Mr IIt II{IGAT< IDAILY. zII Overcod 1s II I SD I IM= f'r tt . i* Illcpctioe's and chaps who like their way of si. i5,i' 'Ic' + II cssiog 'he stile's teavier than the price.x---- / 1-5 to 1-2 off for January H ~I?~~ER >> Staebler & Wuerth N 1 GOSSIP OF THE COLLEGES. Th l 1 1 ,i.iltIi' I. ) m e n r t 'I l'',alslip lt 1h t!i ..-t n t t ile classes to h 1 ' '.A ece hie high '115/mrkthsNi r L heUiiversily ta lI -,;vti all yea , ia d ti iiir A1Tt i as ,i afi b .,ti i t it 11 t Iaw rr~ne Uliiersit rt~fi clii be iust o lt)ti I ,< rn t e d n r list lis lifs ii Ic i i t wo ld beI icright to aiceipt 1 Ii<1 ci'; i i ,sb a Iii ii i' tic noiilii a t il t etl t': At a 11nll 'II y Lth iswearers If- dh c iia1atc l, l P1 cI a'I rll °e1i '.i. lic i thr1, . is 111111 lil a d n t a 1iltU'-riyofClforiinithic n- I ' it i hav ',(itIallowedilto idraw' cii ilrom geinerallirary, will the, i~iltion tl::t th bo libe rcisric- I- iiiith i a sc rtin i me.ils A 1ine if one Ioollair a diiis](e l i osedl for )()Oksilptlon iii t Pp to thic tres/ni tie iiweete tdnshavc lot bencarliefuilii plingiP lisirflnes andt telibrairianiihas bieniualecto c/01- pe 1110 iiiit. Niw, lioweciec, lic sill ii ihealliwed 1o prventiiiy5stiudent fromi j1 griauii g iwholihas lidtipaid any suchi ti'e. liis srad icrle wnill be strictly I~fr+e andlis I it is epctdthtitwl rryo iI ip Il ithos.r is slspki mo~a ils ;t+, i T Iscil the reat Indiati 111 p 1 of libukskin andislbeadedi, st re tsod Suits pressed, 25e; trousers, t0c. aFatter & O'Connor, 6t9 E William St. i'lslfPI,tFRANC.'IS. hh/cam nnetngof lie Freiicihso- :v vi, theCscrcle 1Ir~la, isililtic helid inI Saroi Casn l .'iigell Itall on Fro- day iciiig. Fcii 7;. Professor Paul R.I.) 1i',lii will talP on die ''trench il«piilriSonglis"'aindlhseiwill illustrate PC Irlus5 invited ts attenud. l'rrtr u sti'his afternicon at t 1')1ilice irst sweek 011vs'tatery ! can ii'ts iwillbi sed Bird. NOTICE. Reading notices, except to Univer- sity organizations, one cent a word per issue, payable strictly in advance to the Business Manager only.. Uni- versity organizations allowed one no- lice free. f. THE HARMONIC ORCHESTRA Address L. D. Bates, manager, 808 S. Foarth avenue. Phones-Belt, t066J; IHome, 289 Red, 24tf Go to llushing's for Hersheys & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. Cf Have son tried a vibrassage at Tm'- pys ? It is great, and gives a healthy Ticket for four shampoos, one dol- lar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. University, near Quarrys. t-th-s Cf. J(Iiii itic class at Granger's school fo Pdaniiciiig this stiek. O11ice and class grounidilIuior, 3121 Mayinard street, ne1)1()cP iestsIof Stats street stores. Steam and French dry cleaning and repairing at Fuller & OConnor's, 619 K. William St. Makes Its Own Standard of ,Health Shredde,'d Whet Biscuitfe theent on era ,-, iwp n Sacha!vh I e theto ;Walkr Weas ti aTIIIISeatand J[WELR t Cownt' nsa]itcilt, bii , i/sIN, bi of it-sand a kersoawtluscspr, - is, 4 cocnta e orh sso acimt. t ntr brai. Q C oIII i icnt34l S.tSlr, Sed et Whole Wheat Produts make their ow + Recnitiortationhs-MTsackitttosh old- fa ikmiicdl Pnglishi toffee, Peter's Origin' THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD al Siviss M\ilk chocolate. Costs you AND STEAMSHIP tLtNES, niiniig to tvy it at Xi~tnotery's idritg TIM TABLE-TakIng effect lDec, 4, 19x4, store 15,9 1OT1 iai Lv.No. 6*- 06 &. Lv. Niit+. :5 IOa, m ticndaland oiihglt-the NigttLunch "'5t ~aa.nm. Lv. lie4:50 p.m Cr'aft°, 3<:IiS. Stane streets one door 'tinil 15ex pts.s lAr.oy"ii 5*-scii 35sa'. m iot f Wagner's. Ordlers take by Tnl xe patSnday tras lalyU.''t and- uhic 08I,, 9t-92 day. IFree chatr CarsonusNos. I and 4. Wv.'T. SWILLIS., Agt., Get your Gym ieupj3uies at Cuahing's. J.t. KIttBY, G. 11. A., Ann Arbar, Ntieb. Toledo, Ohio. CniusIsVIL ,letTraitn Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daily Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Tempt , IDetroit. Mich. t~iI4+.E.4+,+..44...4+4i+.l4~.4...4l+.4l++..* 4 Billiards Pool L StImpson (', Stmpsonl Tobacco Cigarettes Cha&rs NI[It4~+**i4444.44.+.44F+4 WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GQQDYEAR'S DRUG STORE