'iE It 5 11 1(I A N I)A1t, ' Hoag~s Home S-uppl Store # Corner Main and Washing-ton Streets tFish-hNets, Padloc ks, Waste Baskets, 13: tshes, Card1Racs, Itt Purses acid Pioketlj~ak, -tive'i,Scitiors, Taclks, lturaies, Ash } Trays, Paper \lilt- Stokitc4 t.et-;, Soapst, Tows, Strop'i s ndt Pipe Itacks1at pl ta prices. Thlis is theplalce, . Barehfelds Fne ailoing STrade Guarantees... .. BurchfieId's fine Jailarilc= Trade, 106 [L Huron +# + *471 ',* ;tt , ..y.*rs#T#X+swi+a°+4G~ ~~ -.-~t~*r~~f if#*-*r~e~Ti f+t*+i*#~ ~ ~ .rV ft 0 0 Fall Fashions are Ripe > Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats L. AD)LER BROS. & CO. x Rocester, N. Y.: G llstrai heltetiproved X lt l ll i [I I 111 it tNI R y(, <,X 'lu i ae f1 .&C .ci t il , n &ls R eulli le I Money ii 13~ga itO W ,,c -ii a ctcis ~itily '---'ia-ial fIQn S ii *4O++*4***h4***4444*4444a4 ~ : "ALLEN'S FOR QUALITY"vr i iitjs'io' Goinc to wear a onSuit ti esn iii tsI+; ttA sitstCatsi.V s I'I'" OUS ttit i TE'555 S H OULDERS1i X1~5 14 $15 eA $15 .4 $15: JujtC ts ALLEN, THE CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET : ! 3v *4 +*+* C.*W* * *,** I Spauldig' OffcloInt~ieollegiate toed by rill Leadingi Colleges r, oot Baitltiants t-- t. tftott- 0 w it iii n-Siis i- A. IG. SPALDIINGn & SONS. Inc. New Yotrk Chicago Denver Spauldingrs Offieial Football Guide Fre1tos 11W)'IWkt Ito t ci ct ouvli ut f ,i i ,tr'xiti ac 'it ! ~c GIranger'iAcademy, Phone, 240 Hot Lu--h ® AtTut tle'..3315S. statev Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes rINE LUNCMlS IN CONNIUCIION EV vtiiii X t.1dci~ 308 S Slate St., I.L'. JOLLYt New BrlnATkT e REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Finn Cigrs sand Tobaccos. I. 1). I iin ty, il'i ii-tti a i -}uif t 1" itt - Of Anin Abor", lich. Wmii. At-inllditSov. . l iar Jas.11, ade ";. ". l i t I5 i I.111o. I'i I - it i it itI ti t. t iiiar ,.2ec'i~r s r Falls ,floutOs THE SHORT CLINE CHICAGO AlNARBOR, to BUFaFALO BOSTON NEW YORK Wilth direct coinnecis ~Oat CtIe I-gi ii St. dLouis, KatisasoCitySt. P;'iland thlrougtsg ici t- cail.l ott 05 i ii. ti W. Nv. CASE, Aget, Att ootur. I Fi STt CONCERT I Ii ii iajt "iltil ii Reading notices, exoept to U ussa .r-' ,rvr++r +t.... rrrt~r'ty+a~t*r ~+trt*tr~ sity aocganizations, oseentl aa od - SAVEA 011 D( OWN LOOWN *.-5 pee issue, payable strictly in advasc 1ins to the Business Managee only-.. Uni- r='i veesity organizations allowed one no- i tv.U atches, lockds, .' tice free. 1 a- 'rk' omce ci Cashing'siise Chtoco- +;Jewelry Repairedj Stl . .A. Moe, formlerly with J. . '-Ifii tt~ is er$11110Alden Clocks ;areX 51 till Sottti IoiIiilotliftoI Itt (0111 _____ $ pus Parber hop, and rspCIBIuly346 S. State Street 4. Svuits prsessedl, ttt5tc; trosrloc.The Ann Arbor Savings Bank _________________________1._=50,00. t tir it l s 75,00 till 10 Cuthing'ototsHersoheys & ]iu t it tiu tt 5 itt,1fu Cailltrs tlillo Chocoltate. tf A coneal IBanking Bu-ineoso Teansacted. taLaest cnovelties ins olitinssat Flt- 11 arizti ii. SitelPr-s.; S.. IFrite, Caitier. li -l t lcar r".t t SIl'ut itil g lI- itr i~ rc I v u iii i s cIt la i 1 1 - t 1 " 1 1 'l itt h ilt -Iik lit i t 1t MI) il titl "i-t-i liiW " ]rri1* t its 1.vi cc,1 jti autlitse greted0 lee & O'Counsor's, ti9 E. Williamc St. it~ ~ ~ ~~e youriti0ti t(ttl Gl ymsuppl~llies at Cunhing's. ln llcr I u< t u. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA char- 1It lee muic a sptecialty. AddtriesI ltn, iii n Itis'i;lii. New Photne, 2849 lied. 2t1 c u)i11 I I ______________ ?tl iit In{>lj~ UBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY. I I MEN OF YOST- k "lla'd 1ere t rough its IMI- WI i i tt Sto015d ill til i11 I ii S rs I i itt i ('110110; t' i i - iii il uuIit o o rw - litbe ,aSc tiop111t~iosliotheii Daily 11100n1at C".,in t's tDrug Stre and illt. M1t ts Ncots Standl. itates, $2.50 per year, or Steam1111t French dry cleaning and r'epaiiringE at Fuller & O'Connor's, till L,'. WVilliam oSt. Pedomcleters tree. Stead Cutting, Mieyer & Cc's Ad.tf Two-s new maodlisortssate. In- qiies at 33t1 Packard street. i-ti. REPUBLICAN CLUB NOTICE. .. GEORGE BISCHOFF FLa RISTasa Choice Cut Flowern and . t;, lt tT plants Slitit it i ii .E4 '~ Parker Fountain Pen at Mann's D~rug Store 23 . AlainiSt You w00on't mtusei-ht outloek if you hav~e clii Iof11011 DOLLAR ALARM CLOCKS J. DI. EIBLERl, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD Studnts r aumniwising o ji TIME TABLE-Taking effect :Sept 25, i90s ji thetep~ulican Chllb1may115purchase01 tickets landilregister at Quarry's.i IrStIt'T ~ w Ticktie its tt it. Sr G' -Ittlt. 1. f Mlichiganessians $1.0 0 5each at 61 i1t11. sIti tt:ita m Sheehan's. tt tf. Sit it '4uititi dt i t lii tASnitArbore ________and____ atltu T hrI o te li trtainus dilytexrpt icketrko-r10-tior tshampoos), one0 dl a ndiTtoItoi t ree iili catrs i it s. Iand14. las. Softwates. Miss, Vau~gan, N.S 1511 1w Oct tlniversity, near Quarry's. t-ill-s t.A. A rb ,Mih ~~ i T~oS ssill atisays flnd thse right ting St tile right timle at the NTesS'Clothing 111d1 Haherdasthery Stores of 4 A 1~1 4 Co. 121-123 SOUTH MIAN STREEiT 0 tons, sty;les. 4 Eivery article new and this ea W E ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S !* O 0DRUG 1 4 O N N NN i 4 Oa O STORE