TE EoICIIIGA I lDDT .Y. *o.+4*:;..te"T *V+ 44444.4.44.+ «i + t.+*+I":4 i+49-1.44 I All IOvercodts I °1717 ]Y I A 1I.. SEAH IN("i&: 1ARt $22.00 OVERCOATS r~aow $16.50 . $20.00 OVERCOATS rmows $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS nowss $13.50 , p¢4 + + T ' T '4X 4" 4t $16.00 OVERCOATS rxo $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS .nw $1125 $12.00 OVERCOATS sto $9.00 LV TZ, Vhe Clothier 217 So. Mairx 4, *1' M- h #T--4'i-- -x-4-4"U-'6 4 M-'il-O- i-i- +IM-N-4 #-4- 4-+P-4-Y-i i t4..4. t. M. F..0-4..#--4 #- 1 - ;i t ,+ !e 0 't i" i" 4 e ,f 0 0 t t ,e SUIT CASES The Cit S Larsts sorotm en t Hers. $1.65 = $2.00 = $3.00 uip to $12.00 Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks ft All Sies and Prie CI iB Dt 1 ii IDSiiNEt I XiS, ' if i) O$13.00 MACK & CO. i 6 1 A f 0 1 8 i M b b t 7'1' ++++++ f-l!"+ i 1 i + 14- * 1 14 1 f 1 .1 i +++++ 1, 4 - Y i i-O-i-i -4--t#- f a)Iall IlichCl Cha'iittri 1 arii IIos rate s?c ris W. J. LOURIM. I'O (itI)r o uI i tlf tisrr l'. so(. (), sit'r5 rr r 4sc :t ttt : t i t is:3; .4 t 1 Bsiness trietly Confidentil. + At AT~attie's. 338 S. State * 1 hl r. ro toro conu rti- 1%,sr i ,,th.. t hv ts ot College Brand Clothes -v1Are Just for Youthful Dresser: sCTS E c; Coe~ 25s TS- SfNo rt otits' sutts, onion 5rrrol, rut togs totr - eg o}s allcas w o lk hi ai , (I rr sir titoy. The styes hevie rcar thtian thoe Irice. _- 1-5 to 1-2 off for Januar y ~SI RE 1DDI S5taebler & Wuerth at ilttrsttttttttt rrrt. sirc t55tr -rr- Art t IN i;.siris t I rsrt - r ts o w n _I. tlrrt ipl orir i rie dits Itrarttts- tt itrrI1ttretarr i ltctrt r tiiiD al loffee andl Peter's Milk Chocolate at Q uarry's DRUG STOKE Tl .\ itcr-riIctttSpeaket tr..,,.. ... . .. Rihardi is. T. 1iliister Si-i.............J. FI allda r ti!; ,. ,,.. cl ltiAt cIltS 5'l l l (' tar ilI~rtc i r ;i c ilv t~tv C 11llhcl1 an sri lit ' t ir" 112sr i1ot ait t'rdt it i'r11i \ar cvi li ltihe V- tNOCH DIETStkLl 1Itnslne rno5unottsi Director &i bnlnc Calts attended d y or nigSt. Ne Brunswick Tables BILARDPRLR FieCigars andl Tobacens. -14s. tW. Rirr. Psrtp..A.t t ate Sree Tu itrof Tukish Cigarettes and Pipes ,tly Anrt r Oro It.I3. ItO.S.s aeR 1. S ANGE' 0Academy of Dancing ii' rrr to r fn ~ :l n rtr i n rtd. Orrr \V1C 1AN CENTR~AL "Th Niagara Falls Route.. THE SHORT ELRE CHICAGO &NAR~BOR to -BFFAO , BOSTON With NEW YORK t. tirect contnections at Chicago for the BusKatnsa- City, St. Paol and thr° W icet cFo nformato W. ,t~tcenet no write to W. VASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. l 1. . ' 1 ,,,t1,, t- tai - t11C C tlh I\ i tri 1 i ;thett Al I, 111, c ie I t I31 111 lwltriirr ,E se . 'lola~la tits. C c s< a~j~ C.Bh~it, )t~ A.llm-1101. lck llt, tod lcke,drai's head I ;d a orr , ll-. Chtrls S Anlrn, d - Igll' wit tw re st a . flbirtdrl _lI s. l;,trI 1. Ccnclc. Th hoorar -rc icd os Nutn-Ps to 5 ttortcsi fir S nr tcii 5R~hrlL) 1. Iaist o rssL t ae, tngr Isr.-,ttrt. iihtrlea S. Ands~tLus 1.S tForth avenrte. Phtsoes-B3ell, I'r sr Jatr th. rlllda rtgusr t . 06J- I trte, 289 Iled. 24CC I l;.I~a rnccC. ~ttlChal NiM: Ticket for foutr stamptoos, oedol- iiai r r. Soft water. Misn Vaughati, N.! ! 1 rt f irsrt. ' ;Utiversity, near Qutarry's. t-th-s tf. ii rrs ti rs , r\itt iuy tfrctorry-radtse sireepskirr C. l tebin, Gorc. urgss tncaisawhsrnttI semi tire retol Indiani tsr rr tce, of igood i irrcksintanttobeader], Shredded Wheat Biscuit a4- -1.-:+1414.1;.4. f+ ho 4+444+44 'tt i t t. ir Dowtn tTo ntr Savee the alk y n ;y a W:hr" -tChe is noJot LrYod .ds rXst, is nr-cia p se~r rss re, b t ot- C od Irss- tre sri. 5Vrdt~tlrobd.n1MSuch . i 1i aodla heo ach byat colpinn. I.i Je. Q, Tris[D[ , 340 e5.wSole Swhet .g ! sftIr orartoriria rs trr aiiy st~si '. cert lI I,. GIhEISPII,TEAClH11R. Nd.f NTUTO i++.++4++++++I (iftttrtfoitr lotoo aidguiar C W1 c -irrrsrcc tind ts IreSttdio cor THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD State street stuoi, cornter Liberty sr tairoandriblerty, rosio 5 of G.rotsvs; TeIcritosre 723. 62-3-6-7 sitsIck;Iiphone .16J.fIrrfd Ktile.vr 55 Ia~ntt ______________1__ TIME TABLE-Taking effect Des. 4, 1404. CiI IQUlAtsffGidN ORCIHESTRA.5 Suitressed, 25c; roonerst e0c. rSOH ORTHn _____ Fuller & O'Connor, 6f9 E Willianm St . ir.o..stt a.ms. L ,. ri. I*-¢:50 a. Olde. tar Steetslodi Ies~pootr. Get your Gym sappnies at Cashing 5 O-:st.siIA r33 s;ofilioi i s 4 00t oP.. _____i________ i 1:y ,S unrdtsray rrsros - o soro air nd Toedotr. 5 tieroglo 5trastsdl~y rxcvpt san- Steam and French dry cleaning and day. Fren tir Lsson No. I0and 4. Go to Cushing's for Hersheys & repairing at Fulle.r & 0'Connor's,619, IV. T. WILLi tat 0., Caillers Milk Chocolate. tfE illiam SL . I. i-tlttiiX, 0. 1. A., Annooshr,. och. 1 Toledo.()tios. liROVJIG TT11' i Cotntinnes Its Excel.- Billlards Pool ~-&U~ij.VU ?lEYily$ .lettTrain Service. You Wtll Find Four Trains Daily t ~S timPason I60%S timpson Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains 334 Souzth State Street UNION DE POTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E CLARK, 202 Elks' Temps, Detroit. Rich.~ Tobacco Cigarettes Cigars WVjE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE