H~E MICHIGAN DAILY. "**1+4++4tIdh1+** * tI4 Blurch field's Fine Tailoring Traide Guarantees... YoU ti lit I ikil ad artist-isrvice to he had any where. + 1 O I '-Iii t iand complelte line of seasonable wool- ties. giC,'xfor Doach & NooK sCostomtiShirts, an 1 li to ue autilul and exclusive line of shit - Blurclhfield's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron H O H G lxil,,oa ( tingsthatappel tothe tudet. hop ing to 1001 n anl tsee u. DOrpir cs trilht. SFebruary Clearing Sale! 'With Astonishingly Low Prices 1Including YPSILANTI UNDERWEAR MANHATTAN SHIRTS FLEECE AND SILK LINED GLOVES at aDON'T FORGET THE "J" IS NEAR AT HAND a We rent Dress Suits at Low Rates, and all necessaries for this occasion are easily pur- I ___chased at our store. Wadhams,- Ryan & Reule 200, 202 S. Main St. Money Loaned x1 or other li' , ioal I'urtopoot 13,.r 1 iin t'.1 i'a d . Joseph C. Watts hiot Ltzch 'fAt rs.tie'a. "3 S. States 4. ~W Brunswic-k Tables RIDtoS BILLIARD PARLORS Fitte Pgars and Tobaccos. Tas . i c 1 I f N <".. 11.M te tr bA N C I NeG exr a 4n er 'S LAST TERKM II .1, 15 to May 2 Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes V,21,' C'1. 'KoIISSIN CDNNECTION J'vrl-.iitNat adiclea'n 3 entsfol R. 3. 1. ities. lol Sf(jioti 11. . I . JL.Jtt "ALLEN'SIFOR QUALITY" Otir I. 1tlttttg contributes 10 a main's -elf respetoe while ottrpric-es i itt imle to fits weaflt.Dont miosout Cit-aratice Solo, All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats - $7.90) All $15.00 Suits and Overcoats - $11.90 ALLEN THE CLOTHIER, MAIN STREET 11,1;0"1'[O1 1112111 YI2STLIKlt Di 1 cI'1 is.le t teIntinderiroom., ai d I' ii ils; t ist lilihill fcetq An ru i iiitn: tall l as. lecedto 11mb rsi I d lpi i trar sie-t y held- iniiit- tiotn rslt ii as t I hiiitiiiitii prei XXltl' t illT. i1). Gordoll secre1a11 ecutivc c mmtiteet S. iGale Atte (I't'Sft or1till scon se l- I all ''..I. A w ah 4 li i Coo il d r' a tin ohtlt lii ht I iti iP'i'voti s a ead - sti ti i~ rliisI tlls1111111 l i i i thogh ofiii at i )It~i oui u I c ha ion iill i i lfc ii als i der'ii ill ,)tis sp lll t l a weikis vc tit-don A. G. SRa1diug & Bros. ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. (i. SPALI)ING & BROS. N it 1111 t1CiA(lti The Ann Arbor Savings Bank tilluce, $2,000,000. A 0eneral Banking BusinessaTrnsacted. II - I t x ln ic re. i.J. 1110 ,Casi r Rowe's Laundry 'Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ave. Nt-c Ph one 457 teil Phlone 457-L J. F. SCHIUH, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric construction and supplies Gas and Electric Partables, Gas and Electric fixtures, ateana and hot water heating. 207 Fi. Washington St GEORGE BSICHOFF FOITCoce Cot Flowers and + Flants i i e 0-. 1 1 o l I 110119. ti Save the Walk Down Town a liat 011ur WATCHE[S asd JEWELRY 1 ~s~' REPAIRED We)it t irtit- tc 'icilsur tii cod;etr- ± et our work. Wci t'e llFobs, U.sofM. Pies and B anners at Reduced Prices. Tolopthone 310. F. J. SCUL[[D[, 340 S. Stale Street j111"11 hXiii' 114i m I tIlI h ican-i lii 0- of.1theo Xii ii \l oicI' 'I ti-i "I-hu 'r(I. Xiited toitea S- ilt- J,11i. l ),i lll I l o stDeet11ou1h. 110KG Mver81. 2 tfi Go to Gushing's for Hershteys & Cailler's Milk Chocolate. t lo l e cati;CWXia3atl> tititot u ill s athe('tlrc j onr X II. I I;SX 112? X I IIIL12'f'IX'1 -1- 2112 C11XGLSII, 'l EACH 1210 I,:1Xlii \S 1XX1l1"lIIIfllIN()IS. 'Vil it l 1iienu iei etiti hl]lelidhe10111110 j Of ti itnioliin, hbtijo atidIguitart Stoic street studio, cortner Liberty. '1'Telciuiittic723. 6a-3-6-7 l ,...,...1..._.,. ... 41", A ,, ......,.. il- ; TIhe Nagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE CHICAGO kNARBOR to BUFFAO Wit NEW YORK Stdirct cotinectionns at Chicago fot the BuisEonsas5C'ty, SI. PattI and tr Ve>st. For information and Wi t19 ickets call on or write t W. Agent, Ann Arhor. il, CIIfQX'AM l1,;D0N DELIIf SI A. - f 'tal e mi ft he111 1two ilg- ti r - ili la c S rct uiulc il 1lt i. T H E A N N A R B O R R A IL R O A D this ftw hat t i Nvorh. ftaai'r 31I,; office Ihoutrs 4 to S P.it. _____________I__ TIME TABLE-Taking effect nec. 4, 1904. L d isoitiofii oliii andittIi-ll tnot re-I'- tur t :tn rbritut u itondax, cs« (Get a fI liiibrgcr at N ilitoi sore NRT . intr ii i regad to th statemntOCafe, Sot S. Staic stret. Cter N..Li'. No. 6*-I00 asm. Li. Nuo. 1+- 9:05i a.m ptn Le. 3+- 4:50 p.m in theX ut Aeian could iinot-e obtaied ISi' t. ll frmritlyb wih Jacknt 1rosit. ' f+- 1tI5p.m1. Ar. ''5- 0:37am as bgh.Fuither111pa riiotilrs tireT- h wssn 'fhe-lats ind culpto-dtI stle ll .*Dilytrexcet.Seundaylit5et tsen ii itititi -atng l. l i's rturnl i. Tol. C 'ruelt in s dilly except San- liiirsfo teJ"lhip-ptilt-s frotticay. FIeochatir ocatrson Nos. 1and 4. Latest novelties in snitlogs at Ful- i. 3.00ottandt $4.00. GeorgeII. llXfii I IV, T. WILLIS, Act., for & 0 Connors 619 E. Wifliam SLt. Ito Sti2 S. IMatin stree-t. toex {I .. KE t l3lY. IP. A., Asa Arber, Micle. 1I Toecdo, Ohlie. On the square Lverystilt atid oveorcoat new andui this season's5 make, all up-ito-date styles atid at sevenaty-five centsx 0n the dollar. Tibit ertt- of alf sales, Our enltire stock of suits anld over- Ud. orly olnars givens awaypTre wit coats nliotto sale at One-fourth offevr$.0pucaeooe. jX25 suits or overcoats at $18.75 $15 suits or overcoats at $11.25 the New~ ~ . $30suits or oxercoats at 15.00 $12 suits or overcoats at 9.00 'W ara a t s 0C . *1 ut or overcoats at 13.50 $10 silts or overcoats at 7.50 1st door nolrthi of State Savings tB-nk. 1Z1 3 S. Main Street WEARE NE VER UNDER SOLD-G O OD YEAR' S DRUG STORE r 1 1