GAN DAILY. *ffaffffffff~fffff T I 111 CIK1I1GiAN L)AI LY.! '4 ^ttr.:5ktt< i:a ;tt ~t OAK ff A r t4. - Spring--------- -- , _ 4 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 9 4. 4. Tailoringaingi~ '111E3NEX\ WSPRINGi W\OOL3NS ARE REAI)Y dio,.! ANtiS hBALE Y. ige, CILAA )L A. THO0.'IISO's. IA!.9 '' t3~ :111 I"SINl B', .::.It 13 L t is-i,1,aI ot e ullho tz ~ t SPALIDINGi AIRMLIC G009' (Yi\ N \SII M St lsiI-1r'. tttiiat I Spaldin -Soweaters at dtzi SringA- Wt lut oolens And the Stvles are: " LlL'daly Handsomie, .E. * College ' Text= Books., fNew and Second -hand ai 1 lr i tt ( 1 1 f0) MaI thematical and Y IDrawing Instruments *Waterman's [ountain Pens * Try Our $1I.(fit}Pen ; :SNHEIIAN &CON.4. * INIVLjUSIY BOOKSEtLLERIS ayes I xdrinetl Glasses titled Easy Gilasses for Uneasy Etyesj ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store OPTICAL . I)It X'rlIN 1'. t. AtN(7Ll, 0optical Spectalost Lenses Duplicated Frames IRepaired P Il.da!I1. Adlress: CIX 'langer, 331 12:301 tot1 30 and G:030 to 7:310 tiLlEA. I illl-I' SON'. Businss 1lPackard 5 t., I leoloOOnot40. Eattor Today-Louis D. Stiokocy. CALENDAR. t i t, I ; r ,: i i i < 1 t"l t I !t ~!ol Ion The most comlete Mtassortment of svr ii ttt 1111 8 teds and worsted l~ goof It>' cheviots in all shadel of gray are to be .' I Btrtlici. foun'd here. t Go to Cashing's for Hieroheys & Cailier's Milk Chocolate. t latest, novelties in suitings at-Fitl- ler & O'Connor's, 69 E. Wtlliams St. Get your Gymrottjupnes at Cushing'n. tt Suits Itressed, 25c; trousers, t0c. Fuller & 0'Connor, 619 L William St. 11 1 11 *1 e el 'lIS ti o a Mia?. I~e~c' rile lln otti x i ri21i t1 ;. t 11 l< l tI t! I. P l s w i be 1 You can only appref ciate the good taste with which they0 been selected by 30f' actual inspectionl the goods. 10 You're invited to Don't Torture your facCe witht poor lld soatp. Avoid irritationd sha~ve with CeasC. Insist 0" WILLIAMS' N1 Fid! HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE i ir NMNOiti i+ *' 9 ) @ lfMl. " ! N +idiONA The Students' Lecture Association 104 if ftp2 irst Cfl*oll _ 1903 RussellN. Conwellj Henry Watterson John. .McCutch~eon SOUSA'S BAND) (Joy. LaFollette Eidward, Bok Henry Vain Dyke Leland Tr. Powers Champ Clark H'anmilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest Open Number C COFF"E...m a4 ~Always Fresh--Our Own Roasting l'cd tg Jaai, 1101 lb 28c Alrabi'a Mocha, per lb11. X Dean & sCo.'s OMend, per 1b.. 20tc : 4 214 Sotuth MKaitt SI.D AN d C If a Gentle maii's Game, is always artlcenjoyable paslilV swhen Iplayed athe Varsity Billiard Room which has the finlest equipment in1 the city. 313 S. STATE Pl'ONE 951 SEASON TICKETS $1.00 I SINGLE ADMISSION 50c - - -- -- --- -- -- --- -- -- -- -- -- -- haeyour Pictures trained at De fries Art Store GorNEW STORE NaveonerMain and Liberty