v.,. . s S. f THE MICH IGAN DAILY. 4. 4+.. +.+4+4.+4-1 . $22.00 OVERCOATSno $16.50 $2.0OVERCOATS ."ow n'$15.00 $1.0OVERCOATS "ow n'$12.00 $-.00)aOVERCOATS Mow$1125 $12Z.00 OVERCOATS r.ow~ $9.00 217 So. Ma i n St. *14 -r TTVT A 7 1 TheCity'sLargst Assortnt r. $.0 pt$20 $1.65 = $2.00() )(0Ll o$20 tSteamer Trunks, Dressing Truinks, Wall Trunks + 4;t~C.1t_'B Nix 0' s -..SONEYi S $1.50 iTO $13.00. - - 1- 1-1 Z, I I + +++++-+ + ++++-+++++++++++it t * 46 rf. W r 4 v C l v r 4 oncy oane W.I.uUR a. 4 ii 1 1 i~iii11c.i 1 K Dl~I1D~, AUK, Lj';( I--1-M-ts- loffee A 'Vl RGE stits arn'nt meaiit fo r o il'iand you'0ri not mx.aintto ttl They' re too coinser vative---tl,: i' Oi i --s iiav please0 1o11015 laxes of ierit lthato plies A 5111 College Brand Clothes Are Just for Youthful tDressers \otot Si itlis suits, iniii -il,00 ilt.totgstx i C( llx.ge btoys Iiiichtaps xlo liethir i1- o dreing The si t le'cs ~iixrthtan theix. i{ 1-5 to 1-2 off for January Staebler & Wuet I NOTICE. Ii Reading notices, except to Univcr - Si iiii xi i sity organizations, one cent a wor vipt ama per issue, payable strictly in advance t i'rit to the Business Manager only.. Uo-. I Iti t{'t1 cl versity organizations allowed oneso .o it ir tice free. tf Sto pressed, 25c;triiiiero, toc. 1 l Xi. I Fuller & OConnor,6139E NWilliam it. {" it-ot i1it ttl ttat I e aitl Stae stetxtdi, corner LtZ A i ii ~ Itele thoie f23.62-3t: a,,lt{{ c()ni I O i ~3 ~ x IL Itt> rxi I li ail ciarrit ixelit lii 2t CTS i. _ ._ A c Y & CO" Aff A 4a3 d~t REI'S tIlL'IlARD 1PARLORS Nie ish usarn:''tesadPie .I t~. fi . . tt) ) ; '_, .: i Ia: .t X Q~kit AidjE '5 50 ShO . t:ti~t' , ,r. CHI1CAGO A, n ABR BUFFALO - -a"BOSTON NEW YORK 0ill xlo ' .. _ 0 1 tI iti dx lr . ii x i e to x W. ___THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA- i r rI ix, I I iiS. Sati i".h itxiexilsuiot .mxxile e14. - - - c qi i *Robison & ICo. Holmxes, Livery 5 l .. AA xir. tMich. Ii lxi lxx iix.L iil Walker's Livery W. H. Stark , 1 t. -11, '4* + +01- + + +-Il 4 11 a wil 4 4 414"&4*4* 4o o* 4 + 4 A A ol- A P& ols 4o A 4 og oil 4 i w 4" VIAT It! Ivor,* IV 1211 l1J Conttintues Its Excel- [1tI~ JN~ Y~tbEY llJ.lettt Traitn Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daiy C11ri g Piarlor bars onl Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION ILPos IN TOLEDO ANID COLUMBUS. 0. tE. 5CL0R, 202 Ellis' Tempie, Detroit. Mtah. 4. Bilil1ada Pool Stimnpson ~po 334 Sozsth Stat_ St JTobaoO Cigarttescigars 1*Inls,+.4+4+.......4444444..4...lO4.551* +++++ ++_+.++ .+44 + 1.t..4 s4 + +44s.4 L "i + + + + fo - A, , - -.- ', , 4' W " . . +++++++++++++++4-4-++++-Z-1-4 +++++++ WEAR E NEVER UTNDRSOL D -GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE