The Michigan Daily
No. 1 oo
lag N umber of Contestants for
the Meet Tomorrow Night-
Class Relay Teams
are Selected.
, ca~iticlatrs s has o ati 111 i 1
l l ll c ellt,11v d u l
and all 'l ia>Nila lr a wth t hea lac '.' cl
eaididte II the caiIIIthe 111 ia ill 1111 z;I hnl ~ ~ c ftemnwr nbe11hs
11111nappy. each111,C1111slaig1 s sp'
11uchainte1rest 1111 III ll lit'asI ont theaaIttl .
co1111111me 1ia (r hied t teitch-ill. 1111
tat'i 1111spec i attttion. 1111 alk Owni> su
D1111 .I t J ttt t' 1 '11 .11 .:11" .ll
'Prim 111 a1111 ec 11111 g the ti
lt I- ilt a th:'atita lneatiltlllg1wac
i 11, aieteides1aquiring11 1an 11t- it
t alo hecami s Iitll),a11111al ito
til11111 1 111 t11g 1'1 av n g t e'i
111111 111
f ll 1111111 t, i de11on1 rttti as.
la I ,1 t cl tno di 1 ( t rIt a - 1 11
111"11rill lla pitt
Op 1 'it sip irthe psti tw o 111 e1ttrtt
'I'l Itoh1 aion111t11an1lastyer.t~
lisl ti ,11:1 h v ltr til' men11wal
ill> 1111 p It 'ti in 1 :3 a thel, ma
11to11 r it intretiat' fr tie
t't'ra'tit tnitl r f t thrla cygil
1 ol t d i herIn ll r d ttl11 lt a, ar1111 t o ii n a de
l t rcu c il tt111 itlaild tle. ci I a'iat
ir 7 11 '11101> Ins, tar0(1l onteera
1 110il it b an sttleas It t,> i
s ,ti rl l i'th e se rt i r 1 lary f t e g in .
(1tIa ' >1rtm n 11111n 'it i 1907e
I a ll' s 1wi l l1
i,10111 roll, ,t l Na I ng11111, a1
S L,~ taws, Ia s
a 111111 vs. go elatdic ,
lilt9 107 ' NiNe111111.1 1111>ngineersl
1111101 1glle iS
1(i lt i 'ai toa')() i,is 0th
i -A3 b it , . 11111its
frlie nl ii - i h llt I it I of 1e e
'.11 rt lla 1 : a'111 -ll hitt e rg n
Qit ltitrW1t N- ae , '1111) Roe.
'1K i it.n1 I tatst, Nch ar, 1 ,R
111111~( l n ,Riad. 10
111 11" 111 Co ~tilaw, Beii, 'NranIel,,
l Ilt, IV InNs la o Ni 'aiec,
1 1 00 n f o d RN ia Nc 1 , 11P erri (111
1hal ha111 wo Keh t. KelNlaiy.
'0NTagl,st ra ne,Ysat t, r S tkl,,
dt t~o qtrn :t('it Iticlt,o Scit1,
01i I1 toeo' 11)08 Ik, teao a cRagtt
(Cot «ilued adrin paeMor)-
alitt , nd oftI it'leabattery, tr-tile San-
Extensive Preparations Made for the{
Play-Prospects Good for Suc-
cessful Production-Tic-
kets Now on Sale.
thea Nareiat, antiMr. Slaight, ofth
ittunto tt tt taai attt'1t'lcave
exausatintgaaach fttsnryallto tf0it '
0. '.
N i
from tl
itt '
I;I IB 1tai l NIN,0)1UT1 OPEN GAME.
ia-loe i ,ttt ti dtheiratlt-,I Basketball Game Between So pho-
rooall lstIlill "tllth folo -! more and Freshmen Girls -Men
esuts 1 irt toracisKikha, 111 to he Admitted for the
n :~cn. rnk Bar. 1111111 First lime.
at l"1la Ia IttrI Itt tlaIltlt ilta tterlttiae
:;ailsi t b p ayed offtt i a ttlilt
tilt tl'Ct141121aAt I itta 11110.I,
lltttl. T he ~~~11 1 ai s t ( b e~cll t e s p
m1111111111101tat Ithne . lisg me i
thitnlila 111i1 ttllal 'actti.lilaialutlita
111e00fi a l) a e of ' t'l e: seasontI 0a111
tital 1sIi Il tit iIavIa a Iliity eClay;i
VILADY I, hSe FATALct Ittaais tatakeactteIaa golt 1) t'ert' t21 ler-
:111(1 R. "'. .TallIy Itooattkcao2tBottthe e "ran tar ' tp -
pes re ainertaed r Rcov- Itttit gitlathave111plyetdtone gamel i s 11
of rnesid e t iprofCia 11Ctie r- tg
menttobe'r 4ed Inatc110 ttIiaklthetaalg a ertt er-n
ala la.Te tstpomit e i1111111 on
piti artt n rt atI ia'taa'tr Ifecova-t;ttof tte. hestItat It in ti1ttietyra Ia 111
meit to attll beet trid i lt f 1r1go1dtct niten tam Nvr
lila ilatia tliR. tatroft heta pho orI tlt 1hth i any 111her1tali
popul a erae l aytete lal iai a 0ar lst Ialitlt sI tlal r titerig raot cl laanex hne1 11'11ha'e goodl stuff a n11' li t) 0110
nrana ll, Ii T eenl~ila ll re ther a10 11>1intitellw ictril, vefato le itpeec Ira icase niey I h ~
fatil m inteiatchiceo f iiitIapp oae ioa I77 ra, 131011 0111 Blltgr o ar lt edtbIto rae 1111110' lar 110 Oal lttle
tsrenter n a i e sugltad fo spitt a t a 1 the aticilthr s la iner gfor 111-0 ted l t'a nt ii ci or lit 74:li e shmittten
lillal \611 psi Cl atIi n d AI o r I 111At te ivrsiii>'fll hiv t cagor lo omer I Ia l)\ lc i l eadiiith'r ii, orttr
01011 ea'porigall ot s f tortet ge 01 a0s10 lla nicslt clInl it io of h olnteti tpraticeita all tila I a I l itl l ;tiatc
p lacer oII rt ao e te Icvas. 'Filly buinessI offales110 aest erdayw ofn the sad- thrat tme ttieoifrlt'Inllahaveigbeete hot.-
troturednwitl l Ide alo iteuse.r- Iott.011111111 1the a ails t shck ofte l-ar Iivldta iplayers itat tey gia il lii I liv
1111 lax earvice1111s ' o it'rl ntill her-ii otil C iftI thaNt It~~altheir bel led ldr a m, tihlii g 101111 t'll lt 1w th m e a su r -i
Cinls.iiiieNttl'ia't Seen lthieimost lay at s it ffittc~tdlali'aIfItI'tea t a lal a. 1111ise. Il I' i 11 I~II ttgl
i erma'enyt'havte beenga enlittt.1101 itedad WieDr.BvnadBilns h itl ~t game tgdayftlitIhe irsimae
prscl ts rllitoil d good for an overti-a wil"Ewat'chu Drtg' rperlt ot tr harpert a is5y1earilmen lar o eair i tted.)111
at'. in i t''l 'l'ucce ful prodation.i iIt Iito iwecksia re11 maihulayaconcernedII aioer tarcl7 ili Ientig a ''locer inI Batrbour
ita alo teir deriedtt o tttsedite il ator mi thepr tsintonitior oftti patal i t , gymn sENu 111Kis Nntile Iai. n vitatE.
Doth tlo'. p1u tc 111a1etthnca ryIhe uIl -a nd telhtalefcs ftea-fraproalfin m n h os
ples fotheatr. Alo hs r nnsain o neteis a Teelt I itatit nstawiereIo 'inlot by'
cofliheatrils.l iveall tot e mb iertiltf) w i . 'Nfo 'NweStnl e t lgue a len ilhag iai b1 Ni N'eraoficeI lito iveir lt)
thfie iii ilen i illichagea dmIrliss5in oay reif nittos he e i t ecle
Ticket i llSel31a1110 frattt 35 ce t in"Evryting deatpends oatr. la rpsatt 5 III5 Esha. I'T'h o deiingta gtofd
tos.Ioeeilt'fiiettikhs o ~ wesallil ofOtimeaeoughti altithlargellcrowlitv11 atlx, rstieet full or-
danc wit 1 1)11en fe o nin d o know1whettherlDla Hagper I iallIyi alallou gyis e rlaed. te
Ier tather randawllithedlft i a ov rm ia g ornt -al i lel IC hatl rr ~ari rl, it
theC play.ltl it h h~aIttfilihapedttfatiatfraintich1- SIiiNIIt' l W1 trillirIlt efe
1111110epio f as ea wl rife~h S1attrNIunloY Itv I nB) lelIlat~~l rat I;il ril
Nup ssd tLastI r Ii i nigtal1 ,11 t 1ttata a> ld I altdrhItll, i at t aeir-lawtil assitgave:~
''ickeSts Iiwil teo ilalt in a~ttl I'the bx Pot.A11 Atue an leyra 1110lgieturec- ttth1111r ailt'tntlirtWathngton'sir ir thdoay
offce n te m in alltody fom to toe tnigt a eiht 'clck 1t11e 1paryIth ranger'sC.a Abll till xtid ivoo
I2 to 5;lir at ray frottriitof1 St.l'Uniaersi1110 ratolIfI usi.N i sl stlh t ab- cotill sItiiig thende'andtGranctgred 111011r
ltreIr ara wil i t i rtn l 1,11 liil 1i t ae tlandal theta W tiagn r etad ofl seve pit e s l y e . Th1ea-
wil if~r, 1111 '111alt llIllIt~l~l t l lrlays" adthl ectua re itlotbeardven ele aric lithe lts ee eedt wlii''thitreto
till~tite ien hilt 11111 ittte r lln g haaI'rsoi ta n leatyle d i n y r etprogramtt were1 hite'C tliaOel
hwitlla ivelittoniha11 1t Mc eiiof t h beta a thit atieacnled 1 90 n _gold _engravedupon_ them._ Th
itit S ert ait i be tt 11110kn t andwil'wld ilthe - s1101egtT helldtou ro w ilht ui esSy NNolors twer e rher rough
g'ivet hia I 1111 oulneo i l Iou rse upontaii be iltt tri'' ate wit1 11 ano tan lid e w ih ut oi te ________b_ hvig lu
i llltant wliill add a dytote nersIpnils' Cht> yel l cods. 11Toiere 11011
an, lli h b l s F b ru ry .g t e ht-f ur d aces i tig at I l tlland it taok
M1.1 d , ho h s ee n ahnutil onerol octil o f i ni sh o . t e program.
forse 0ralneas _iBrthehoo _ofSt. The_ Unverity ofiscnsiDrin- Duinlg to 11treeilgpa cootin ma
Andew wokwil ls b prset nd atc lus avedeidd o evteth U servedt opcun ch t't eachr willh pay-
wil i for aly e pl in is colecion of pro ee s o t is ea 's la to ar en firii wia oll of t he a in otl I irr o yaohc o -l
Jpnsviw. thenl Mice higanDovay densfor datthe Mais t ieateentofIlte 1)yena er. f i
hav 1en .00mssi iftud aid iuGneradvloiac. cotttinchekerecttefdltthatlteta
any ne nteestd i th wok i in te fnd o oigiate wil gow y lie for 010A nD T I E K, I lt eI roll
Addrt h rsnt ih rfeh e s s tatea contributeonoftolesccneti1101ndteret
C.iA. Te servedNdBus Mng. TlhfooiltCessandCeec l ut winllitole
Phon 46h31eacar S.fathe'Ilu willaniiplay sxbadsteam
$ 1 0 h.... talfm'aCalat.taal, nil'7lt5a oardsltof hckr. Eah wllpa