Tlll NIICIIIGAN DAILY. af , ,r + THE IICH~IAN 4'DAILYi Il ** _ t * X-c ic i n w rel:a ecitd at ~ aie a he A ti tll I.ii Aro IEuruuuiu I ____ * WrUUE !'ut~i -XeclIi XIXX f~ni-i ~tc XtlduiriXth- * yCXXXI : 11 7 " ahi, o t.e.} '~i l SMangingEditor-3. STANLEIYBALEY. i ,> XaviX I , * BusiesMaagrCLAL OL A. THOM.PSON. ,Ip oci-tti Tailoring ftltiIi1' i *1.-,:i e ....AX.......... ..J sep Y.Ker f 11.* ....IaXXI. Iwnigg I Xltiti, tv : ii alai tcrtai I EDITOIAL STXAFF:~ TH lIS NEW SPRING A.M Ni. liss ary IfAndre~w: * WOOLENS AREA A5X( ibg- GXeorIe A.Osborn Artur 3 . ii READY A f.Otmyr ine . \1 iic-r 1l i ~ ' And the StylIes are BU SxaIESS STAlFFI W .X. flails 1. N. I111-.y th t lc afi OfficeBflurs:. 123 to1:30 and6:30 to7:30 lO i * *Addres: C AUDE) A. I lOI PSON,Buies I i-rtrd [I D *I laegr, 331 Packard St., Telephone 461. H i VNUUU, i 1,- clii 311 5. State St. Kto as1-111 f# rrN N lir N r N S\II I I NZNI).)Y I. I I l . lIiii1 iI a d titi I-the I li1i:I h in i~~a~i lC I ~ ( Ie ia i iic . ii , f hI acl i "'m iii 1c l rt til X l In I' andci i n lNON at INI llIecenIap ar un 'then- I-Iil i sl Ily h I iil llIi IXi A:\ LS 1:. III ii'-" p)) )ili a .I( miideai o il ca III I )1 a lii IX the AnSii an lii Or oes XX trll &T1 \\ icXIothXrXaXIIXIX thatX he h e t a h esX) e r . ~ D i X IXXhis I IX' -. I~ i r l i i t Collegef +Text= Books 4 + A L L. l)IPA R I 7 NTS' Newi, and Second-hand «. 12111e1 \CIIXIIefC 1 n11- orl.XI Mathei-atical and. II)rawing Instruments Waterman's fountain Pens +# Try Our $1 .00 IPen ' I11," BE1ST 'M A 1) I: tSHEEHAN& CCOl. SOAPS--THIREEL GOOD ONES RIXALL TIOILETI SOAP3 HOWARD'S IFLESHISOAP XXXt'r l:rr't It'rX. 1XXXIX 1 TRUE ViIOLEUT BROWN'S DRUG STORE CALENDAR. 1111 ii I)Cli t I1 I'llI 11121 IX'1t XXII 111 XI XIII II I-~ I I I N[W SOUVENIR Postal Cards WtveC 11010 vCCIreXI cXid a hte a 1 X sele t XIof QXer Fifty Varities FIc X l xI uci X 10 lt i ll te p i c t u r e rtt X Is c Xn e I X o n t a l ovt he cti CXtN.. 01IC at Price WAH R'S The Hit of the SeaO AI Summary (f the La*'v P3RIVATE CORP)ORATIONS" Welman's Art of Cross am nation. Keener's. Cases Quasi Cotrat' FRESHTMEN: (jet Your "FORMS" of Cri"' Proc-edure, 0111) 51- Ziegler's Pathology (Marthi"1e Harrington's IHygiene. I iXIIiiorlforXYomIiO- G. E. DARIB[LL LAW AND MEDICAL 1BOOK5 IBoth Phonies 326 S. State A Merciful Man xe is merciful toa Iis face. .t keeps ii smooth and free fr irrtation by usingG 9WILLIAMS'S"Ti1< \l. N. sNI Ir i E )vi ii IOI ill 1, I( -0 I I li ' '' E a i~ l 3, u % rI t - I ir. I }I 2- 14 . eo g Itl Iml, u -Teiii :tr. I, I W y1a1 1"I 1111 it fCEii in*I 1 a1 a. 1 - rn iil o i , N. mu s I .a I XXX X lii " i h XXXIX I sci . n lll 111.1i I I - I I - i Growi ng th sho l ito, il Y hal, Heomi1k en tatMeck il-gilty Pude 0 --iihii isIuds exer ises himsef s2< e at TaI I cxi . lI I 'Ml s th i- fferent-I1 Iic I r m . l e n sd lg td t ild 111.1 - S -XXaid suhiX XXXiXXXXI andiiiil I mI- ii i ii '1n ~ i ll1to 11 liin I i lAIXIni Xin iIo ll lt ii I I dcp ion XracicedXby I ~IXXac -IXI- lill iii- - I IlaXXII IX XonXX theIIsIolii 1pi ts- ide- 11-m , XX uwg XXIX c igatlate XXInI XXXiXIIand I;s Nb-I Ii t ei ililiC -iii XX - i- T I c if h rm o te iXXiX lies11 II Ii iom n he mary ntrtiingXX anaX chri n XI th illili I11 111111110i Xi ll Xiii I" -XXX lii N i 11Iii- XI Xl1) Iutr XXII lI-Il "t{l II I X It l HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE The Students' Lecture Association I 1004 - if tytf firstt ieason - 1905 Russell N. Conwell F Henry Watterson John 'rF. McCutcheon SOUSA'S BAND (ov. LaFollette Eidward, Bol Henry Van Dbyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest k Open Number BEST LOCAL SERVICE Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting 4aGolden Rio, per lb. - - 15c Mariaeaba, per fbi. - PeagJava, per lb - 28c Arabian M~ch~a, pier lb. Dean &XC. Isillend,-perlb.X 20C - 214 South Mains St. iDEAN-LV& Q.C Billia &rds a Gentlemtan's Gatne, is always ant enjoyable 1te whent played at the Varsity Billiard Room. I which has the fitnest equtipmnt ina the city. .313 S. STATE PHONE95 IE .ASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMISSION 50C ,. STEIN-BLOCH- CLOTHING LINDENSCIIMIDT & APFEL YOUNG'S HATS.