T17 iiTCi IIGAN DAILY. SOne Night Out to SFLORIDA 4 ____VIA + '~From Detroi and 1Toledo : (U.NION DBPO1 INBOT11 is Toledo and Cinci fit 11Patt No disagreeable Tiansfes a. 5.Writei Bit; or Aenslor u 10,014 5-- L. W. LANDMAN, tioGeneal Ag. 'OLL)O, . . Colegemen find a t gratctn.l degree of comfort and service in the. Brighton Flat Clasp Garter. Now worn by near ly tW.o million mn. Rowe's Laundry 1hoas Rowe,IProprietor. 36 N.ifthO Ae Nwo ne,,1 7 , 1 STENOGRAPHER Fr-ed E. BSutler '05 La~w'- 71 B 77 5 4.,31. 1 . D Sp,:ml 1cars; 11 - l t.a. x ,11 li 1s711ntS . Ilsl l to p>. m_ 'f 111 1 li r a1 I 45 1)1(1A i 5 477 fr1 ,1 (%; 10 11. 111. 1 7 1) ,0 p.111. 1 131 ',I 1, 7 ;1, l zc17 7 . 1 A ] i )1 .1l Ii1 4o.. . . ..eAm lr lr h)r O X FO RD S .Il.uui 1s:1p u-= CUTING REYER & CO. A ~l _Ll.INi(i ALL HIGH G(IRADE3 SWEATFERS At 1=3 Off Regular Price 'I h e enKnoss a Nf-X:W $2.00 FLANNEL SHIRT AT $1 .5Sc 4. 4. 4. b' O. i'$ CGoing Home? West + or Southvie--t? SMissouri Pacific Ry. SIron Mountain Route + IFINEfS' SERVICE QV ~ ICI KEST TI TIE 4 4. 3'i( .. la 4.,i . 1 i ii~ z : (tI 4.FIir 1,7717. {.. 11w *lt t ,1t H. D. Armnstrong, T. P. A. ,711 511717bo, SiJ. 1 109-111 E. Washington St, Ann Aibor *,4.4iiiififiiiii4.iiiiiii +liir iiiiiiiiiiii* Visit RENTSCHLER'S %5hL OO L OOR1.09S~TUIO. 319Et lHuron St., oppoite ILlies Library Special R~ates to Sen-iors Kira all Departmerits 01 INI! C '.7 1:1. 1, . 1 , .l Try some of Cushing's r 7 51ltes. l 7 -51 4i 71 717~lt 55. 777; ~x III5 11c1 lld. 107 1 ttl(} _'fJ t t't1t 1 3 l ;1 . 1 I , 0 1 al11 .7 _-i' N OTtt aICI All 1lasses 51110111171e1nd i'11 C1o 147714 lo'h lquts at I)- 4. tr sc ay17shud secure 4 dates1100 .5 is le ta - 171t11a111 will beas- ct tI 11Y}x 14ate 11 Or 111777 Ig11o} . Oyster Bay CATERING CO. aiiE1-l l"315 S. state St. 4 + 4 T: ,' }Scott's Academy of Danciflg :331 t_____lt____________ * Thulo .-h111 iw~on ad I,' 4 7171111 171111 7, t-J oneah 17l Ail + $3.00 PER17E;)I 0. 1.MartillFuneral 7I" c1l 11 1 Of!:i(,o 2019 S. 4th Ave. Phone 98- Residence 302S.5.th Ave. Phone 314. lax, ,Ambulance on call. U ' ig11 WASHTE.NAW r>sa11'1i~ 1 LIGHT & POWE~R CO1 11171rst 77 57 j 210 N. WASHIINUiTON s"T. 1511 7. 117177 , il. 1;1 , (sic?. 171 11711. 1)c771717177, all Al . 7 , .71.7 177 1 1 1 1 7 77 7, 10 1 11 555.e 5 o771 '. t 1 ' k0 ' 77n5F71.ay, h1p 7 777.77777~ 1717,1A77 BEAU1 TiIFUL SO1 (711 .71 <, 7Talnk1,1 7177at Ro 11s7177s1771 Ot1 t e1 l,\-,ic ia, - art 7 .,. lf 7 1 7,~ 17 ,.1 ~ 7 I I ' CI7 7117Lilt- ' 11 7 4 1;3+i.71 17 1 l I, If X A N I) I? IS (7)I1,f ~ m r. N. 710 17777771IWk.. Steam anld French dr)" ce replairing at Fuller & 01.Crn F.William St- 1~,t 7. "7 1 i g"a ,ft7 .7 , 1 . I 771 I N nDaY N]) NI I tI i1I. , nn,, 11 ( ,3 wiling and15 Pickwick .14 m B', 1 OWLING ALLC'y S. ROTTErNSTIN, Prp70N.VivAe.'P GI IT Watches, Clocks and Jewelry ;0, 1 l()1L l price. All N17e't I Ji I B. tIBLtth, Jeweler, 10)9 W. Liberty' U - i CreamTafies Perenycook 310 So. Sste r FOIL I"fit: ,Y' HOP JUST ARRIVED. I,( 17 7Ait) 11 1)11 N Vo al 1a 11 71tt 7r:sec 717 1 17 1 7717 11115ily Styles 111e 11ieV 111an 7)714()1 ~ ~119 S. Main St. EGYPTIAN AT., otter Turkish Cigarette can he made . + CRK PAINofS. ANARGY~o Always Ahead. In Styles MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in TalloriUO