TI II'. MTCITIIG XXTDAITY. e~eeeeeeeeeeeeee THE I ICH IGAN DAI LY.1 ~AE WOULD HAVE hEnterd ashndclas tera te An viYOU TO KNOW *Li -il(l teeu etddre h oole I-ei'year. a I Wshingto teet *61(1 P'hee 52: newehne;i * That we are doing business at: Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. Business Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. OUR NEW STORE f klIlTORlS 311 South State Street Athletics ----------Ct~ytte L. Dhew Extchanges............Joseph Y. Kerr Womten............. Ida M. IBrownrigg EDITORIAL STAFF: That our New Woolens for A. M, dearer Barry 1H. Andrews the coming fall trade are I. Waitet Jayne now ready. ASSOCIATES George A. Oshern Artitur T. Hug Franklie C. Pachs J. Earle Ogle. Jr. A. 11. Ortteeyer Sidneyt. Miller That we make superh gar- Hugh Alle will 0.~ Sanford Chas. W. Ambhrose Louis Stichey ments for gentlemett. Cites. F. Winstead Jeromee Weadoek t 0BUSINESS STAFF YW. It. Hans E. N. Pusey T hat' wneanec~iaite ittstr trade .I. E. Feteer A. B. tteut NI V\S. 1I'l H Ill X. T 1 2li~i I I I1 as1u - 1':1131 ', :1pc Isisciii YiNC 1 :11 1 cl :11 cla1 )i i 1 11)i c l icr, that iioii Nelle i 1 i d l e e:':I f'a: if el , z , i I ,i r I1 t' . )1 1. , 1- 1l' l". and respectfully solicit a * continuance of the same. G. H. WILD CO. f AILORS Z 311 soathsState street. Z NOTE-These ofile friendiis wohv not een ur ptron we ouldCor MICHIGANI+ IENSIAN + 1904.+ *r'+ 75c. h+' r*1 ~SHEEH N'S Ir ARNOLDA 'S Jewelry Store OPTICAL DIPARTPIENT E. HI. AISNOLIJ, Opticul Specialist Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired RATES: 12.50 per year. or $2.00 if paid in udevtnee. Office Hours: 12:30 to 1:30 and 0:30 to 7:30 p. m. daily. Address: CLAUDE A. THIO1PSON, Businesa Ilanager, 331 Packard St., Telephontt 461. i1 IlINIXSI)AY, lFEllRUARYIXN'j, Igoi5. Editor Today-Charles E. Winstead. CALENDAR. lclb. : Col. Aldrich's lecctuee at Tap- pan H1-all ott "The Old andl the New.s Fe. -S to . eting, IUnivityl Doe" ~Iti'eli 1e1. t-Choral LUnien conlert, i tot 11:11eg, cellit I aii : i: exeid is t ink icl te mee . iii i sil chi:: a ii li .i iii e i ilis thii nr l crii onthepar ofth "r(softeSn(ITICit . htt we. ~'hell NMioseeioi tid Nlicliiooi two: y: irs::goSlieli:: saulidlthatif lie' ever hadi':lany i autoiii:footbll mat- ''':'t, ihe NMichiigan::coa:chi, i oin:' theiastlaniitis conisidleredllikselyt1hat li'tin SSW:lie Ii llcoier wi ith intii: in fw ay, provide e ai idc the NYa1e athletiicauthoteeies toleooti poiyadinc'lueMichiigan ll hie:t i- hll cdulc for this yi~e. Ya:le's fii ifte h'ieit Icof lieuhigan teamsis wlin"t c li: i: iia X:: n extflforlia fo:llows ieg year, itis nt lwhoellyhcbeyoni hi ee insiof poissibility tadiet lon maia liztethis seer." AL PHIA NIPICTUiIS S. Rentsceler's Wednesdy feooniat i KIM;pr fetly 1: he lii i : \il Ieny.1Q5 Ill XIIandS\IIII. r ciii : i: 1: clTO .AU, :: 'NI2S.:: Senior tat ll deprtmensildies'ii Ilcue n te.1:: i i nsau us LOST. N.''chc "iohINcwithlck. 1).SisU. m5cc ; ian o oni sieiniial enrae m Congress, Cards (Ca. rds of dulality, gold edjges) Wesell tlhis famtous tlakeC ill a variety of designt. PRICE 50c See our State Street D)isplay Bicycle playing cards 25C All the popul itargaines ttchlaS PAN IC FLINCH and PI'r always itt stock. B OOKST OME STUDENS TIEADQUARTERS 103-105 iN. Main St. 316 S. State St. [vening oressj IComplete outfit for the "J" Hop y!i, FULL DRESS SHIRTS, v GLOVES, v. TIES, ETC. Silk and Opera Hats Foil Dress Suits To Rent or 5.it~ihtt~ga I r .1n a:ssisa:nt fic e cl :IatRI.I'iiel' Ni ll fEle s i yotiu ii: oilstudi. ihpi~o Protset it froiim all srritatto JOB lPRIlNTING-Meyers',215Main::b3ytising SHAVISO street, soul:th. hoei21.tiai if w S""1 CI ONE COMPANY : BEST LOCAL SERVICE , HOME TELEPH( BEST LONG DISTANCE ~am~maaaamai ~iP~d5hffhshd~dd555h~d555h5C~eCS:i~ssse,(s5~55e,5 Oii~euii~itte~~iggtih~tO~ifpy.rc i - - - - - - - - - - -he iN M 'NA A !! 1lM ' ")NN The Students' Lecture Association 1904 - fIittvf frzt Season - 1905 RusselljN. Conweil Henry Van Dyke Henry Watternon Leland T. Powers John T. McCutcheon Champ Clark SGUSA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie GJov. La~ollette. Oratorical Contest Edward Bok Open Number SEASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMISSION 50C 21 COFFEE~... 4 Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden tRio, per lb. - - 15c Mariacaba, per lb. - '-1 eeagJas per lb - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. C Dean & Co.'s Blend, pie lb.. 20ce 214 South Main SI. DEAN & CO- "y ""- ""- 'i'9"7'f"1CK} ' . i ' 'Ype54 p ' *spItC1t so 7C po 3" psespXtC i M.5dS? r }Q ri I Bi1ia rds a Gentleman's Game, is always an enjoyable pastime~ when played at the Varsity Billiard Room whichs has the finest equipment in the city. 3013 S. STATE PHONE 951 Nave your Pictures framed at De fries Art Store- Corne TRManaLe,, J