MITI MICHIGAN DAILY. A, ''i*+1++++-r";"+++++3 + . .5. + .1....+..I+ +++++++ Over lcoats ws' lie ;(6i1 at 1 =4 $22.00 OVERCOATS flo $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOATS rnow' $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS enw $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS no $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS fuow$1125 $12.00 OVERCOATS nw $9.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier, 217 So. Mainx St. 4 +, +I 4 r-~ ..+o+ + + trar . ros a - - it ;t 'f } t 4 4 } t tt t 4 1 t t 1 SUIT CASES 'he City's Largest Assrtme nt iear'. $1.65 = $2.00 = $3.00 up to $12.00 Steamer Trunks, Dressing Trunks, Wall Trunks In All Sizes and Price CLUlB AND OL1AD~STONE BAGlS, $1.50 T0O$13.00. MACK & CO. 1 e 1 $} 1 1 1 1 4 f f '** lh*I *1F i*+ l* k k+ k++-*P+t**X*++**F#++++ i*+i++[* * k+# +1 i / Tf+ i' - if'i" '- 'i'TT' - 0 - 0 0 0 L ' '"X1oneyLoaned. y .R~ Mlt trntmeat tfor votyoung r tiiei, ad } u~re not eant to sxear em.t on Thelsi ils '. 1Msy'rs too con~serv ative- the makers hav e to adall11+11 '1+ 'tu 'ola r, 5)piease so nsiny ages of 10e1 that tlhey dare not W. J. LOURIM. /115s7 11 4.a AT. >, l i1 ,College Brand Clothes N oY l~p 1C115 IAre Just for Youthful Dressers B555~ 5.1 1 l~ C 11 5111\1 Nt \uistl stilt, ssssd on, bot togs foxrCol- SET 0. 0 .IT dreIsis 'i. Tli t slie's lBeat'iier than the prLice- V° -1-5 to 1-2 off for January t Si ik DDED. AIt Tt w~es.3g h S~ tae ble r & W uerth'' - W EA (), 'C Ma1ckinotosh's lolfee 1011 Peter's Milk Chocolate at Quarry's UG OSTOKE O1 I'Ii. 55.1 'l t h.ilTAIl SiICS 'l'O 1BAN t I"'T. Nex Friday1 night 115at 1Barbour))gIn the '1 mstm)l'ers 51club holsis 5annuals)1 miwne \ i)s.u .A spl) enrdid pr'o- ram 1f t)as es')b esiarranged)55'nd Ithe 111. 1'1')swill 1concludeswithCacinghue 1. 11i) 11. I'ff lw, w)1 il e el ostr inatl ,1if toa55sinstr s.sssse i~lsle 1)1')) he 5111115.sThluasefoundedl aMihgnabtt\hi e ake.agThese 1)1.1 11ncluded7 1)ingits 1 m besispforlssss ~h")bane11)stinguishetheranlesnuin l, it5 ;s thei1 r custom1 atoire1sfntileyear. lpee)) 5 tings, on5e instls interIlss')nl >lus'it,,s' theI' s i . Thesslattsi, Ssssrsen- I'l 5155.Ildl. Wis') ore sLke ''sle ~WBrunlswick Tables EDSBILLIARD PARLORS pin Chars1 and Totbaccos. 1 s 1 V. l i. Po. 3112ll S 71 a ts tre Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes I .:H'Nr'llvsIN CrCit~'s' )5 l Ns +...i1E 1 1... Academy of D)ancing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry E'11 J. LLti Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. A l;CiWAN CENTIM 'The !Niagara Falls [Route.". THE SHORT LIRE CHICAGO '~ARBOR to " BUFFALO BOSTON ith (NEW YORK t d~1iect eonsneetions as Chicago for 'th os Kansas City, St. Pastl and tyW Went. For information and titsAgent,aAnnlArhot~e t W r4$ 'es t~t l ) cIs 117 1)must reporte < . l ,ii c ) . a r i k 11 s' I')515Iss5 11.7 atr <>r ill) rr .'t , s pea. i )S's '1 I'c I FCC I5 1 . l's 5hwllls sils. 1511 sl a't st'll(,s' design, )itli 1two redstone11s. tLiberasl - -.) 'l -1 ss r . r fr rtu n t Is)'as' ,l'l 1 ; 5) 1lillo . 9) 3-9 1. s l I Is I el ) F'A .\"'II1CL SOUJVENIIS. Il sttIIs , 'I'rasq: ;llee. - ____________________ 'Call.1atlRoot's Msusie Ilotise andil osak i 11 5 r 5 1 <5 s l).t11) 5)1)1 0%r2" e I e News' Michsigan Univ'ersity It71 ~ \ I' '1115 1 f() 1 Ills Sol iisss is. 1t t\ 5I I, k ic at1 Il,) (d '11 1 usal «cek,- Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, t0c.1 _____________ Fusller & O'Connor, 6t9 E Willianm St. _____ (Go to Gushing's for Hershteys & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf 4 ++ 4 +++44 . +'...:... . .+ Save the Walk Down Town WATCHEIS anti JEWELR~Y REPAIRED anterrour wolrk,. We sellFobst.of M. Pins and Bainners at Re~duced Prices. Telephone .310. F. J. SCI1L[[Dl, 340 S. Slate Street ,t'c'11t?:, t rh 1r 1 ' 5. Is f lhn ' 1 )11 IItn))) s nssg 1 111 11 1 ,J I (eT ). rl 1 l't(")Il , 1 .1)11 s I 01a ) 7 sharl) to- l~tS~ht.'arker. lasses'sotriesl a vibrassage at Tro- j555 Iti s 1gr1eat, ands gives a Isealthy coniplei~ll. 5tf 'I'll aresthe11'elIs wan tos toPteI)1519r's a . X+"4+.4.'4.' . I. 'l.1''n4. +'l. '. . .+.. Oigia M51.1ltilk tChocol~ate, 1ma,115II11155011'- eehslan.5 free sansltsie is wsaig for, THE ANN ARB' R RAILROAD CssI at lut lnlrys drusgstore. 93 fIMRE TABLE--Taktne effect tDec. 4, 1904. Stearn and French dry cleaning and repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 619 ho eoeoii 5115s511 L .Null6*- 8:W a. Inl. Lv. NI). 1- 9:50 .ni1 E. William SL ""' t-113a ss1 Ls'. ." 3t-4:550 inl ___________4t- :1I)1411. Al'. 5" 83 a~'.' 1 l-'svery esalege student sliould hass C' tDailyeetSundt sO~ll w, t n 1011 -)() and 011 uS oftile neoc ihga nvestTsoiedo. OThrogh 1t'airss 10 py'sellt 011 Ills ~ ~ ~~ MligsUnvrtyday. tFrechircars)11on10Noy. ) Ild 4. Sonsg lookss nosw on sale at Root's W. . % iso t vt. lob s I lusse.Toledo.,tOhsis. 6 4 4s Im 4"1*4"&++ 4 & sit 4o + IiIKN A1 fl~ y$ lenst Train Serice. You Will Find Four Trains Daily Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. I S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Teympt',Detroit. Ryich.+ + +- '7 ' '+'++4++++ 4 T14.+ +. 4 F.+l..++'4.+'+++ Sllards Pool aStirnpson (%v Stimrpson 334 South State Street Tobacco Ctgarettes cigars WE ARE NEVER UNDEiRSOLD-GQODYEAR'S DRUG STORE