THdE MICHIGAN DAILY. AllI Iver'coats make, will ibe sold at 1-4 off regua tprice $20.00 OVERCOATS unow $1650 $22.00 OVERCOATS nsow .$1.0 $18.00 OVERCOATS rnw $13.50 s $16.00 OVERCOATS nsow- $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS n-owss $11.25 "$12.00 OVE:RCOATS nuow $9.00 ; LVTZ, the Clothier; S217 So. MakiSt. ; SUIT CASES } The City's Largest Assortenotlee. $1.65 = $2.00 a $3.00 up to $12.00 Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks + In All Sizes and Prices 4CLUB IANiD GLADSTO(NE B iS, $1ia0 TO $13.0 MACK & CO. I+M nyLoaned. .\T ERAGE .Stnts aren'tI ;neant for younyong Aoney l, ad N o're ot mantto wiear em. n105 -es ilamnds, J Ie sit yThey 're too conserv ativ e-the mtakers hasve to andl cIiglastl t hity. tta1eso many s of men thaittthey dare not W. J. LOUJRIMV. _ please yot. +IIN4t)t A<.t )4110ott- tCouat IloseC ll ge B a lI ths Twodorsscutho i wV.M.C.A.' Cbollege Brand. lte :o) t Ott s~,< ,. Are Just for 'youthful Dressers Busiesstin ty ouiientai : c ot Youths' suits, itind you, hot togs for Cal- ':33 ~4++i++*' 1ttt+++liege boys and chaps whlo like their was of +f NN i Idressing. The ste le's he avier thtan the price. t 1-5 to 1-2 off for January hiot Ltinch: At________33 __.Stae_ Staebler & W uerth A N EW QUARTER SIZE ARROW 16CNSEACH ; 2 FOR 25 CENTS CLUEIT, PEABODY & CO., Macki ntosh's loffee and Peter's Milk Chocolate at Quarry's DRUG STORE \\l ~lAS i'L7DtiNi'IS;;llltNO l..NOTICE. Vtli-In o the r. Iof) 01 i of lPtil- Reading notices, except to Univer- with \Ia "t.11 V ittit Latule. ttlt- sity organizations, one cent a wordI ol tltitit .tili oela 1~ per issue, payable strictly in advance la-i111< 'Sayt teau iittil ttItrtiiittl).to the Business Manager only.. Uni. it a r~ri-gacietas11ai tlrltaltle iittttversity organizations allowed one no- te:.-1c -ito Mis Mrse 10 'ls o Get your Gym ouppnes at Cushing's.' l~h ofMis :ors a- toglctld THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA ahiitysho'n.11IssMore sudid i IAddress L. D. Batea, manager, S0S Ih telyill It tttitttt t itoftheItt -tttS. Foarth aventie. Phones-Bell, \rit l of ChIicago undettttt.lei orget 1 066J; H-ome, 289 Red. 24t1 t ) merca t tech.Ticket for four shampoos, one dol-j lar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. University, near Quarry's. t-th-s ti.1 NeW Brunswick Tables ID'5 BILLIARD PARLORS Fha Clars and Tobaccos. ~it~s etti'eetto.,tiM S. Staieree lhaveeJust receed thtc .rgfessand fisest Uite Iof hkish Cigarettes and Pipes 1:lls webrtoughttte itety. '~ECH p-jeS IN CONNELCTION itcrytli,tt-.Ncat tttdocas i9 Agens for 13. 13. 43. Pns SStale St. R. E.JOi. Academy of Dancing westtt or ~t re ,tils tN~OCH{ DIETtXLE I i i E r i I I r i I I oit rcentit ationtakeinobythe aIuty I asaccbing mtadeokt Nothile4- ticn 511141111 teuiverstityt Sacitve " t ti cIt ter t ts tecampusttt tic-. 'ialsoicwv" tlain WVliy btty faciory-made sheepskin ttccoitis a-len I sell the real tudiani article, of good buckskin anid headed. fttr $t.75. Hlarrintigot, ig Cathseritie street. cod ltcoryctclegs- tidet tshould tave o (If tli ew tote icitigait University Stig ookils nttott onsalt at Root's Muitousettt. 96tf Go to Cushings for Itersheya & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf Latest novelties in suitings at Ful- ler & 0'Connor'a, 629 E. William St. PHOTOGRAPHS Caltl at THE SEYMOUR? STUDIO, 316 Boat Main St. t CASH POSITIVELY CASHt No orders hoe cabs for parties or entertain monk will be taken this season sinless cash accompanies the order. BATES: -One saple to asd from turtles or eintier- taintmsrnts . - . Exlsese oftttcarrtige - 3.0 Coupe - - - - 200 ShreddefdsWhat Bis uit e i'd, i ~.t eyio ldout or trt hncr ta ipat rithe odyOt o nolli on stinlt he eeio nt s httd ct sid tonuilt the en til toy t. erit sud 4111od'in Nwagra allte llnos necsay frpr SaededWeteisWalk bese ts mae ofwheStand notWingR s h e. r t con taist l tew t -everytitti't of Pis-and a4kernelroawat repredsPrtsin cocnta elomevher l310.ha ntr brai.SCICosequent340y,.tSle Street ofIM icthBe-Tae aneefectidec.Q4,h1904 dLWe.a t snot ras ed,"Nit. a t-O so ura food SItisot r.digested." Suc flstoosenbe te stomiahibyeattesinod todoforTitoha istsssldailyor day.rededWile Whea00BNsit adi. c..ius t ut er 1.A,c Ause or Aester e . Toledo.y lhioes [Sndfr"h d nstsalosar arsi Posnrl Director A genest-r anfrt fromt the Carne-gie balioce Calls attended day or night. Inistitittinhils ust teLei received by "1 . 444, Aee.;l tesidencte stase the Lick Obisercatory ill order thai 14tu'hl4. AAt Aiie. special astirt titoical res~earchies cati le c-arried-il t. 'Iltis bIritigs the ainunti .. 111 JA CENtR Y pproptritedl a44444atly liy the insitittion 11 1 11 h "L fo theworkat houni t Iaitlotsto "Thie Naigara Falls Routd." $7ooo I Thitintion, whichltconisiists THE SHORT LIRE of $3,00 i mae it possile tot re- CHICAGO dcI toprctl shapie thle valuiable oh- BUFAL sectvations o f IPrcfesorcPerrinte, niatde A1B0R to BUFFAO wih tthe lielip iiithe Crois-s-eyreflector WihLNEW YORK iatte ickObslercaltry. ttdirect connections at Chicago for 11ftyou're nitt quite ietidylfor iatnew t5 Bui, Kansas City, St. Paul and stritelot litby, tryonite of our n1401, tl tr west. For information and 1.1:titI-l tttck. Sit.lii aVeg1tickets call on or write to W. -~ ;s a ev1lcs ,e~,il S, Agent, Ann Arbor. tct r-o I Robison & Co. Walker's Livery Holmes' Livery W. H. Stark BOKN ALYCniusIsEcl illards Pool 1 Hys lnt Train Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daily Sthn p o oS l p o Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 334 Souath State Street UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. 5 S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Temple, Detroit. Mich. Tobacco Cigarettes Cigars ARE NTEVER UNJ)ERSOLD-- . GO OD YEA.R'S DRUG STO.RE