TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY. Bare Jfield's Fine Tailoringy Trade Guarantees...a tit11 t o rs.t a fllt'> a a ti- .tic z ' i eto lof ooaooooltlotoool'. %N7,e o V lii s .r} t a nd o't l li it li ng oftseaslonal le witol e oas. c> haItO ti ,.' fo r tti thu a.ti ox'I t s~ tonitfShirts, B~urchfield's tine Tailoring Trade, 106 EI. Huron 1 C February Clearing Sale! With Astonishingly Low Prices jIncluding YPSILANTI UNDERWEAR jMANHATTAN SHIRTS°q FLEECE AND SILK LINED GLOVES SA Eor 15 D)ays EndingSI DISH SALEFebruary 15 1 to of l} t ito itito urtttit r oi ero 1,.I i iltoet iati 1-4 0OF Fx splendid oppi tililt,' 'to ep ln S ish S Icow- dish w a ittts FIOAi'S [10ME SUPPLY TOR~E IDON'T FORGET THE "j" IS NEAR AT HAND We rent Dress Suits at Low Rates, and all necessaries for this occasion are easily pur- chased at our store. Wadhams, Ryan& Reule 200, 202 S. Main St. Money Loaned Z o i or If atco .I )" 'o, n s aVt the a d c' h I. r Irt' 1li I)ajoeph . Wiatts wS ) i k t 'sktn k,::I l.lit r y S . A 8T ro. tutor s, s tcIi:o .n. t :) a d t il ll M ss n s It IoStBLR AROR ( CiATradtobacs. 8S Sae O 1 gi Ihncc101 t't+t4+ii i o t;otltiottt1t1ot TFi sh igar e nd T tesandios. rllt11 l I f15 ES N CONNEC'f'ISSN ot' fi So " S*0talfte S .t . Ito. iiY GEORGE BICHOFF + {< ti i IF O IT ChoiceCt liowcersand "" i" il FLORIS Plans E rtltSI,. C Sa ~ o t1I1-to nl iirtt t.an ncl51 W I 011 lier k A hlw l:- b~t Eis A I 'I ') i \' K i lt l l lOND. "itS a" ' itLAW 2TE: 71 PEiE 1- h op q 7 L 2 R s e A n A b r s i n s , H a n k itt 0iI }I A 1'arl Baakn uins rnacted. C('md l- - - - --- _I toI tti.20. A~crn~ANNCIn«T "The Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE ') :l CHICAGO ~lNARBOR to) BUFFALO Iih ) BOSTON 1,ttt~ ~NEW YORK with dir ct connections at Chicago for the B is, Kansas City, St. Paul and Cct~ n ,ecescalofomrt oW ttltti itSE Agent, Ann Arbor. 8o IIl "ALLEN'S FOR QUALITY" it, to't I cettIve alarge shipmotolof miid-seasont black attd It tol iand untfiishtedl worstedl soils cif a weight suitable Icor arun weii var. Maclitup swe llcitiotble or sinigle breasted, troa Isioulticrs antidroulsers that arc right. $5.00 [cal sltdits'tillit itttplar- price - - 43 ALLEN Main Street A. G. S1adin & Bros. Worid-f t ticifl toilt up le ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. 0i. SPALI)ING & liPtiS. ;F. STO 1)N'It i i1. at .1.tI ifr- c dII' W I tIt t ia ttt 83 n tlt.lot' t w ill : o t sov trttfc t 12 char et C, I Itt t l: It' N1'7Ii fI' 'S. l It til t'1. 0i ° lo N C '1 and i o tp°. oh cl1) 1('. lt ar ttif cito t ud n 1c, cirlI p te clecltiol off-~e e IiI I t t i )vtf he l ubco to stoir. la c ', ol \ ril -i .itl IIIit of t he 12 fl b t a Ni iTIclI,'IlENNtSY1,Vi0NI.,\ IEN J. F. SUIN, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction and supplie's f'c~ts 'lor thefb NKeystoeclttbi datncGas and Electric Portables, Gas and itrla tilt limitgt arc $t.;o. Mtay btcltailElectric fixtures, steam anti hot tttttl'llitttomember oIf tecomittee icwaler heating. it h> Il it. I. M. Root. ________ 00 0AniM pi BARBER SHOP 1,(SS11., aad BATH ROOMS, n__ F ace:sassatit :A StioC:IALY to liltrttttg toor ioligat Sti J. R. Trolanowati, 322 nouth State St. >;;= ti ral deoit, aostall lueic pocketbook coil- taing ti f itn offlars a i cke h tlto Cli111- t~fO'ltlthttl~looi'..~' cag . Roltri tt to 607S. Stale street -.++++.t.++ andI ecotro libteral retwardl. 92-3" Suit pressed, 25c; trouaers, 10c. Save the Walk Fuller & O'Connor, 6t9 E William St. o51 Down Town Oii tt Go to Cushingas for Heraheys & WATCHE S and JurY Cailler's Milk Chocolate. t fJREWALR Y Wei'iav firsit-cssttt'ltc-and'iout'- liI -c you tried a vibrassage at Tro- a ts'u wok.t'e. stcitobs, U. aI M. y's? It is great, and gives a healthy Plna and Banners at Rleduced Pricas. complfcxion. 59tf Telephone 310. F. J. SCHEEDHE, 340 S. State Street Steam and French dry cleaning and repairing at Fuller & OConnor's, 619 14+4 +i 't"1++++5+ E. William St.___._ - licory oiifcge stiudciit should hiavce THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD tile otfl t'iinow Michigan Uniiversity Sonig Btiokistnow inIsalc at Root's TIME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4. 19a4. Le. No. 6*- 801 ai. Lv. No. It'- 5:09 asm Opein udaiiad Inighti-Ile Night Lunch ' t-li::35 sos. Li. .. 3- 4:50 p.m Salt', 301 S. Slatie street', onet door 4-81 ~.A."V83 ~ a Daily except Sunday bectween Owoscsond nthoitcf Wagner's. Orders take hy Toledo. OTheoulo trains dally except Sun- Phie iI08491-92 day. Free chair cbars on Nos. I sod 4. Wi. T. WILLISO, Act., Get your Gym sappoea at Gushing. 3.3J. KIRBY, 0. 1P. A., Ann Arbor, Alich. Toledo. Ohio. NviN + N e On the square Toeipeer of alf sales, Outr eintire stock of suits atid over- coats tiiow on sale at One-fourth off $25 stilts or overcoats at $18.75 $15colts or overcoats at $11.25 $20 suitst or overcoats at 15.00 $1i2 stilts or overcoats at 9.00 ill8bsuits or 0overcoats at 13.50 $10 oslits or otvercoats it 7.50 Every suit and overcoat new and this season's make, all: utl'o-date styles and at seventy-five cents on the dollar. " " U. of M. Calendars given away free with " every $1.00 purchase or over. s 'Wadhamsa I 90-kC o' 1st doior north oh State Savings Bank. t1t13 S. Main Street WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG STORE