TIlE. MICHIGAN TDAILY. STrad~ei You the n Fe w aysc ens. Weh an( cdleando i11 5 -' e I I I -+I -I *4~ ~ Ill ~*I t~ ~4'~t ~. z el d's Fine Tailoerin~g Guarantees... ast skillul and artistic service to he hail anywhere. earry a large and complete line of seasonable wool-« acve the agency for Beach & N.\ewel's Custom Shirts, )w yoa a large. heautiful and exclusie tine of -hirt- feet fitting'. Burchfield's rine Tailoring Trade, 106 Ei. Huron DISH- SALE For 15 Dbrary Ending, February 15, We offer anything in our Crsckery Department a 1-4 OFF This sale includes Fancy China, Ct Glass, and amps. A N'lefldld opornity to replenish your dish wants hOAG'S (-OME SUPPLY STORE SMoney Loaned "LE' O >ttnd n t a~thesDiaond, Or Cothing contributes to a ma or r P ttIetoultI petyt wthe and 3 ec r I,,eialed otribute to his wealth. Do Barin in Watches and All $10.00 Suits and Ov _Daiccods. tee.cc I...All $15.00 Suits and Ov ''rC cattil.a - -- 0ALLEN THE Joseph C. Wat MAIN s' :t* 4* Continued fronm page one. Y n a get w- Qt L +i Vrv f andthe oysare lariggcolee.ec ___________t________ rt."0 si, "toknow stha filt tere i NO RpBrnswic~k Tals fl-.ot alccies. Wieceer a grail ~5~LdI1ZA~JL A cLofVFJ he n-o colletiig Ihasta-I AT kn o icofa tmadinhtrducedl te FtE1I DS BILLIARD PARLORS huhn ehds of tie west a ei- e ~ilrrsa Tbacs co ipebe e t Iha retttec. 3ctitt . ius V Ri ,Pop,31 . aeStetI, etI ayed aon tlte Michiga teamsc A. CI C ofigt0ndiot, adtiacted a-my a-t :istN C inNJ003. lat year took Vnder 10 ib v porof ttetic ad imbthea nnteS itpol aterial udefeated all te Fe 1. 1 toTEM2 e~nce.'ihce uniterity of Vir W'eb gini15 tosMaycured W. C. Cole, swh as 1 sit 5tme tis ear, tt care for teir e~s eevdtea s nd iO tfwbalcmainc of to.Cole c- lio rMsh Cigarettes and Pipes <.;Kc loge lite of eaternc ceicge vi1 'c c r git tocite cty. ., l. c f irisitoni ltec Sadfor. lUt.iNCI PS IN CONNECTIlON te ifec rCttiatiia caci, i. telat. EV"eyti0 Neat andO cean (Of tie tiriecen me te ott ilc tei S"Satet. c BctaI. ois t te is11' lat yar.ee itn are ttt ce J.l etric , Sanitary Plumbing, (ict ~rltir tuctitttittttare li lea t ori re ct o s t r c t io n a n d s u p p lie s zc c i ft ri e x c y e a r . I n e ncd i ng a m c s i s 1h Electric Prtables, Gas and iteectigccoutersatioliIe adted: etric fxttre, steam and ht *fcitcilleiiseagtic ticcc water eating.te bitcieicis of te eatandictlthe tet. 207 If. Washington St If such a t esct does ot cicce off it N GRA H wiii nott ieor acltic" Call at 41 kY Ilz Ixit iN l tlEl 1)Iriol TIC SEYMOUR STUDIO, 0(II I Rh ISE THIS WEEK. 316 Seetan seSt Al_____ . i Iwsit ctndtlhtr cm acl osedi V1A C N RL thesir unttstally scetleocgicc _K "A1lAat thit Bciteactr, ,Newt'Yonk City, "The Niagara Falls Rue."a' a usekcatgitantIafer a see'sttur THE SHRT LIRE ifromii thait, ctmescto the Deroi op~leat ioec for a tre dcy' egag- CH-ICAGO ccciiicommncinccgclThurstay .eveinog, 'ails 0 RRto. BUFFALO lIti. 2. withiteutuataitiittcc citSatr BOSTON ass Iwi1hct-ich o lcseciir ter With ret-uric ciathe stage. itrv nli ictcetci- t. h direct connections at Chicago for s5c cofcctcwoiyarstre ttcgiincter health, te~ IOs, Kansas City, St. Paul and a ceiice icy Gerge V. IHoiatiectie, tin . WOL Frifrainand W*n hflitickets call on ormwrite to W. 41cc.Blackctis ach.'lHe P isocc- e*,Agent, Ann Arbor. ilicr ofithecamoicitintt en Iltry stris1 February Clearing Sale! With Astonishingly Low Prices Including YPSILANTI UNDERWEAR MANHATTAN SHIRTS FLEECE AND SILK LINED GLOVES DON'T FORGET THE "J" IS NEAR AT HAND We rent Dress Suits at Low Rates, and all necessaries for this occasion are easily pur- chased at our store. Wadhams, Ryan & Reule 200, 202 S. Main St. RW QUALITY" ii's self respect while our pri nt miss our Clearance Sale. ercoats = $7.1 rercoats = $11.4 CLOTHIER, A. G. SRalding &Bros. cc Largest Mauatuit~ttrers n the leces a- Wo ridof-itOliit ialtlticSuippiets ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS 90Q BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES 90o STRIKING BAGS GYAINASIUM GOODS A. (G. SPALDING & BROS5. ccci tilloll, owducees . THE'-I c ANDI) it-i-rce ' i*CilOilT WORKC cit)-i-te pcicilsof her itaI-diiDON D. i4ILLIA"rS, '0S LAWR paear AS.i ipmase a peu. C- b tellS, TntE iiiiiO U tRtAiP H cii Laccwc lan cd i.ii tr iilJohn iJohnson, Phone-997 L-2 Rings. Residence, 715 L (;..it.il lici«l-i altBcecscand ters. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank ('wirge. A. Nicihols itsimuscical ditrecior. lucre arent-y c-ticvcoticera iii te ccii- til- 89 Go to Cuehinges for Hereheys & Cailler's Stilk Chocolate. tf Etorty plicenct iiscont 00 all made- uptillotws, at ltce College Cosy Corner, 332 St. Stat, e. cond flcor, for twit wreteksttonly. 8,1-90 Nity bciy factory--made shceepskini mcicin us swhen I sell the real Indiani cirticie, cf gisodlbuckskciniansd headed. f-cr $t.7-5. Harrintgton, 319 Caitherinue street. eod F'lOWERS FOR "J HOP. IRoses, cairntaitina.,cvislets. We retire- aect ticelargestfirics int Michigani antd clcive thte ies tctccch at te right pricec. 1,. IiTttasc, Agt., 3rd flottr totec Tint- ker's siore. 89-90 'Tic Academty circhtestraihics arranuge-d xviti sixtyt-nttmsc husies for ltce iaet a c uice. this organtizationi canfrisahtfriiic cue to sixteeni thor- oh musticiansct ct cstort itctice. Caill at tgraniger's acatdemcy, oce'phocne 246,. foir fucrter infcrmtaticon. 89-90 VARhS ITYI)ANCE ORCHESTRA. D.11. II Michlc, oh6 Law, umanager, 643 SouttliTwelfth; tphoce 6921,. 88-89 Cet a Hamoburger at Night Lunch Cafe, 301 S. State street. Elmer N. Slofiet, fcrmuerly with Jack Frost. The latest antd op-to-date styles in slipipers fcr thte"J" hop-prices fromn $2o.00 $3.00 and $4.0o. George H. Mil- ler, a12 Sc. Main street. lu-ex Capital soct.$50,000. 5Sirplsu.ste5,0. Restisrces, $2,000,0.oc A General Banking Business Transacted. Orrlicd :Chas. E. Iliscet. leres.; Wi. ID. Hlarrismant. Vtce tret. ;1M.3J1CiteCasier. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Nw Pihoe 457 Belt Phoed57-L GEORGEBISCHOFF SFLORIST ChisuceHst oeran IChapin St..,tuetweensHuonf i. anid Milter Ave. Pihocie sit9. Save teW l Down Town s9e WATCHElS and JEWELRY R[PAIRE[D We havefirst-clasorcmniiand guar- antee-urtwortt. We selliFsbs, Ui. of M. Pins and Banners as Reduced Prices. Telephone 310. F. J. SCHLEEDE, 340 S. State Street THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD fIME TABLE-Takiag effect Dec. 4, 1904. SOUTH INORTH Lv. No. 6*- 8006a..m. Lv. No. 1t- 95005 a~m 11 "3t-1:3.5a.m. Lv. - S4:50 psi ", 4t- 8:15 p.m. Ar. -; s*- 8sc7a. sm *ODaly exeept Sunday between Oweosso ad Toleds. ±+Throughiteases daily exeept Sun- day. Free chair cars on Nos. 1 and 4. WV. T. WILLIS, t. 33 . KIRBY, 0. F. A., Ass Arbor, c., Toledo, Ohio. 4+-*** On the square The peer of all sales, Our entire stock of sunits arnd over- coats nowv on sale at One-fourth off $2uits or overcoats at $18.75 $15 suits or overcoats at $11.25 $2o suits or overcoats at 15.00 $12~ suits or overcoats at 9.00 I suits or overcoats at 13.50 $ io suits or overcoats at 7.50 1 N HN . f 4 Every suit aud overcoat new and this seasons make, all Z up-to-date styles and at seventy-five cents on the dollar.. U. of M. Calendars given away free with every $1.00 purchase or over. 1st door north uf State Savings Bank. I! 3 -. Main Street t- - - WJE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUG -STORE