TI~ MICnII~AN' DAXLV. ________________________________ 4 4 4 I 4444- a...s. .i..s 404 nl"'oJ '.. 44,' ~i~44 4 ' ','"'" } TradeI You the illO wVeaie. F~ .Wei and can +P'r'i'+! t IV V s" v'v I zeld's Fine Tailoring Guarantees... st. skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. earry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ave the agency for Beach . Newel's Custom Shirto. tyou a larve, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt-« feet itting.; Bureblield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 If. Huron 44 et -A * *i- 410+ +u+ . 4.e F + F++* + + + I.*iet +* 4tI-4 *1February Clearing Sale! With Astonishingly Low Prices Including YPSILANTI UNDERWEAR MANHATTAN SHIRTS FLEECE AND SILK LINED GLOVES DON'T FORGET THE"J IS NEAR AT HAND We rent Dress Suits at Low Rates, and all necessaries for this occasion are easily pur- chased at our store. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule 200, 202 .S. Main St. a-- . . I~LJ ~ AI ~ For 15 Days Ending DISH SA-LE ~February 15 Wec offer anything in our Crockery Departmtent at ~1-4 OF F Tbis sale includes Fancy China, Cut Glass, and Lamips. A sl4did o tppotuonnity to replentss ourttish wants. IIOAG'S [NOME SUPPLY STOIRE 3 Money Loaned Slllatn.4unanI atelies. lDiamnd-, or1otheriers onolalPIlwrty WaT thesatdoelrytiltOIepated. M11l titto ln Watches at iamtontds. Othl kat reide, n. 34 .Lbet- i. Joseph C. Watts * Yosscar. Ieta $ Hot Lunch:2 At Ti.itte'g.. 338 S. State NBrullswickTabe REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Floe clgars and Tobancos. las. IWl. , Iro.:t - aSl ate Street 111000 loot receivedi to' artteot antlOist littlOof Turlish Cigarettes and Pipes l'INtl 1kb lN CONNECTION EverytngltNeaut. atdileanlOt Allti ntsor to t .1. It. Pipes. ° S. State St. R. C. JOttY. G RANG ER'S Academy of Dancing GEORGE BISCHOFF T FLORIST Choicn Cal Flowers and J Plants TeAnn Arbor Savings Bn A (elrarnaking BusinssoTransacted- II 't 'Il; as. 1E. llisolk. Ires.; W. It. I tr iua .ViceOtto ; it . iltz, Cashier. ,AICHJGAN C(NIflI "The Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LIRE CHICAGO ONN ARBOR toI BUFFALO BOSTON NEW YORK With direct connections nt Chicago for St' Louis, Kalnsas City, St. Paul and thin West. For information and llotghtickets call on or write to W. WCASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. "ALLEN'S FOR (QUALITY" We htave jtust recetved a large shlipmtettt of Itid-seasotI black antd blute Tibett attd unfintished worstetdsttits otta weighlt sutitable for year-around wear. Made uip sn-elI, doutble or single breasted, wtbrashudrantruestaarrih.A typical studein~ts' sttit at a Ipoputlar ptrice 15*00 A. G.RSalding &Bros. Wo1ld If 1111111111AtlleicSupliesltl ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMINASIUM GOODS A. (G. SPALDINU & BPOS. NEW l lR ttlE tltAtO ALLEN Main Street C11:11 IiItl 04111OLARl-StHIP1' WOfld 1111a11outlithic tithlifl':Illfte 11111110 tgh- JI L SCHUlH, Sanitary Plumbing, ______ dcirI cs. 1 ttttlatltttto Iitelt 1 Electric construction and supplies is to nntta I11ubr110, the. tilde114r of clutbs, men1'setio.chitlren's cutbt, Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and the Chticagoll I'01ttttttott- -clltorllp for inc ticl 01 and0 11o1f0o1thOitare condtutl- Electric fOxtures, steam and hot 11101 y1110.11a1 rettundtnlIlorestttte Ier CII iy the1 Vlltttttllt. 1 tHu littlue toisttnwater hosting. 111k it thte tttiv'ersity .'Miss 1111111r 111110 1of1albusinetsoditrt an1ittt ork1110207 tL Washington St took tullIter reinotltceat the- Ilcagl is10done11forlta1 htghter classoo op110letatt Comm1 tl~olil thetsotllarsitip thte firot of 'that o f teCo ns ~t~tOt. Nisio IITbeIts-l it -READ - illellaslivd 10111tilt.hcaooo Sttleltont 0 110 11U ed tatof the lllouseC. IProgress and Poverty 11111NItooIItiotloel tthul nIiontl s Itthe m111 ss1e1s00antd tfothe tltiooon ; BY HENRY GEORGE 11t 1110 oldestiallsettlemeintt itt the 10e01. II Iil11111100 lworks theoretically, sttudy- At All Book Stores IDulrin~g htro ldlitg of te feltI-lil t lotlow hiipoltms tatd thteir soltttittts. The -- - --- -__- Moss 11111u0b111 invetgatedl00 tor opecial wor1k of BulltIlo1111110s for teittdivid- 00000009" @O..@@@ problem,1the1quIto111onof thettorecreatton 1ttt1. A Greek, f'ointoantce,of tttttsnal FrM V sot Athtettsthetn-3 clse 1101 ac w''1111Iit thirl s of0 1thltow111- Itt about1two11 week1111i0s1110 11111110THE ATHENS PRESS, Printers.3 some110timetintt fatoItr11111100 i1111tho n~itofith1110rosulto of too investitga- 0110 .01Ikltt 1 111 11o Iltr s ne ot mI) y theto ns1 of ' lt'e eceaionlts of toe 1workintg l i@100115110}1(1111131311111110111*1",1404 e 1 day.111 Ith1110is a ite10studied11tlleCwor1 t- 9 110 011 1 oiltlshe twil l have 1muchttotll > .' BARBER SHOP Ing onduwisof te grls ll te zUlleda boutthe ocil setlelnen wor inY Antisepticpti 11000'ol~lo 1 lt itllgl fI and BATH ROOMS. ' 10011ui factur1110 111-1 it'betlosayslltatral111' Ciicago.(ltttlto0101011 t on10001.0Olla~ 1$ in touch wit'1111011 0111.for 10ing 1111ringt Cist 'iin A011111 lon1111It 11amtot to J. . ToLanowski, 322 Sou JLth tle .J 0 that1 11h1re10is no tttminuteto 1spa11e.00t-tile C11111ag0o(lttttt'tt 0Settlemett4s41-I ii-11 -14I'm+-4t 111I II)1 ' I IC(goI t I f tt tte tt 1110III 0010011 11111 00111'_toll.s_ r,. biim 111 t1'11 i tead tlrrea0t ion1111., it theinc tlding Pro I~lfesorsAdlamstoacid11Cooly evlit' 111110et o.w 11nlt t tmtlo the1a01 1he11s1c11 tf r yil of the11 S.11 CtA. T te t'1ll'toofietc. i l the C11kofm nsito self- 't'llischla111011hip n uai. atos o iftl . tthr111ly ioun ilsCnltu lam nvey qi red f11g B~ork it111110 1111 1110 ll(01 r-ot loos touh 11h1.thse itrtlsotelur. o Mtt attins 1111co1ars.p 961o1 t i s hert'uil Nctlorktt li r of th c ia llCtttor n t rt a tei 0000111'ttf ('Iicatego. rksoflthesete-adt 11 o t hing' fro erhok, cao ll t ~l. t alian1011 qua1rter111 nearof570011 aon e rsf MilkteChocl a. n ivest 0110 111110Atothe heatiof th0 Cha1o0.ngLatsoovelstiesin statngsat ob' lthTeoloicl ttttitlltt oftte ctlUeni OCnors-19E ilim S Save the Walk Down Town o 5 WATCHEIS and JEWELIRY eiiREPAIRED l5t-Itave fts-cinio 1111101asnd guar- antee our wo011k. IWe sell Fobs,IU. sif10. Pins snd Banners at Reduced Prices. ' eephone 310. F. J.SCIIL[EDE, 340 S. Stale Street THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Takingefefect Dec. 4, 1904. SOUTH5 NORTH Lv. Nn. 0*- 5:06 0.m0. Lv- No. It- 9:05 a.m 5- a. Lv. " 3t- 4:5Opnm "4t--8:l5 pm. Ar."I5*- 8:37 a.sm * Dally except Sunday between Owtosso and Toledn. 1-Through trains daily except Son- day. Itree chair cars on Nos. I and 4. IV. T. WYILLIS, At., J. J. KIIIIY, 0. 1. A., Ann Arbor, Mich. Toledo, Ohin. NN " a444444444444444444444444444444* >^N 4 Every suit and overcoat new and this 5sson's make, all O il LU xe sq u a re 1111 to-date styles and at seventy-five cenlts on the dollar. The peer of all sates. Our entire stock of suits and over- U. of M. Calendars given away free with coats1now 01 sale at One-fourth off every $1.00 purchase or over. $2o suits cr overcoats at 15.00 $12 suits or overcoats at 9.00 NFim P d a s C . Co tiS suits or overcoats at 13.50 $10 suits or overcoats at 7.50 lot do01 north of State Savings Bank. 121-3 S. Main Street WE ARE NE VER UNDERSOL;D-GO+OD YEAR'S DRUzG STORE