_ _ __--- "r One Night Out to . FLORIDA VIA 4.4 4:Big Four Route + From Detroit and Toledo : . (UNION DEPOT1 IN BOTH) =" Toledo and ." Cincinnati No disagreeable Transfers + Write Big Four Agents for Informa- 6 +4 ion, or + ~L. W. LANDMAN,: *General Agt. "TOLEDO, 0. comfoe 0ond ervio X z1t ? 'Brghto (, Now wrnn findea #y t'womil"o'o'o men. January Slaughter Sale BARGiAINS! B~ARGiAINS! BARGAINS! In Men's, Boys' and Children's Winter Clothing ' Underwear CUTTING, REYERO & CO.u ®A ' ' f. , ! .p a', , f A f j D.(oing None? West + or Southwst? Missouri Pacific RY. , OR SIron Mountain Route FINEHS I RVICE 1 it " i,l Ir t", " 'l 110011 " :t1rt: '1 j., 1., , t 00 o.KX'7}joq SH. D. Armstrong, T. P. A. 4. I'" W~tea v. +- Ann0 AoArbor, Ruch.~ 109=111 E. Washington St. ANN ARBOR Visit RENTSCHLER'S NEW GOULND FLOOR STUDIO. 1319 Last Huron St., opposire Ldiesr' Librairy Special Rates to Serl ions Ina ll Departmensts Continued from first page. ttt' ti tt' 0001000 ait 0111 St "1 at 10' 000 r b ,)kti o utr l00t0lit' t 00i 001.;I1 coilct IAA1.0-0 I'l cit r osoNooo toto. \ t ~ito 0. * 0, ., tt 1 n) ( 1, 0000 i ,a 0il. iooo-i t , ' 1000 tooMl-, tootolI-,oo it 0 000,t01 lc~, t teas c( 1o 0 r too 00it' tt I' c"t (I i I Ii 'l'1111;', t ' 1']t :l 4+. ., 't1 0 1100 s't~ioioto secure cte o w 000, 0s 0100e iBari- priva~olte olo tl'io'r.. 01111 4 CATERING CO* *:* 315 S. State St". i.i. .{.. . I i- +"w.. ' +- ,.frI 00:Scott's 4Ademy of DdnciNO9 < '. J it 000 ontioo ti tooiic 001010 1h0pill t o$3.00 PER TE 0. M. Martin Fuea a S. .t41U Arve. PhOne 98'4 1 3Qi'?o S.5th Avoe. Pone tO '' Amobulance on tall. IRowe's Laundry Ihomas RoweProprietor. 320 N .11ith Ne. D AMNC I NOG Gxranger s LAST TERM Freb. 11, 15 to May 2 'iooORT'O RS 0 t In oiitoooo ewt be ithe'ooi0n0.t of a, 1 oc l + t t u c t i t i C orao 0 n a% too '00 000ad carm am.0' t '.fo Wn.0',t Sil ) a,0110g)Oo ''.000., t o 0 0000000 oso u'0 0 Ca o the '00 lat yeacor andoiot 'tfo 0 00 ,oO in bot, Ililto o'' clu'b''0 o ntest alt'0 "C.000're 00aan00 IIotot 'Ooioii, toto tried' { d 0.ha ooota"] 0orator t is 000000. '. that ott l o lads' 0s't< 0tr for .0 10000'cI 3 2' l l 7 -- ..110 1 0 'i1sc r al,, c '11 oo lto o 00 tetroitt.silanti, Aee Artoor 0. Jaoo n Roy T5time Tale;ro , 'li, 000000 0' 0 ( to 0000 000.00 itl10a00c 01i r f il ;. i l In s tl 1 >S00 0i.it 0a00 too 000000 0000 trool : ( .I 111 i tot 0 1 rrl 6 1 a. ll piti ito t hoour .00 (Ill.7:r :, o;oo ito'711i ile Ii ouur 001001300 0000000too 00'1''1' r 000.c t0)0l it ooIII oI t 1 .I' iiixo1000 )00 0'. to otit ( ot I I. A )lt t heooo '0' or, 111'11 lo 010111 1111' 11c i~llc 001fll 0 e oo to ot'toi0 000 i00. o))l rooooot irooi l Ii eo' a Latest novetties in onitingo at Fuit- .II1iter & 'Connor's, 619 E. William St. i. 1-taA too'I o ol -a -cit tltt + tt s? .l r n t c ; t< r - tales. If, WA.SHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO 2111)Ft. WASHINGTON ST. .'Pickwika 0 BOWLING ALL'~ Str-ictly Vp-r -aeS. ROTIENSTEIN, I-S-0p, 707 N. Ve~ive. A BAIL[EY & EDMUND~ Deae,'o in. o Ous- 'ishing 'lackle - Ammunit'P FishoNets fo,'r eorating. I A East 0I0 114.-t} .S. 0Ann ,rore +tct A I, X A N D1P I 0 Bqortist Oo N. 0o'oo 'o. 1 (WI~~DIW FOR TiHE Y "HOP SI01 I tl 'nw anoo riginaol. + ~>4~T 119 S. Main St. Fresh Hom ema.de Crearxm Taffies Pennycook 310 so. sto to Y- _ I Vn ' 1Wtter Turkisth CORK rIPS R. PLAIN C;,( iretkc, an be made Look for ij- " 0 egf 5. A A .' ____-- Always Ahead In styles MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everythint in Tal l uO