THlE MIC141CAN GAILY. AlOvercoats Isldig iE'' ,cMII $22.00 OVERCOATS .now' $16.50 j $20.00 OVERCOATS now,~ $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS rio'..'$13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS now.. $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS now'. $11.25 LVTZ, Vhe Clothier 217 So. MaA r St. 4 4 f } t +t 1 SUIT CASES The City's Largest Assortme ntiHere. $1.65 = $2.00 = $3.00 up to $12.00 Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks In All Sizes and Prices CL UB N L l(iAiDSiT0NE BAGiS, 1.50 TO $13.00. MACK & CO. J - M.Ivoney Loaned... .AuIIRAGE sits are1tmenfo o eadyurent meant foroween. al N MarcesissIamondsiJewelrylis They're too conservative-tihe makers have to ad all hgh (a. thei ri please so ma ny ages of imen that they dare niot W. J. LOURIM. pes o k r .'ls iissil'CI sll I 1040 A e. C e C HodustiC o lle g e B ra n d C lo th e s V :0,1)I I I Are Just for Youthful Dressers ; 1U~ten SriliNot y'ouths' stlt iiiid yon,hbu togs for Col- i;liege boysand chaps who like thenr way of dressing. The sty le'slieav ier than the price - r sr e e ' ot L unch [ 15 to 1-2 off for January Atait _______. Sat Staebler & W uerth 1 I- Mackintosh's Toffee aid Peter's Milk Chocolate IIlii Mcil "iii ii 9' r~rr iiil ) w Pageill u li } ()nh I :I:S OFiiiii 1I I iI I' S'lIii'hI;ii Misei hsc rigs' iadi- imelf theIAlloingoces:Lridsihairis- L if the gfaIme. it will bisomeiithiiiif niiiiiiii I lcrt E. . If Ciiider,I of the leastiamiiniiiiiiii ialo '9 T c it f caniiteissis asfiilliois: INPi arry s I I ei< , og o. ~ms os.1 aiil, iiiai ~~ 5'!' ()Grag, Cah el.iil, DooleyiiitcellCr j i sl aiiiihrove. Ihish r, l l, ~ ilh. I. let h ir. \siii 'NaftI, R e s e g, l Brniswick Tables' Moy 'cIis tII. (I'g elm 0EItyS BILLIARD PARLORS Mcs'onnelrl, IllsiIdrlgs tFraser, (al FClEars and Tbaccs. rihirs . If s , -fii od ot .illiih Cigarettes and Pipes \s'i Niii iii' .hiisiN II\ 1.1I. ss(.i iES IN CONNECTION g i ills 33 lii.t(lii,, Saiiger, lar- 1Eeryi ing Neat anii 'isan ii t ii i s , I 1Islan,iii Siiii NNiliaiis, State St. R.E. JOLY. him Scu taGlassr, I lsloss Mranii, Academy of hostlipp leiiiMc~inney.\\Caihers'u & 1 bn I n i resers irefe-iPlme., Alen MeGrahm Gincercall. altrndcGerde, orintgh r~r cadC~ Of Dancig tiRgN(If fimIN. slkepn fr ii iiicatirI Jf fill sihi t~i ~I.Ihrees 3 9-q f3 N 116NUll 1111, SOtVNIR.1 Caill at flu's A71osi IHumonseindloosui ove sr thr iwsiscihsiganss ivirsityl'Song LOST. Oni 'Ihiiiiipsiiiiasnti Libusrtystresi-- sair eye glai5sss. Rituris io428 Ilanil- ton flare. 96-97 hissryicolege' sudeist slhssuldsass iiiesoiitihslu ewsr i' lirlsigais Univsrsiiy Seiiig ILook s u n sale iatERoits - flusiis I oise. 96if 9 Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 10c. Fuller & O'Connor, 6t9 E William St. Latest novelties in sultings at Ful- ler & O'Connor's, 6t9 E. William St. I PHOTOGRAPHS, taini parts oi iiie iody, bitido not con tain llsh iinuIinei'ayii nurs Shredded Wheat Biscuit becausiiitips madeiof wheat and nothiiid elseiu. I itaSuin a iliihe.w ust-everddbd ofit an.akrn i f h itrereets i n stnaifhat iiili'5ii h-theiriisonoriso ideid Wheat ris ot a - r nliisbul a at urilisoodit 3 sis t" rdsige sd." Sich food enfeeble thinstomch ss yi aitepting Q uShriddeduWhlesWieatiscut ayb Thbe.NaTia ssd Cste wolnwat Niagara Falls, N. Y. Save the Walk Down lown i WATCHIES and JEWELRIY REPAIRED wer havirlst-class woiolnnand cguar- antsisourwnrks. W sell Fobs,U.sifM. Pins and Banners' at Reduced Prices., 'telephone 310. ; I. JI SCIILIlID, 340 S. State Streetl i horid4.Ans AsbrCa Me lustyas' so4sclock i ri iit TH-IE SE YM(C Wr± K irr~i c Ity all; iimportant.ii s.ICRIJGA CE TRAN\agissisri. '116 Sent Zh~fe Niagira Fails Route." 107 ITI MEN. CASH POSI'T THE SHORT LIRE I CH-ICAGO Il(i)t 1115itfrlytrtris out iiTI'uesidy, 'Noa orders far cabs ft AI b0R oJ BUFFALO 4:.;i. Ifs sr iiiilvi- nieded. ments will be taki AlO 'BOSTON Isililarary TrasckNMgr. cash aecompai kith NE YRKlST. One oiipietisanasd fro S itl ~iect coninections at Chicago for - aititeniiI Ih0 "d15 Itansas City, St. Paul anod li IExclu Casl fiisis sveusner thro west- For information and Fbca ,I.F .egae nCoupie W. ; h tickets call on or write to W. ii 11111 l TIIse "drn toii7135S. 12111 Robisn& Co. S Agent, Ann Arbor. srs iiireet and 5 srl iril-. li71-9 Walker's Livery aliata OUJR STUDIO, tMaineSt. y 'ILY t3ASH ,THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD ir parties or entertin TIME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4, 1904. in this season unless nies the order. Lv. Nod' liT :Wn.m. Lv. Ns. It- 9:05 a.m LTESI i"ilI 1:3 . In. Lv. 3t-1n4:54 p.m 4t- S:15 psi. A r. 5'- lS 37n. m nparis-orester- *Diyecp udybtenOos n 31c - . '1'j0 Toledo. tlirouch trains daily exceptS uii- ria _e - 'Sht? day. lFreecair ears in Nos. I and 4. Holme' Livry , V. T. WILLIS, Agt., Home'Li r J. IitBY, 0. 1'.A., Ass Arbor, Slch. W. H. Stark Toledo, Ohio. HOCKING YA1LbEYHy Continues Its Excel' Billi1ards Pool You Will Find Four Trains Daily Sti -mJPSon ( Stim3pson Crrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 334 State Street UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK. 202 Elkn' Tremple, Detroit. Rich. Tobacco Cigarettes Cigars WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD -G OOD YEAR'S DRULG STORE