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February 19, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-02-19

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The~l chigan Dail
Or, Cv ANN ARBOR, MICH. ----,DAY, F.I RUARY ig, 195 No. 96
Prelminry Met Sucessul f- h. ounder and Head of the bull
fair-CxDe i eti ihHouse to Speak of Sociological
Jump- Ackerman, Leete and Problems in America on
urprxexes League.
ax n Icir IS trc: rspcs roxI. fay h ll- ^r i Sraii ta-
Pr"iu< AIi ll . fth ew m n ic of th Conisumevr, Leagie,
lriv~l a ld th o mid whic w i hold is anuiaI sate ne-
Ivre 1)1 ic1 cbu tr thn th se o(f lsix n ii.An ii X-io)I(111ithe xii. Mis
i ii xxcfo i irtnr o nh i ac Afecting Svexi Shops ii
Ile rrivx of the vxxiingS-d71ix>> Xxrni s ati> thelihead xiof Hull
1 xxxi xIIx,..rIt lve eet levelanx xiby iss lmx>willh, xwixx wo friendxs,
"thsthr ralC xienxvr.sxi ok liher ownxprivateiiifortxxnx xand deix
fxrxtxandxi xxxxxbaxelixixxxxx ..l. 00hl voxedx itxx xxo xxxsoiogcxxl woki, giving
n > xixxfeat.i_ txap her whole ixlie xxto x xsxxxix xf xxcix
Ilxx .arex'xxx i axxix o sl
xxIip > i lx x xx xxx x xx i xxx i i lbe iierx'qualiidx to xixpe xk io f xxx
I xi t xxxr xxxixith-Ixi., i. A ke m n ix xxx ic x co xixios xnxAmexicao ihan
lxiidx xxxx x xx>Xx >xiixi xxax xxx iiii
g'o'lix x xx nt wok.ll hrxgixi vix A da
h ii lxxii l . Tixhieii l i xi (Ifi teixxi iuioiA er
ip ihc' w ightievens.xxiifoxixhe ap-i xanSva hp lxxxor lby rxcxnti ev xiii
lxx xxxiii> ~ph Roelat igh'(R ii son :l w ihM ssA dm
li i1 xnc o liii avexx eeni xxiii x ii~xiixi quifiedix txoxxi peak.XxiiSihi
lxxvi hill lxxxi lxivio lsxxiilast yearihas recently ireturnedi fromi it ti ipli
rieca'is'idor rcrd w s t fixbod ti n tixlrex co i ti on ofxiii xthe
u."xxiii iylJohniRo inson in _ioix woring peplloxthr iiutie xxf ii
1 i i xii ~ xxii x 4 i xxx lxxcma' oly o - ertipvMisxs -Adamsi Ixvisid xx (ii
° r n in t l xxe e n t anx h Cl ifo rn ianiSi:xa ndib e c a mevi eXix o lmX xii a c q u a in tedx w ith
1.\Ixxxxixi ,\ l \p 1 I \i . \ nt x'n ie h u xretix n, h adi m achi toi (Iii i ix ~~n .M d a e ' r si o sk , w o i u -
t lxi iloflxxxiii liii lixiacx:ixirl xxxiGodita iniioenisth sy p hy o ri xxiiel h ee ,I u~ . w n h .he l rs t~u ih c m trr n p v
cell xtt iii iablit xxixstrt fat. in 11111 lxbse"ixilixhellillixi( "li has theilixx uthich a xg iii'er
a xxiiijui I xtiri er iilmxxd l - NIiOi1,1' l xii I xlvi xv1 [,ii>wholelxifehaxxx nliedinii a
xliix prxioih s e ta o s Ite e- s o te t r i n c uu 'm six > Xinixxithe xvxhiighe t xdgee iker.
fx l i i i e : mx x xiv o b y il e e l s h hte r t hx iito , l l x xgex x ti r u n -{ni i n t h e x , r i c liat i n aia d a t i t i c O a l xs o t i
M l u c r h i t I u g f r s c n p a ini h xes c riiL xm xiiio t rc
xxxii Iafi tx I<lxx
nn iii iif.nchs.ieeerwaxxxd-i ppo ixixixi wate 5 ti tlt:ani{ itc ttxihiIlirxlixAeria, 'fulixoue xixxhcag i
o"xyxii mfrtale magi, utvil )illxix ixlx lxxxti texxxiax; te liii w enth ortos l iiith m staetheic Jne i-
xxxvi >dams' i villx asxx a lectureri x ix'gtho 'ou dhly
fee 1x The xxxxxxixiiixixix* xxxLi-hiiiliall. tr ies o xci xx xx in Annxi A irorigion
X axx iityxx aiii ii lxxxiii O I fl he xcanxlntxlxxxixrtakenxxrixtixilexlxxung xandiix...ii i
kecpti ihe frnnnheix sxoiei last if htixi sl xli 11-g, r tiiiu le nixtrxiiufiinlithi'ix ie and chaxcteixir xxxii.Ai lol)xxiii a o x
iixi li i i x xl e get it> ion l i eoiixtii xxxiii xliiiiriced xiigir
'axiaiim.xi x xlx i xxi. xiilt<xiiiontiesIt . iOr
tr irisii ~,iii x'xx'rxxn so i ixlixir ixixixi ilxxdisxi c pred-
I ii 11111 lxxii ii 1i atrnkii ii iixixix, xii lI t i > I 'l. clxxix txI iicor i' ith r l xoied , ixxu iliibieicxn ii
ex uniii al xxx i ii iillii'iand i c xixxi ix~los- ,mxiiti xcdr 1d t-: 1h circ m h i tiix-Xcxitheyl
iii ii .iiixiiiixniliwfulil xi xii Iixwith eey cn S111,xtK u c . lii l. h - F'btrI lpy wilx ihe ecue te ad isin t
un r g i, c l' o p u n r I 11r li iii i 1 elii
1 11 1 1 xxxx lxxxii se torx i t.xiii xi lie nc > Sd,: } e 'x > r.
I lixP5>x>1>xxN lCLUBxDANCExxAx Llii
lii vvih 1trlx se nd anx xxxi> xxiii I chhtxxli (Ii d pat)xhiyctxeiiuig haSi Granix-SS
t x: t, 1 nxxi ii xxii ix i ti an' iii, 1c~s nxi, iixieci--iiiddli'if\1xvi:Ixtixxtycoxxplxxx.
k xoey lco~dli xilac iii xi lxx untlfi t- 1 35 i iail'. e n.rixixi xxestfor liii if "Oair\ iverix
to., lx's Biiee fityxnixrxt co ple
nxi ti>lx f louriihe iii n xx i chiii> i >l Si'. ilr xiii'> i viii rs.uVi
e vtu e ;(lx i] hi M io itsrd l f- ie ru : A a n l t , H o 1 .1ip ht GlaitoxiierSi r>atterance. The aem ix.r
it 0 ,^ J lxxi fil >11. . . . . . ixxiixxx. .. i ci.xix*n i. iF'. XXtins~i, Sins. S. Si. Yixizii axnd
' (_i weI~>CI Coeyfloig ''r Ms. ClSarxenc G. XXrcxiiixxxre.
{r lx e o x vi- plce rhc theii '-a~~ forma pa i xriy to ibe givexn ai G>rxanger's
lA rr _' i xxiilccxxxi pxgpai
1111t Ti xiix x ixxxxxxuxx.ihe Ml~ichigan D~ai ly for the iii cgil> iixi li>a
xxxii 1i>g for th l ead and had toii con ,.: 3i 101i iixiigxii.
lx> l xiiit thei tea work oxii xlCoe andxii balance of the College Year
> ilixi wxxrkcei togcether. $1.00 if paid in advance. Dr. Stece, ax> old xx5{11 fooihaii man,
lx valxxii ixxeili xi>li ixrix Address is. a visitor ixx Ainn Arhor. Dr. Sieckie
xi ivf.6i> xx xxli lxxiiiC .> iP5>ON, Bus. Mngr. p~ilayed oii thue vxarityu in 97, 9 and '99,
h~>i ilar>1 four xli ive incixes iv spxare. >kPhone 461 331 Packard St. captax~iingi iihe teamxix>n the iast namned
ali W l ixe ihigih ihurdles withoutix yiiiiui0loxox~xxxx~xx.ixii.i.xii.x.xi~x.iix.x~ixiixx>ixx > ear.

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