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October 06, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-06

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The Michigan aily
No. 9
Varsity With Many Substitutes Rolls Pate; Cmie4fot-Ifrato 0t Candidates Solicit Votes For
UpSgSor-amndMks Will Be Used By National Class Offices-Glad Hand
UBiTorFeHamods aksGommittees. In Evidene.
- Al the suggest iou of the 1101ioal
Forty-elghr was the total which the ttepubllicn sd tDemocrtiec. omtit At least 401 eiiotidtt'5 for others
followers of Mir. H. Y. Yost were able tees, a ipoliteal cessus of the sfn- cnnttetel with t Campus;th iis i5
to annex yesterday frontOhito Stafe d1001vote s ill bhr taenoduint lghe icliiat'record fori politicltiorite
Nornial in thalves twenty and fifteen remantdter oi the wee. I order 1o Those whitshtve wodteted at I e apta
mitnuttes long. Tie coach e 5nty-si pify the sioirk Ptesitent s Thm -to i ii Micii n me'' ehito n5'n,
deented it an usii ous occasi t o n toIton and oNichos olthrtdn e-ra oiia ai 'ilintIes
try ot his sick ieldtalen11 tot o pbican antdti elit rtt .1ic clubs tire s ir e i f Itiltcold 'she1,ns).
less ttt nine mnetoccutpiedl t o ttcotbitnedl tereffortls ttts. csts i l dsht'oi1,-"pollical aspirantsti
postoisldting the gotit lahltlii et'trticomtpt .1 ii te ndwilbeusdt}tlt'tinth° ~i~rt rea
Hostsn engs, teVst' ny oe11 odt heii 1 t natui iotuftcImtitees11 ofli boihutpa1-
faro rtcln o hihis lc uigtt tte 11 tiiti estiit'llrirork iof istning iii 11 1 1lt'tili i-t~
consdertil titist lii' ittli'iu'l'tti'tt ii lste ittr cails51 itotitre5ictlet's Itr bal dco illw htfo llw
Tamere as the:sanumfbar ottdetty t i ,ttir' iiitirehmeittollvo t el ft
tCorn fside taanogih ail 1 i' iitriti u i' li'1111tiIli' ickIt'iin'5 iallite d lau u t
the car s ill t e ittwtutua lmi t oi
t ur mdy',gtteVasoily put upaltitVtey ( 1wll I t'id irt i tola tses ilbit silt ''ni ils li I
itlay situlfor holding.twoasiti sorlit' i-
fiagticlen tintalabtes.slth r s tillii 1dents innt r c is hi lilts0011e. thi 1151
thsieale roymin rt improgelist tof Ito r-le'itetheir-caiesa usig rgttthe i eld,11111li i. lt y Ic i i
itt~~ti thetirocbtlf sidsresirint 1tbu[[IC ION IA[
Tha erwaitsa e ligtalitnensc11y Cms o F astyMana .ercp
Stihtre lltblftoicheIStatilurdaLici ovSaturda. Olll na I
Sattinays gattir, ittit'ime au etil e, sushi soctatinreadt snigst
T wacls it' hthn to iai 1 a ul tnt110 i n itt- ar c- t full} it, a i' pssbItkn
his lirtn Cl enalised fIo rlii 0 asii y si'e't trsithomletonati AthI t'tcIat . il
plande fllo ws hol itg. sth ii )tu ,0 111sdill ineitt-ill nit cI'rtelt'i-'5li 1'are01clu'nI'llectioin.
Mtuagoglinte l awbtest't'uistie to gi51 1111-i 'ire k fn uthe lng ot' o i eiW t hs elo ofcn it si1
sheiraplyit ncrtu as'nlttis iit o itald- regitiaii n 5' n lths Iitt sti gu ttii ttli ii'ac itall no 'A '''neitio 'i
ifackhitsparsits, was sivenia try-tut t its oiniler sioflihei is iii 11111 ioi-
i ll lh e fi s rllf nturedail ttif ttav sior-itt bsshl I'tt ii ctl iaoii. ii 15'liar tfIll 15 lk't A t e
Ohth i s lieatt'eligt, arisitih ltesisntewll it 'm'ian-'. h lesii dreadl'y5111 fe t iThi' I Iip n
bae ome ethioCto iapagnsoristVars1isy fall re111hisl tn o1e 1whi u-s s isls'lltir'31ili
Bilisi go d f it nsballwnt0liayst i s n i anst Ahei s
fobiii'fortihla't fr aitinc . H ltis' gtt scain Eeton S tra. Il~e lsebe t e 1w ,i,
italto the trcen i h o tos late enotInsfles
w e in io udtorty i,.G ah mb los d e thu,11 s o ec oi, ikil
Thenteotte wasllaideeiitgofflieinearitiTh e y V 1 ve rhds o eI c'i e n:t
ev i oo steery scit wsi.Ths e mai "iri atof(!litallyh o -n t
pedargesitn ewheu e ermii t h ailyfitobrS ttis* i h ii i h Llrr ea1men h
enedirhim, and-wcein of eIsecn gso h ast rc cnad vu de r ljcso ut o
ialfheccrrGie rtheof llth roughualso f te aealta o h iitd. I s c~.dt sa hi
bea meest-ils siattso,;n. tic i ltury scain hsfl r eiil onhi eIt il i sl oi
hftlire hn. 5111auist ii hh to v te
Ohio'itigts endsu lft'ria toch own-rss 's-it' " '
inre iti nguriiu t s-i-i's-c. futik-ic 11111t
the ame h a'citg tig Iho ail ohtsi. Arihtiit ilus i Io l iC111'i i1usg ths ut i i
uhardtithe nto of th cottesubt. last R:
wfre nin p hr eeond ionht w e, ant d hurTioue I t tlt tc. iti yiu. n i t i iu
Va-ht'mdeone iwasuit siiitg 1b hlrcttidht sourthi'15 afteeruthset snearlysa'fu ti
slio aed of Oihga's g lay, istsids i'
lengtleseaith tteirgameituntart'i11111dIto
ci tryed atdav hs-huh igush his ttalite tu-h si-tnflt u uuit suiutsli'' Oho 1tit iss liiio'sh- rc-'
whenu higoa.th l onasi-t' it-kft i iii i ch tit-oti u''a nu nuut ituatui t iix fr.ik
and wih isinsofimmr fu lly c l's
bforelhim sf1 e d down ha h e fi eld 111 ls tioi ~''51is'i 5 11 'i'i i tut it tea 111' ihh i
wihigan',;-higcttltline w'iatitt-tiritsi-1
Iwppd over o ne e -innt e ans'tety lttuii'i ucus'he ii atliur
fiverystdentlDteithefittittsrthltthit-authST FeeCULittC-NiERThi
drab r ingtogtthebll bas h. ih1-t aihal itaugl lt Tit ifiiu iaiuf 11'111
To am ondtil us-stfrdumy 0 utuv itw s out Lc' wististi's dis ticts't1n-.1 ['his est nusnag thte 1first11 aofrsuth
datigththe. dor f h hl
hitos Voofity esteiun t'i hh sk iibe Icoedauth it lt aniuttt7: ot isris ofl cul ( neis wllb
o ita e.s 'hreeSc timhal foter tl noli net- i llrtteuotcstis itt altethu at.' l e l'hillti eze icli hut' si- ill tui lithis 1.
Valtsit hadhu'swtorttdilwit te s't't ~ a ttttit i h l' hiistriktng imeutM . Henrii Erntth'eadi of: is hstut ilil
tinte was eslc-ul. ' Tft- fi u r ilt- i ateiis'fis the1two lill I uti-ti.st w uuiii tiappe aifer1st
stoyedutallhe itThefirstowanhalthhiills anid ht-oshurliiihart-utrnhaisttime befiie is i-situ-itt iii.
Th ra a etohueaklofst. hset lir-it iey c m tlii n h lt-e r
theygame i tit ol- li 555t5 ft C fot e rit he AItheic s cit11o11- r Erniituu hilss till ut~l i' l t s-u
hilugs a bttn veaesf. fbtt tun liltds icsalf i reita ie-i t ltde or a s a Olri itt Sir.hl irsitsrnIto
Ito l t is
ilii ii
sill d
isDo sit
nill'' 1
i a c I I
and 1Ilv
mil l'-it
Fic th-ii
is eofti
nd Streets Flooded With
Placards-A Day Before
A ntis it d.
thles'still bi~stusi' thleumotn-
ioses's oucinitctg the an-
eshi '-ioth. horht appeared in
otceiahle iplace ahooLtuthsie
andthtneary streets. The
ast1 iiiii'iighu_.' doe, as the
tcsivi'ied sytemt'tsicaly,
hti ut'in;in ch rg f ott
.o' tliiSopsit dO iditleit ost-
I uarieutatnis usual it p-
Illt-ihen were lit mltedthti,
sitf ihpstsis were 1thit1place
ga.Inu lshtn-uts uwen
tusissi--r~eu' is- Ti itIhurssayt
liii' fi'uuucommand cthetFresh,
dfnthetCamits canlutont
sluustul. i-u-il iiar 'of to' ade-
On( isblood elt in tctll'oritsani
i te tp apicureof iihSt.
aj(,tr rastng 108, ipaled
s)% t v trn 11 louau ehis i
Ilt' righ'ts'andtivuilueges
sits-ur uign ulss ofii90;,iii- sll
clisMi l liccasonuntili
ato inlet oire.tSehicond,
er In - o.sit moke on thuu le
,. Te' ll luti ohibt ion
Thei' iwhotle it ritedh non0
us ''h"tule''hFrsm~tan, ucartet
;;h i 111111l1p11, Campupis ticket:,
suac'e ssris.Abveit s Ishe
io,''Alan theii'tGus.''lieloti
a t z o thlo Ciiik." te
New Men On the Staff of the
Ilan Hospital-Pyschopathic
Ward Unfinshed
's-u-ssif the reguar hsptita
ohvr fitstusIowedioneuhudred
o nrlld a itll.5 This is
lii g uhhsi li's5 number ufinmats titg
n h lsIl "u'shlst-i-ny isone
®rufrs l l ps-io'silii's'syeartos
ra stl ht- gis-il htagi- 111bn-
'i'it' hi'itisoolig year vacatFeu-
Is ro. w0houhaIl-naiteIoethin
n isuse-uou'i(,tiut-a, tose
got hasIleftoAcinlllAhssorco
Sthoe he ill hengatugeuinl shag
'l'Iuu Th ps itnvated.~a~
Carstil wiihll be diidetillbinugi
by Dr. alteug-lit 'Parher-,111101
'Ofe sit ofdisleasestioatheuuteyetu
.I,1 3 tutu fhu ldtcuitit tle. ro
lusf -gtisss oufitge if, he
'lit ' tIll,. Na his-huhautbcomng
Ii'sorcery 71. t stillohe
i ,;its-u nfinishu'ued, o -thing ofal
ttii-sufor 'oasix ots.cTe t
sfit' s-I u-hut-cii erandopmeoior
sit-au.nO iaotconjetug re.hsil u
hSoieti-sillh siterl5athea
wil bill thinsLoeiar ntI
si-uluivenig111t 7l30.I illigbe
iossurngluofsusic, I eechures
ini- ofI coii til e sonsyafur-
d auistl spaluth roomtl on ttuhue 4th
oft I 'iii st-roil ty Hall, orth side..
u rogeramlt will hbe puoblished
inter lauss manages1 o last; ya1.: le. IHowlanduou. n{ til]p
Michgan. .S .(C .A .Rbtc a oi
Rarts C. CE. Cittm11000 tateud Hauroilsd Iloltiurs andh Mauishaull ott.(h. u.ii toauctr s
Curtis FL. T. 'WVisontli. fhul for tracki mtatager. Bouthl.i .. ... I.. V. hisseihoven Sa iull's'
Scbutte FL. C. Evans bus sosserct-tedlehfciet-tti ly n tietracikllA~gutssui t l
TedtHl'ammnuutd C. Newcomuuercoetittitli' litr.IHolmeutus s a mueitber Tiemuiputdi i n uuittliimatisi ttuii oi eruis- thus1oho
Shltzil RC. I. Slitzsgar if thelIi- Cli tGammauut Itua fruiternitut', at e51151' 1-n.,
Smithl C. T. O ttstsitund hM . lii tf thAluha ellta Clii.iItcisrili r-l
leecler 11101tt I S itlu '111H enh- It-ti t i 1 stuh
Grahamlrm uhht's tSonsg"' ...Tsnhik owsy'' am l
Tom Hamondut RC. C. litacKuiseti PROHIBITION CONVENTION. A illiutiuRowtland tl'is
\Walkucsr A co etiii''titton ft' e rht uiitio1111 Ballaiteandutist onlatsis'' 1 0 Viuo stuiir 'ut'
Norcross Q. i3. laougsuel tact'oft hts'Suitond (ti-C u-gresitol lhis-I h At
Reckter district siill be hoinhut hutfrist Chtuurchb 'Iig~s' ilos........ 1 ,r ar z C p.H son LluB. G ie old teeAlan ihTus I-'I~ tnie a as, n
Magoffin RCc. I-Bh. CGoodmtuanu uday,.Ot. 1111, t.stI us'chlock p.m.,ho W\illiami o wlandu.s11111
Stuart noinuat- a utanite tor- iu C(ongress lGavtiteus 1n11 'ari-li 1111 .- .1011al (), h
Whteekssand otutr1 ansacslt'nyusuoinesthat mat' firtrs ii'utuCtau .Tea~wk ih
-I Hamimonud F.1. Calif. Macbfownticomets befores the convsentiuon. InitationltutusitTrill k..I scluaiuutski 5111111
Clarks By order'cConmiteeAlbert 1Lockwoovsuuuh
(Continued on 1paCe three.)E.C. CcBRAGChairman. Accomniist-MisMAinnit M. avis. ater.

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