%TTC1IGAN D )AIJ Y, "r r o # IT H El11ZlCH IlGA N 1)A I LIV . *^rtr" as see mid-ciasi.2 ,. t.t~r ;a th Ann ;t. ye r. t 1 i Washi.2.2 o n .treet. a * Mnagng Editor,2J. ST ANLEY IBALEY. BusinessM aage, CLAUDEii A. 22THOM2PSON. a 02.2.1 alA111 I'1L N I N\ S 1)RlNi 1 r: e Hry 222 Andrews r* } ( . Nv F't.la r224a.. .: I) t A.Wit . Sanord And1the22cr 'tre E. .31 sd ~tto .3 I *~~'tttE. A-* ddress:C L 1Al 1)11A. 'I lO1ll'SON, Busines Ii. It. ~ 'ILanager, 331 Packard St., Telephoneo 461. *31i S. Stdle St. ________________ *** .** .,,*4~***~,~.. 2 \~. .2 'I '.2 2, 22 , P05 \' ("f LAW SIUD[NTS! Should there he ta Federal Incorporation t.aNN, for C0111 mercial Corporationls? D~epartmient of l.a i" Imsportant Subject. I1222 >it 11l ii f1 4 i i e #M+ m ,+ i ..} .+; #44 f }- , College bText= Books#_ Neer and Seconid hmild 15 22 2.2 2 N} telltia ai I'it rliraw ng n s i hooknt Wae} nS1111mPn Trr u 10 e Mathylass S 10' 1 l aSnd I iti A it. t #22!t}1 .:.W e liplalS F Inrast'H IStt Editor Today-HUGH ALLEN. CALENDAR. R.. WA. ' 1 1 1 222 a 7 Price 35c Wa hr's tB ookstore' P~ublshers Spring Woolens i "i 'I11c r2 22 c ,f lc iitr1 1 I 22., il:; 12222.2 'I111 2 2 2c~t '~I c1 2 1, i1 2 ~tlr vy "1 li2 t ti122 .122211 11122rI tlt tlC a iI 22. I'1c' c 22I 22t 11.222 '22t1 I22 2 122 222 his2.22222222work2at2 112222222f 11 2at i 1 2 2222. 1 2 1,i22 .cc iit 1 1 21t~ law. Fin222222n2. 2 2 22.11 2 n 2 1 1wi . 2f 1 5222 2111( TVhe mfost .omplete assortment of Wol. tedls and worsted . cheviots iln all sha of gray are to be found here. You can only appre ciate the good taste with which they h beenl selected by f actual inspectiOl' the goods. 10 You're invited tO 3~f 11 12 2211 3 0" 212 2 2 122. 'tl 22.it 2 .l 1 222 S2222222I 22" 22 l!it1' 22 '1 2.2lt21722 5 1. '2'.. 21 al 222 .2 22212 ,' >2.2 Get your Gym suppnjtes att Cushing's. -t 2r , il12 Ii . 22.2.22 2 ____________it___ 1 ; t: Irt22,1 w,11 2 Suits tpresse~d, 25c; trousecrs, i10c. Fluler & O'Connor, 619 E2 William St. HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY Face Valuie ;s If you va tlue it as).i .1 WouIlLIMS WTV 9 s i IBEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE He Students' Lecture AssociationI 1904 - ffitX2fifttt Zeaeoll - 1905 R'ussell*N. Conwell Henry Van DykeI Henry Watterson Leland 'T. Powers Johtn 1I. MlcCutchieon Champ Clark3 ;;E SOUSA'S IBAND) (brv. La~ollette, Edward Bol ; Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest k Open Number SEBASON TICKEBTS $1.00 SINGiLEBADMISSION 50c I I c Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Gioldetn Iio, pet lb. . ISC ttariacabla, 2222 i1). 2f Yedocisg Java, per Ib 28c Arabian ocha, p1b i. De2:2an ('(2. 5 i rlcu , cr 112., 20c 214 South Main) St...,. DEAN Bi1iavmrds a Geittletast Gatte, is always atn etijoyable 1atajz whtettplayed at the Varsity' Billiard R~oom whttcltItas tfi n I estequtipmttett ittitte city. q51 313 SIATE pfloNl5 -------- -------------- Z I I have your Pictures frameid at De [ries Art Store uorn eMain'and Liberty