnettto Itigsios eve e it nfor the Seior ofit
This afternoniti Co tachl ost tiill tnty xitit'ititat Itti t nol's vtAI nuttt i I tf oon is s w rer r iy
tl his ciewlin-uptiott te Kaltmaziooith tsi en clfrdd th a -cthiS ltttbt r thle htn-Sttts i 01ma 1
Collegeclovenitand ooftiball foltiwers ton n ihil tey iwee nt ct ] wie i lwse eninny
trot f interet. Ktanlatatootwill o
Ford a goodtetlist tof thin stintigs if i, 3olt hosoo rnil itt l ~s 1lFSbe oeo tems
tienewis comn aionii as stir has sirs- I ltlin t h aingtt bi-gai.T hI lit lst nu i ilyIoftOwlI I trsniti sGle ( lt
if thi s tonignsti rllinge- Ie atii l.ii-ar hitwere0 pu III)Inesc11111ofi l lsp o t ll iatid lasehall
lai. Tthe, newspsaper r epotsils 5t't ti atndti o uh tthtriw i - t is aunth ofi lit hitanu Seniosr
liar y laltgl i edehr iat tishitary yt. iiis in -it- tutu in t i ltls- (ivOn i l- hi sIll, ir s follotw
ilso tas ot-elfasim acaot that1tarlii- ills-ilI. H-Armstong
trollntwtrkmig h rti rpaai n i iitfsitor i i i iIt I itilo
ota'sgame.- Tht-twill goinis rpsa oacoe his aslaghh15,t-nhi:tonoer19 orvice
aftrntoot nwit thedtnermtintionittioif-ttitt Il Frso
makinig a goodtsiistt 0-u ti ttn-ia i t-i iito- i i-ss
Varsity.. I'hcr wsi it--ht eatlto oe otis inti-e Miii Ttis Flrattirt11;1-01 iss
The squtadl wit-lhichmt-i lit. Vatrsitssruh- a ngh ad olnewai--ssfe e IR1iorein 29 Hiort Ia
)rarsine testus-nh-s - 1111 isSlsti_________1_2;__Her-
larger tanit h- ben or t- ts t I-iun r Elzb tt h.istaffhad,
51Wv atsaltogh it is itiiitilt Is qwC[EMENT1 [SEAR ". tli 515 1 hthtiMitBIshal111.
-as large as iii- coach dohsires.________ lilln a t 1r 51 Ch as . ich
Pri-re alhuhsapywsntrof. E D.Campell Has Been E- Itishl
liar wouitldhindiciat-,that thi-tear'-Years-Valuable iscoeries. r - iwu 1:0Fo ae
1511etutuetiasti-cutiedttori-titlen- lv nlv nhut;h-isWiit-ittt oe h
par01-n 10unnl ing i-tiuu gl i nalt prt - n 1 h t ipa - t ilti lug l\tisa tice ii1. londtt ;: 1- sI 5
int. Canh Yost idevotitd consie-nc ls ot
fheet titlistto M aoilio tlu kfra t-iititiv- is ll teli e httt-vt- ay. 1 t, is i s liisn ris1 . ti-hiss_? 1111e1
tine. Th e tp whlich ill iii h": i-li-Ieplachng b ican " le" iils
ably slartftithliii ahoots usisfollousii ittws: itith 1aon1-ad 1aer whoe iiitiligs --toilsI ]inleh 1i6. IFttclsks his
R. E.Cart;s- 'LI., Graham;n.i _ It'=y it I--u cn Itsie vSof it. Ihite ~io Snn, M int I- .Farn soroilh,1 2;
ti rowith oi tS 5ulie wir tutu is ts Ith uu iris -4 For clas orato,
Carts-n; C., Schulte;iLs G., Scnitz;li /i' to i li ssh-o-lthIIIv I - uiittslei
cross; I-'Bhi Hamitond;iL . 1 f.,1 I-ts. I i o h p npentt er
tol; R H., htuait. mnsmefcsiipri c ularti NEW THEATRE
Coant Yos sat-s lielltanutProillsgoseE. tD. tampbetlif Ills
ach mi Yo ttss atitendstoive J ila utut ift i-uiiy i i-tNew Theatre in Construction-No
allth mena-ho-an-"-x-ct t eiitnlm-nlottgf a syviuttu hansi-Iifen5- Plays in Athens Thin Year-
CHRLS ATE hu-uuts for vtin la tst tuinyeu-tis Plans for Patronizing
CH R E A T Rthit tilet ofIillthus i-sut- iieat-1115iDetroit Shos
FOR FALL PRACTICE . Star Guanrd Sill If-eIito Ics tan C 0 biahrog___ole co
tnut utAlluthea huttill--l hatitibis-i --u-u
Baseball Enthusiass In Favor of lb DECLARATION OF WAR e tcondiu~ tioIsisic I uutumn Lheing pSienty foltittflose plies-i thwtt
'-Guy M. Johnson Suggested As --Itutitti illdemni-t Thi-s -tis tn u itItilici ii is uh-o h
Man to Conduct Work thet-abhive is tehit eutad ii Ilest ni 11 I 11 tvi -is tialt- the aills hivaie t ututn
tilts es s nicht-iwssntpsed 111 at 1a, 1go1t -n toieus Ilhtavte i s iy sutl hre ttvi
INSERT CUT unigh bythi s hmenliit-a s 1tn11an1swer ittgpi-t a i iiI.n ta -n enS-b
Baseball thaerond cothsessii lsStp}udet ThePttnieim tider nofiuInst-u!u gnu--ilniiiclireints tio
are just at hresent botomig this feat- tei-inotie- is as 1othots:uiiseitdno ii- o - s-i hutii-oou ht t i nuuus sni itso tress-
ure of CUiversity afthtics. Iis 5ro- nmiitg ixpu-ere rce is a wse teachert, t --nm it-t- t ut knowuus the ils nttu 111sm l lisitgist
Poseud tattrait te mn bttu ii al earlsuu ito PhiiLumpi idm Bets~uuuuu ti-tu itito-it Iiu-tit- il-111 itithis,1 te eaiunltgreaatyetwoog
he tmen-botte inittlilacheica11li htsit i t-lu-lo aunt
and inl sprting u-tillthe oijstiofiise- hi-hin Siriiuitgts-ohs-th ii nuryttduit tcthat-uSwahoont a
curing a cba mntiuusli teIanm. inight."5 11151111t l.si-iTheith alleI-tntoftte ssha t ne s at
b- 55 ttAt prtttth Si-tS st- itutn.10Ipoulssile.t n hutti i t tl-t if ti-iutis i
"\V'c e~onnand "c ~ise One to-- - - - -- - - -iro-f-s-ee-- ahar- -- --1Wut--ittfi authra, luodusholdaafire
appear - 5 iti beluforeut . Councuil hl t f his ti: utu this-t- iswo ulibe litut lhope
_ morni just afw i t tmi111intl tuitui lar i be udoneu sithiic(1111 l.iirilails wou1l 10-tlit tbo ti $,000, ath
- - - --of url 11111 ath in- hel l 5at hh i-uf-otn -uo u It l til ittu- ietwsilthe iiaitre ssoult
and a testIt heai t ;g inedin jor pii 111111n Jauary, ututuanditill yetiIttoit Thest tuwnes itt
onteu Si-us EI--i tnsttat thin -gea 15 ni nes them. -isIf( s t yet r-theprprt naevelu- thho hu t hutis
- - seat,-of lca t---u an s--i it by follow r iive t his--o1j1ect1in iewsutus lut the, itt-=.ithIles thu-oatre uhas hbeli sruink
ngt5 111t-h ill-u-u-Ils set-i rhinY 11111f has 15-1s t Ii s sitfahut tilthe i-u-cti-n d w-111silhlusesclosedtpsu
per paer-Buls' lt- 111111 tia siiruvaua le nd iiom t its ott Ii iti
Craurs to h'u-ulo-iiee i ,rlccm~t m I uuiiatil li eet-in s i--t s a ubsiul llt oriithis, Manager
' Athits'ii or to11111 il 1 hit e bitilt en his deived-t 1 stu I loisn S--stut h as11-1 adt t he Ilis Lght CGuasd
orsitrtsof thi ss o tol I sorI mphl s t-serc I lc al r - m ulet -tuo-s trseet betwnieu
"Afth tercntt io ihteF cl erhse cctfev.tatiI u-ilheilainiand uScnduul it a auevile
Iv and u~~uppere tismvutt werein- utt l is very' sudiotuasiloshut It is oulwhre gning nexgtimsfsweek,
ftormeit 112I h c mos itili siddlig oft - shut-ru theiiiws-it-It still otupyu t helii hight-class atilts I siill aplea heore
y or tutu-till- re5 sen5 home to time it 55-turthree mu--ie or tutu s t-v-- hetilt n tsl Ni huhait will hr billed
SWu- utue truiighluty de itit ut itinehuts-uors hac, t- cnmstidert-utmuheucoru-t , s nn Arbor o hietdea to
ainnihmilate hut it si t r I tiluts C(lii itniulon tof cotn t a it is vs-s- fit-tilt ahis times u hut-cni-s Well, yes
GUY M. JOHNSON. ceiti anthd uulo ts 1110a-.- Blurs-ions-cu-olli t pickt oulmtheInfuence otf olullsrhtmlausru -t hieat A nsstheatre to
-- conic on--- eum ue a das lillofmeit t s Ilots elmeunti-as liithe t t-influnces sitalthei be-blit ultIthis eat awill hoehfinished by
lit has been suggestedl that tt ar- and melit- ytur fat."Ss nd- ohemrs hvtin- uthe s-onsdees'li thi ep.1 105 hum is h aeirs o.hbe
rangetne01 besaute sinmilan o that ^Shintigaut. I1908.(1111meis-.ibuilit y hu eo is-ttH-laths-ncomany
00owin voguei at Illinois lUisersity In Ilull Irouuesso Caunmelnuunti-awhunt s coumptosedh sitthi sthubus-
There a cotach gtems a squatitt firsftuel tothits-Jourunal of te Aumeian ims umenin ti oss-iTheplu-taishave
year men andtriains thenmfr fumituneem siial Somi-tyilst ralutlintit sr-scrp bencmu pltutselsmtdifits o bs- le
service The oachi is a termanenti DEAN VAUGHAN TALKS ON RUSH utionuf is epes-imentauul funuunsmfi ntsmmallpsra houseinusthus-west
fitureind 11hseest-soumit tathishrs- I-IsaltVauighantiiof teSheds-al Dh-t-wshic-uh isdesigned landth nmstumteu hethi runsiruct-i ms o begins at once
tine ds- eelstputintob chamnpionushsipu nma- rion tutill eit a tshorn tlk to- uhe uislf, lise has taslso rttnt s i ls-SI Tsisia, iuseis IS h ass- a ap-
leial thIe givs thmlbs-iouthm all anul fist-tarMedicis tututhise u sube t 'ol 1110this-i-istils itthis research swhicthuani t uof eishtsensum ndreidiupteplue
tpringtuastie A nmboler of base- luht Frusli-Sopil htnsh. He advshedt hms- i tllh ise sovei-nte smyvlabletT Ihutru- swihefvehisutlnedu tutltu-
al lovetrs aant o sie such a plntha e lim to stay t ihome onu t heimi igmu t:i ofih osem on cetrinediuu ti lsue tm ufttune s11 -n-u t slonmthisfhrst ihfloor, uovr
iauguats-d here Coy IllJohnson is the Rtushlanaoid autltillappeuarance-of ( anslusehs-sfl tinitntiehis-buishedsit ihe acniyand the
tne of the mein whit hare been ms-i- lawlesness, saying ill]Hirt,"A nicalrowd_____same_ u~ in lbhe -galery and double ties
tinnedl s fullty capablelstto strt this- f itt uditn lt s tilloun i-nullsis 15fholuts-n oie-ct11side set ar enough
Pat catice unit coach the team He lite to umhings tuor sswhi tuu i FERIrMNsWLLORANZE firusthIemu-stags- ii he goodseats
wOs assistant etiachilast spring amd its indulllme mberiuss wulmulikll t All person hisotinig utecniduasySThe sis- iiilhe theatre wilt be six-
id excellent wort at that imit when bhis-nusible. hst yein I ws usails llf5 Woodbtirilke Nierris fon ghverunorstylfeetnsin;meaureenst ofsitstage
he learned the neeids sitthe eam ndiul enud ealy o its- mmliintin-iof thus- f ic higanliars-reuiletstes-itiolms-t :t ills0lue ts-seli ainu -4tsfinit:proscsneim
Of the men themrselves Rnsh o go dowsnusandth as-u icut Nikels ll,326Sate St.om Muon- itawill lbe ans-ait duptliae itthe
Johnson whttis a csguiarstutdent lit jail Ithlbssaiime utng ihppesldailis- einigOtobierm 10th, mi t oiuuloteratHoutuse aiu modern in
Ithe Tniversity is n ardentMin- this tear I shltltmenusynurshnt tuer ii rhtiskfsunthuseu p use-tof oganizig s-s-rndes-huh
(Continued on page two) a1111take tanotihernap1011 Ferris CampaigniCli. (ontinued on ptae to)

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