THRl MICH-IGA N DAILY. Oune Night Out to * Don't fail to see the tFLORIDA . VIA____ f.Big Four Route :Sh rt n. .From Detroit and ToledoIN flJ j S(UNION DEPOT IN BOTH)4: C T I G '" O Toledo and Cincin n ati ; Are showingr in their wvindow.f No disagreeable Transfers - 109-111 E. Washington St., Ann Ai bar ..Write Big Four Agents tor Informa- !t. } ar} to, r+.tVisit W MTCHL W :L. W. L A N D MIAN, + NEW GROUND U100R STUDIO. 319 Last Huron SI., pposite Ladirs' Library enclAgi. TOLEDO_ 0. Special Ra.tes to Senitors ins anl Departments I N'\o>0 N INS1) CI NING;-? oyers', 21_ Moilll 1100.10)0' 2llti. 1 \\ie 2 1. t t t1 f 11111-1 1w a1pro""+>c (1 010 I .> ) . ' «r all th I(tlr lll'i\\( 00011 1010)()ileac a )ll oti 1)0re 0 10 0 00' 'o l, i 21 )., 1 30 ( 1 ~ Il~ ,ta t It \1 (ooOO )f pa"i0000011000 1 100)01010010111010 -ll ' o oQlleg{em en find. tol 10011Ir o)1'. -pr bb > ooooIII lleoilig!1g('I00))t1Iil -11IC:. 11' grateful de ec. f 0110p fso en ritonll> 0000 101)1 lll- 0l ,i1e 1r It comfort and service h ln- fPidco~aoooo in the..Brighton Cl 0.0 ( 0 ffo at aiN vlis)ANi~t'l' Flat Clasp (Garter. 0. ~ooOl oI 101 0 )0 0 lb0 >ooO)100) o 100)000 Now w orn by nea , ;1'I0> pliltI:d' all (:.I the vo()n0000 000000000le (If A c>( 00000)I .21001C0' ( I0o'00I ly two nillion> mei. =WI e iCl ''l al1cclcdnce , to tt1 1 000. t1 . liar1>. t lcn by the fifteen 01100n)o'0'-1''l0)00 ro t- or 300S. Staler 1. 10000Try ~o 1 0 1 r s ome of Caushing's Fine Clii)co- 1'1111011>111 )00>1o01)l.I))CO.,10 1 larc'itnepal I e stf. 0 ~ l~ooO .10. lol Co 0 ol 00 ) 21oooo iatest. iovelties in sutitigs a) Fob- 1hugtar he t .ti ha det'at 0 04 .) ler & O'Connor's, 619 IE. William t 0. ' 4a + ', 1..T. i.3. T .'1T*T" +4 1 i' (joing Home' West + otr South west? iussouri Pacific R. *OR SIron Mountain Routc ()IIN) S' TIME Jl + H.D. Armstrong, T. P. A. A l- Mic .+ t Choickes, 4 wV" S 14- . ( l 1 s4' atj (Am t + Rayhiken? w CYoUS ACAIe)IiMY r Ollir 25 4 Ave Plioie 1} Ambuae Streeil LWIHTIN& LESSONSCx 200 o.rA $3.00ONSr }BSWLT'NG AALE"I' Strrs.i1.1 .tly Vf-1 - tn'.ntne-1ii- 1 Rowe's Laundry Ihomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ave. cWaIl I 045; Bll)Pone 101- STENOGRAPHER Fred E. Bu~tler. '05 Ln.w t11 oo .01 y 111101itinl g.o101' 1011101>11011100000 rep0w' (>f00l' -( o t i 01i>or w tin1. OFICE) NO. E, LAW ttttOi. Houurs 2 to 4 P. nm. RES5IDENCE, 523 .t MIADISOiN S'I. P.hone 347 J. Dtroit, Ytsiantli, Ant Arbor & Jacksontty. Time Tablr: S0)00-0001)c00100 between Ailii Arboor 101d lct 0000 IVCea 211111 Arbor every 1000 aii l1iistie°c~t~ Ir>,~r tet y I nr Gy m jpties at Cushings. I, wl"0Institute010the on 000010 I Sails tressed, 25c; troutsers, 10c. lm watii l~iago ard tlatwasat slier & 0'Connor, 619 E W\illiamttsSt. 0)00' 1i;a Cho"'ii11at11Lewi _ I Go to Cashing's for Hersheys & 'llldte liii orll> 000>00 0 . Cailler's Milk Chocolate.t i0000000000 Oorr(Mooooooo 1)eoo 00110l iTHE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Addtress LI D. Batea,,mnage'r, sep S. Fur(~tthavenoie. IPhoneis--Bell, I 1)1>0)I 1 l S' ) Tl' I Iiolo.1; lottie, 289 teel. 24tf , . 1 r:ttl i ' 31't S' ! r jti ij 000000001111 c0t0000101,000 arc00) ioloo 'o') 1't.lltt t' 00)00)0 0)) l ob 10>0010~tt t raj I ) tI Ic v IIIo) t I'-c1 2 00,00 )o 0000000.30,)d snit1 oicket for four shamoios, one dol- .-oot'o frottt 18 tntul 1o p. tII. 10i1 c11 000000000)1s'alieadvlolle'of1tle tateersity near Q urrys. t-th- s t'.' 707 N. U.nt.. Ave. t 1000000 and1 45 aminuttesv. ! Il' 00000011001 11()'t 0>0 0>100 tic on li ; c alcrs b0wen Ar A b r r( 0c ne ' . l, o w ck Is~l 01''' 1 )0) 211 00 il-' ll 'hebesot. Rutobetr Booolt11m11de. wllcn ool1011'>tloof alnlAtet Arbor ttol 0 10 1100goldonly000)'by Ge-or e 1f. Mler0. Irtotf W atches, LIocKs ando Jew~ Jacks0011 o otave AnottArbtor every two 0)00 olt"oO0otol ) 1001I 100oi1 (6:3 010. Itl. 1111))1t:ts P. III. 1111e)lth)00' 1)o stt e were able to0011 0 c-'_ _-- I'( r 12o ~ 1)oo) loo o\)00 11 01,01 ,100 I 0or a 1 5111 5 tiioleos. 'in1 ,o 00ioot td. 1 De 1111ite)plans fool Steam aond Freach dry cleatnitng asti t 0 c 10. '.ooo,- },00 i)00 c01 '0 .\1 t oooo local ar l btweten011Anit Arboor .a1d01 he )o 00o wll be 101)) 111 010001051) later00 repairing nt Fuller & O'onntor's, 619 ' urtlt tori ev In Aro vr or . William St. J' B. HUM 1,Jeweler, 109j WrLiberlb' I,( <1') 000 - be olv' AtenA nn ror a d 00000 1010 lo) 10 0e l'A'''t o r evry wot Nil 00 1grpb t011111 30 111No11111 niln111 Fresh 'VVhipped Cream' You need D h~ J ~ ~~~PEINYCOOJK a a air of RubberJL ____Boats____ Remlenmer We [lave the Only C~oonm3 10 S. STATE STR ET plete L~iie otfBoots in this City for - MEN AND WOMEN .DIIFERE NT STYLES ANt) WIDTHS IN EACH]E Y T A *'[woo Styles are Elntirely New ''hisjYear and You Will notFind '[hem Ellsewhere DEITIES I 119 S.Main St. AT,, Rotter Turkish Cigarette can he (made CORK TIPS Look fom t'* 0.00 .+ ...r .. + " .,..r . .. .. .. . .,. ,. .. . " . ".. K PLAIN of S. ANA RG R, Always Ahead MItA D H AL R The Best r