THE MICHIGAN DAILY. HfART, SCIAFFNI3R& MARX: Sutits, Itaint iT o1p0 Coats and + Trc~is our spring otfI itornw rea lv Ifar yotur tttspiitttott. LUTZ The Clothier, SUIT CASES Th iysLretAssortmntlHere. $1.65 - $2.00 - $3.00 up to $12.00 j Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks In All Sizes and Prices CLUB AND GLADSTONE BAGS, $1.50 TO $13.00. MACK & .CO. 217 So. Main S#. ka.A - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +4- + t + **.Money Loan .-+ + and a'1ltHL ii i S W. J. LOUIM,. 1W. Business Strity Cnidntial. tiOCl4DIET' RLL1, Eniatner caisi V lii JDiretor &Sbulance -Caits attended d.c' or night. Ph In t1. Ann (Ii. v .. .. - .. )t: sti } ti{~}Cy4: sas A r ri'v ing Daily! NEW SPRING SUITS, Top Coats, Cravenettes All the newest and best creations are in this assortment and we will be pleased to have yotu coine in and inspect them. Our big a.ssortun lit of Spring Hats has arrived. A NEW QUARTER SIZE ARROIW 16CNSEACH:; 2 FOR 25 CENTS CLUEIT, PEABODY & CtO., ; ,; iii . i.. ( I f Corr n ettf n (!w( fCCrN[wtM F SNCI Mlackintosh's Toffee aind Peter's Milk Chocolate all Qu iz r's IbRUG STOKE- I Ynns Cars getn ~ *i Hot Ltuftch 'iii W Bruns wick TablWest REIDS BILLIARD PARLOIRS Cleiars and Tohaccois. Ja". . id. ot. 31,i .ts ii iii liii Turkish (C1garettes and Pipes til v t Pr l wht t« icityi . ii t . Aciicy titt ti r a ii Situ, St. t tt It QRA N GER Academy of D)ancing j "The Niaara Falls Tae TuHESHORST LDaE CHICAGO i: ~NARBR toBUFFALO -ABRt BOSTON NEW YORK Sihdrect connections at Chicago for the hoits, Kansas Ctty, St. Patti and er West. Fortikscal informationan SAgent, Aim Artier. ROCKINI1 VAILbEYI You Will Find Fou Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. UNION DEPOTS IN TOLE1 S. E. CLARK, 202 Elku' Tet SIA[DL[II & WURIN "TV 'Ot it \llttlt. TION. lttntINPSS ORG A\NIZATIO N . (C tiitd fromitpageoe.) '' st a i itiiii ignnto 1rI i ls it . Tie cuttiing shiouli l sitciii acciiitnitig ibis year giveni for milc theda rein thiis bai-t-ifirsmt timecis proving a decidedly lIc a,l cci, i tittic iiitil the ntacatioin amd olpiuitltinciirse. ''Tcesdav night ai five Ic ithittceasaaslutely. ITis o'clock tilc cture rosin ofTlapipani tall 1cIl ii'ii it . it it, the iveathier wscoddtvtnsuet n aut ii sial l ;if ithe scuttintg conttinuea sa'ciiiclnjl uieisai aut menth lisateed io an hour's talk sit ii vct it willistibeom tit. idtire-ofilc eices. A nmbmier of the mewer n ieh clcss w st illtic inteirfcredidevcs nttiw uasid in offices for time par- 01i f+ir a lotgtietutu so mttay ioneittsainbg tiiie and expense were ca I 1 be cut tthat tic cinch t wittlioicxhiitedcuandtdemnstrated, a number It I ropely hncii. Againt, I do tot if them fun the firat timne int Anni Arbor. I' p ttttitttl i lagi tersnaitl rnprsentative was ccit here lt ~f teirroous. _. the be taf cbytiheIDetroit AdldintgMachine corn- iirc In tact, itvas nlybeeti itt ce- mn oepantheir device. The sten- igntaphlic sta hshsbe rcie. photograph used for purpisses ulingi shouilitbe Itsettendbitt tiltif itfilce idictatioms to aid the office stemi- pcain i shou ilit be coiedic toi thin tgnatphen was detnonstrated, as were the pIi ain.ive evniny miati a chiance, flat-bied typewriters by which manifold a liii sexescis Iliastilt aitd cunning coiesitaren made, atid the patent devices I vaig the "bunciittsh." Observe some fun rapiidly sealing envelopes. Exhibits IC s-gi:t iihtsitlte tltcfltny itwsere niitdeof some of the card index avV csstroble iththefacutybutaitillooae teaf ledger systems' and all i Will 1 ia Itatis tinthttreallyumeatns if the smodern appliances for -office fa- iii ttli alr I iictieve that obsern- cility scene touched upon. In each one I salt>fisuchtititttia stwilt go a loug of ihese lectures, one of which is given tMV11*s eimiatng uchincdenscacti week, somse particular phase of the i itnifeadt tlay fun the simptle'titsinieas orgngtizationi is discussed, The c~ac~utha thn, nd nlythe, wlltectunes arc givemi Tuesuday afternoomns ii IiI Wh l niiiii assiitttmea custonm at five o'clock. s itl,1nhdft unritdtlddlicentse. I irybres iItcnseitid wec tll knoic ia ticelc ecsisnot. As I said be- FOR RENT. Ire 1 tlietttheicustome tit if ste canmist iii a Ciutstmilltthet full scnse of the One of the miost des irabsle tuites itt ,fliihen1Ibctievc that the studenit thne city; l aso small single room. 1247' > ' li listaitit out the whlile busi-t- Vahatteiasv aventue. It-12 c: iAnystutdcit stuntt titat places - -i , ricustliItouitited studientta its the fPH.jO T O G RA PH tsitlisnt tibe lighttly dcalt weih. £7,1Ii. We havetiiiny ugoodtcustomts htetCIall at; flil afttr ifetilelct be looked back THlE SEYMOUR STUDIO, i aIitticn of the most etijoyable r lsof ouc youth. But let us nt 316 Sout Main St. whoiiiandilswhat see ane and, above Ithtuteibclontitg to a university that CS POSITIVELY GASH tnit dasyswitltue sun almsa mater. .teit soi, isi tlt sisicenity, I ask this Iii itnlsail i: IH tii matter does not No orders for cabs for parties or entertain Tii sch taltleige tthe attenstiomn of the ments wtill be taken this season unless :IIi,,z then doetis it mist give a int to cash accompanies the order. he iioiiii ttsc that is inestigating the RATES: One oaple to and trim parties or enter- jgto6 LITS. taimnts - - - fn ____Exclusie e o fcarriage - - 3as0 Jutniornclstsamtettiing Thtursday after- Cupme - -- - - - -ee Sti5o'lc, om CktUy. Pe. Robison d& Co. Holmes' Livery StcnyPe. Walker's Livery W. H. Stark 4C Moust lends are good for afe things. They Sud upasrentecher - tin ats sonithe hody, iut dinc n- tain allthseeeets cessart uish the entatebedy. These is oefood ain which ltth5,eteeents ncessaryifis per- fectntitinaectasined, aid that is Shredded Wheat Biscuit betause it is mnof neatran td nothisg es.Icotisatlithe wheat-evey hit ofti-acd ahkernieiofheatepeetsin intouthe tcmpositiec of the huanbohdy aed brin. C Cnsseetly, th e iheedded Whole Wheat Peeducts mnke their eec standard of health-there is ce ethee Iced of whicthse can he said. Ot Shred- ded Whest is not a prtepared," hitatnat- uaafood. Itisnot redigested." itch tomdsenieebte the stemachhebyattempcing io dn tnt is chat it sheuld doriset f 41 Shredded Whote Wheat Biosciyhe seevedwiihnmilk,cteam,ttruit or cege- shiles. 4C Trisosoil. she whole wheat ctacket. ased as bsead uar used. neti- cius with hitter, cheese or preserves. Sotd bhel oteres. 4C Send flet"Te Vitat Questitn Coos Botk," lie. The Natural Food Cosmpsany Niagara Falls, N. Y. Down Town OcGt, your a WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED We Shavefirst-class tikenand gtar- ILantee ourneorh.iWe settl Fobs, U. ofiM. I +Pisssd Bssners a1 Reduced Peices. Telephsse 310. I. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. Slate Street THE ANN ARB JR RAILRO)AD TIME TABLE-Takingefefect eb. 26. 1905 SOUTH iNOTHt Le. Ne. B*- t7:20ate. Lv. Na. It- 9:05 ant «" Le. i3+- Stiltput 4't- 8:15 put. Ar. 5*1'.:35 cp. me *Daily except Suday bietween Owosisasnd Tnledo. +SThrough trains daity exepet San- day. Free chair ears on Nos. 1 and 4. WV. T. WILLIS, Agt., J. .KIRBY, G. P. A., Anit Arbcor, Mich. Totedo, Ohio. R 3 Continues Its Excel- loot Train Service. .r Trains Daiy Sleeping Gars on Hight Trains 1)0 AND COLUMBUS. mpi , Detroit. Mich. I.+* #, 4kI.: Bllllard. Pool S.timnpson . Stimpison 334 So~sth State Street Tobaooo CRdartte. Cige~a. i ~~*s4+*44+++aH+++i,..i.n .. . .. . . WE ARE NEVER UNPERSOLD -GOO YEAR'S DRUG STORE --.-