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February 23, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-02-23

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The Michigan Daily
RELAY TRYOUTS. o'NU o'l lf I h hU TNViT~i
iael and Keeler Equal Varsity, 'n nttn Ii '~In not n ncln WN 'i'i i
lecordOcty" Graham Makes Prient ataii einning min y vo mid ;tarn t' strer n'nir'ln rde i'tn N A
past Time -Teams Not Def= fo' a il ii'st in, >'t'''''''1 '' c lie r vinel yinn li 1T mini, altas
fnitely Selected. cinnn r li ii'alm 'l iinran n 1111]stlrt~ IIth 'n~e''nifln dc}i!
; Iiitiiitntt- i
an i venpini icn he i il itse l ii m
1 and te number o worked., i c imig ninnl
tc;11i i1i'i' n Iilt mi ntnini ni gnrl t iiiCakinl druut ii i T'h iyonglacy-in
tsri:i repoiiid Mall started ftr the ieek ofi\1k).Siti riingtivth_11111_witsth_
ariil toirr hol3 hnitkeatryout13 ,3<cWent icknen Sadteing with ophov l l)asnf Eficint, Work i boePhei
ti ifte Iiio llnnititen 1of te law, or e s-t-) ave UthewngDoll as for le i asasle ssonares-igsian el
lled t iy<ti iiandofntil t er- aSpom r eertin r ie adOe
il ti.fillra k ov : et cIt i nl' t
11<)t 17i1it'n Felii t"ni ilInnbteI neat t nitnko tt. Nh. Je - Nese b D% aln l funrove t nie
i rlay aitn r an it nis.pe te mi mheii ofnc u e n t heini l as ni ll 0 a s r ml iti
ai( t 1' ial cx'p lo al fol e r mi t rtim ii n Iiik mtiitti- ittiii ni In imt mit tg t it N tln n H ll
iii inak aston itd ortint ittESHMNtniBUYSititn DR .nANiLESS AD-nnn.' mt11
s l iI
ll( ()Ile f ne llowing:i p 1 m I Inn imoitsit lave t pl T en i itn n nnn D lasf r cinlsM s i nnmin'i lin, iiiI nl li
ii (ii 11le odav to dteit tlibout nnI iiato'coctutuuesanir.nut. A~ n lti f tt iftenlr
frn s N n t h tintheirtrvtn. in d ti ninlnhave nit t s te t tocinl t itniofianielt a i i tn iaal t ini ideliveire tign interesn-
11tlen ol adfo h hwng frteni ty houslietintin)I()k nca ittiou lnout In et at nglt itNewberrym l l.n
ii i n uethy n it t rcknedinrlft h tm, i'ta tt rr iedy ow 'herod 'I'1, innhi, itnsnenond pernceit retin d
I la, ndI1fin ts ivelia ntie 1-ni. l inn ine were nl niti mini iii in nandt o tnilniiiinlt ad Tittil 11
11 in 'e lle p ffle ta i on fes lntilt eri drssd n l nerifies
eci)tn from 0 tint in nIlitin n Inn. itcl t.;mand lhadthir aps ort' a tsm unlnnlti1d mIcs els vNjNg l)ftllh kficint
I l itt 3 un5 it.A tn ed i tint1 ine ll ~novtl lini lmevs.' T'hen w lkdnnlmttmnti innhyiias re dong a
Irj l i agcl. , 1 -.fr b i linn filit II n the ittche a I ioi mii mini nitni1 litnin hit pt. s nto
tint ihs n tvtien s-ceti rspru oo ig fu h ue uceda i i l n it in iiinnl it..mus
in ilmttin al rbbjty a copeler ihe tppdi n d held fi itr ount iininisef tihnrd workp l t'.iitti
li te 'r n lws wil win n paiitin 'titti in fninttar.i iiFinl ite nipiii nliiamnim.ioneIm t it'nc ini't tnttIndpsb ,ndun.cithel
tn-rl eal vj1 I n Iiiiinse ofin h itof tie (int lInnon'3si tarited' al lt nItheli ve ilmidthoun d v i illag it nIniati
_____________(________________ it3 n-it hous t. html tnti-i ftragIn theIl lessm thu on e cnt ait foIgin.'-i
I (N"itI1:1NI jI I llt Nk I a1(1 iput tin itilt-. nI' 'itol cdat t dorim NiA,,1 olii i ti )ftair it i ci nitr tir
tl itt is n e e . i wil p o a l , a d h l tni ti l t tim tnverstio1itinni. ut P I n i' pn
Nii e fnienitl i lOu t"I nn istmy nea r maeno1
111NII a miii inn the other itnthree iunnni Th n tendor asIlmm int-n oen edth lp ,th Inin thousn opeatlin s, t andi
inl i iiI i 'mi- tn ill i rnnnan pt iI) iiIn utlii ~ n Ran
I sle iii ml inn I tin t t htinf tfrn on) nrwa s
No. 99
H-on. John J1. Lentz Spoke on Sub-
ject "An Honest Gioverment
is the Noblest Work
Iof Man."
lii JIntJ. Lntzimadidres-nnedlatlargi-
annu appriaive aud'-in ce yensterdiayi
NNaftenoontpt in Univeiiit m muty ila t thtiet
tV in li ' sin i rthdan y i clebrtini ut n-ti
'derntpmnainpncit-mm minilnml tilt i tint'
mn-'re tgalnity mint packed arly in tn
1i minir'wtin-iom' ed unnil tithst ueni ts ofni
tini lint-it dIpatineunti hindl n tnrenl lit
jigllssiltandihndIfilled t in.pa t rerve
tinre teaddressn nitvital neleio
ti-irn' rendeilred'nI l Iiotnentnn tam ley-,i
if thei Snchoonl onil uhli n d inl yin tiii
G~le atnIdh Alanlinclubs.tNn iihtrf.
Stiumni muandtlhi.muicanl clnbsiteie
itiitn ii intclub;'tindiit iono T eVc
mmi' 'i i . in t i
A~tirlimitit ihu t asnismit su jIcti"N i-
NVoko Aln" I beginnng, h 'i d:
N30 mammtter inn"mm wak flifiw
liat ourlotit'n i s int oi tutu i doitl ourit
mint titit hodin oriti ii hut. ii i wnith ount-
1 e ing ias i muchtimentinhe coniderilt-
ationiii i ic it quesmption.,ii nalit ne cn-
mugd notaln nuor te Anut nl u
not-l i at t mio . In p rryn h h r
he c iuc minitopo tity-- iii a dtini
\ahn t inI ii "hirmeli N tint it i
cosdrdlayibefninthe mricn peo-
plemlin iitmiiitheminim tnineh perlimenini amm
loimiit tuutinliettinthifizeditinmoa
nt l to ii i Himseliiliiibut toitmu I attin
thin' h sha'i l l dnlll f nmi' iliii wlim t o e-
iurei clan in lit mics anda golin imn by
tif ti n Cli t iti in 12 .a)te n
of mhe decatint ns precdi n t he co-n.nmni-
stitionmm nt hi makiitng oft he consti-
tuiom isef luuumiu i cntil rais' t i t'he statusu
ofiiin itiduls t nte tmelt mifiti mutnul
luarta ii m-ith iren tt i me li a ntitishowed
inne orless ib - he tpublic feeling a'ttud
tint pubic em ands.iii
I hu tlt ourse n.of leisi remairksm h.
1, ztavtso e p ti l tdvic nnt iliue
,}t n- In num -nm I i _tl _mutim' pp; %vntm n tin) in-mm e Ii'I'lmcr' nil ' mii mumanin, hip' ,ti llregmardlto}mthc-i m obligmatmiins mmand
l nett'lmunttnnhniout'nlitimii,'nnito backihintellidllart a ti eigh dollar Ilhii.pIntl o accnptncemwmsmade.pb
'lmp lii nmtitp -pu'.fuid'iitrties mgh in thn- ltit pubmnmliimcii ti'life,'i i' ii (in-rlmE Fmainly '-t'
t mld iner lntst ming i minira ii e- frmte. iio te imrimtel. himecrwn i i i' ne m iu n ge l, ntheii t m nmuhnii hm u i mm imimmwasmmlhmm'f
mu' n''llitmu nnh m hat nufromhtit tuutii heku li i lt acsin th uatun mlitnhumm
lin19,t ihirmbatinguneye. After ink pmm food ______ht __to _____happy _ farmernandn limtimummingyinhe hGneemclub.ttt mm mult
in. t mu rshu t ofi m Itlh m rn aye'th ree'mhnin nic h in. Stit;fu."it kiur llMrs.A. Nm I nI h h hl e a hvemmu mmium nl(ml
'm~ hre ap rut t i tsli mntrak nd nmii iu'mm soomnin n~n to t l pthirtrnnsidenehin . ni t mink nil h m eau admratialadu
titms i n tcomingi anfsuml ito3 -uin'iii" -itsilmioestuhi iiroiimmmiilii.nmmnanma iiin noInn titmu J N
'pi itittn inl it-t h u lr; in ii Ih m ti lini mii in runm imunceit- n pu i c nnm lie hun aik onaIhi
nh ilt, c utra n sg t m k ;hed at r t e r cp i n o c nit l mitm pi li iha is. nil clsing , hm-
liii.r V-t e ininia t i t mlliii The mm''m'unofmthe i'fofmathin'cn \IiniLmHAuntil mum ni)
tiii miii tin tummnmiu themum t nk1hum1 pEpsio ut 1t oes 'ovrmm i s hh n oblest N
him t i n imtm tU ,nhhn / It - nummm ~ ' h 'u
Tit 'itFranhiiol, helvitiytiltler hh vo k huoa .
t i is Smmmi Theo mdeMichigansi Daily. ashforte theo
hint ri'elinnnim mm itcherfrthm nmeein. A eaoat upe nmca- wa hmmecl hpteuno i a . SmN111 -N NS O 11
ittfntntt , mmmi finnerei ttntprihnanpal facesof the Co llegerm Yearrsm d awcas nrouedtespaer h
Nunit-r0 x u n-h u in i. u tv rt a d i d a c .thin SnumufroImut-h muti-liu finnthemmamm
imn lmt i nttotmulmi hitinm iX .-.TIlI"I.S N B s M g. m tnnr~ntnnwhichnhad in hto rgelmthe amm
t nus, if h neumming mmii i I nn ihrule h n 6131 PcladS.---mnimm imtngt lnmmt u mmutu
msieimu mibi i mmn ni tinm ntmmmforxnteii een aio n wer

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