The Michigan Daily ANN ARBOR, MICH., SUNDAY, JANUARY 29. 1905. No. 8 7 TIME TRIALS. STUDENT COMMUNICATIONS' SENDS CONGRATULATIONS. !THE GREEN-EYED MONSTER Atirtuat Preexam Test Held in Gym An Expression of Position in Mich= Michigan Senator Shows His Inter= Comedy a Success-After the Per= yesterday--(iarrels Equals Rec= _ igan Politics and Fancy Dres s est in IDebating by a Letter to formance there was but a Sin- ords for Two Laps. Party as- the Women See If. Professor Trueblood. gle Comment -"The Show was tGreat." 'YFa iilte Saturday it lft re the t alsIec edil ilth iv yet'e rday(ilt '1001" Whle ,t rils ae far Yet t11slv h ups fgv lp )tv0 ' stztcik -sv -ort of liv iiit itlttlgf t11~ tm lipi e was111" h1lingCia lh ily r af l,) h o nly sesti oal feaJllttof vitrcl i 1 eualngt i ravck record lily iii fortwo laps, a till 111 vii tilr l illns recvvrd, ihiowevetvr, er ll liconthe ol avs tra tck, so, P. thatreaonit isvi etter vtilethatnu fisll it ill ii ilv is Cit ite nt I I ,... ...,.__ ''/Pal ttu"l iit'tf ilo i 1111liii- 11> v't''i ife 6 lsti Ittbo tsca tiot be iblaimedi for the '-treu'' 1 'ii blt t haltllie wastt le th. tititude t i tke itwardithe exclusive lT'e kay tit' hGlte, iBanjo 11111 itotiuo- it'll'l f ea wsitto feet, iinches, 'tiftf 'it' cgiven ii ttlitrtirr u'gymnasiumti. ]iniclubsit will gille icthe i n lt 1111 ltt liiii i is ~ tly('e-fithi of ati eronda l grl ad the ihvt auteitit iir Xig t Th imica cub ua' L lv ' t ioh i t haihtecr.Rlie a a t e exlsvifteiis. T e Y slniioe w e s efo r e the oi ]tle lii i11c v'rv y fair litte for fraterities. liui thy fraternities are potrltiml iity w sn t tck as itdethe til l . C' 1 'v'trec ird f 2:14.v 11111tn 1inuch til 1 livforlllhesilr ofttiyude ttendaivc i ofvaIrhpre ventative'l sitent 11111 30 se( dsori etei folth '' iris Itir 11th i v Itijlys inshultiting, ruary, ho11e1 vtv thye vlbt proisie to bilstr lwsliith }s otllof they ollsihomoelke tar- 1make1 wosthntthy atllndan1ce oif every 'Litrrels 8-2; iitt 83 tics 'it the gyimi doesnoat taike tile slit- Mtiltl studtent. IToe vces' oft' I~cI)I l lit 11ari. <)3 3 r s-pitkeniform lit111t1 theivcritiism' of the itolidti1 llipeaks wevl l rthtill har-i 1111, tits doer vr t'l' ess'.'tthe slamst and'ai tei r of''l Itits yv s lt hulls'vconcerr. hos1111ditt ixsltysecsvvius0oroesa bet- ciiimtrf ir liilltI irivtls h ' i ustile , tots ltha111 ,o1 et'f tie llevi ti to b utettlv ii nvil c, 8; . A. svad.;8-I; Vi t . n trlyteby engsu u ril hat1111' iithy 1111111 m1111a1 liii l i 111 Wicx 4 v i ob ii'o 111111ro sit frotittthe g'iluititsltlfeel 'toe si Ite tur''goin'' Is firet avs iMSlt hi hhlih,60 illy sorev abot it i, 111111 imlaginie all IMvke i.' Fo s vrl ieas folloingit c olo in s h lsto toerh "It of wondut e ire ting1111g11of 'ittill', tiri tryp totile M"ritt to ntgatld r tte h l- ie Metir. 2t a :2 : inner11 eit on.i Iy1it t harleslt hapen-tte 11111were ot ot f tile els te ii iili il l ttittrs 1.111111.i lii 1 11'iinn lis t ii 1111'w- tui'n tu'ittside lare mfv etuyr is fito e 11' ba11s iyeatithevi tiv u theo 1111Miigthe I 1 it tiitii i] o Isali.Tthe gir vul'har'eitnotugnerallytmice t'lmvorse. i i g iviacnt li' Ctit agoIti Si P41i1 f111aufvtt Illr ,o il girls Mttist Oa duing11 teiil'v''h'olily siuaca ti. 'his lii st t 111 ii lllI itv ulstithe iwu l fel itill enie ei efhtttoiyarasi 111111 kn1 wnt t heit lu bsti gotii re itii' i 1111 1 h i t urn foi rise f pe asanuto t erttv'en igs ecutull ey l g1vei poit t ils ry er littit thesetsameibo'tfriendIllave giventtheitscoedittiotihtg thuelt'tfriThe alumni is lilsitttii;iins't ns it 'J 'vh If i it giluu t th ee t's huu t tilitopn a w o t k ths p oru iy f e el 't'Il ope1111 aout3 v0uill litle ior ts.e ir s entleei etir f s mg the 1memoryltflt irOnii ctlleil'il' N1teIi Ir Ii t u ptu ia itv h Xsit _laythere _wuld _be _fewerslly_ fudge_ par- days royally i t er stainedittil e n a'tithe'itt Ileult X illsa S- tteslviiihlthirul I I X I t I(NV C ii i nigsi on '1 'lul' ciltiel s 11111chth sit optped.'t ill11ar hoIw l b thvit 5v'itludid tltadatehes.11Weot canhull t u stl pr u fth i l-litnc i Cs oit anafi tee ile oer is t hev e i tftrlstoult hiur tapie ouri collegev ctivtity li ti he' a'l y i st 'si r or ll ie su e ts w l u tet i I uet lftitiial o er e Co ti lt t ~lth iigto opetntte ett's iti t Itllsin ofthe pin' iontt' t t he fstuenesibody 'I t ut discrimtinav'X i eitteely tt.cole R e, ultwer givt v t ei r'Xii artyisupprtui to the~ 0111 t' I I . C v iare some l fthivu Igils al h e girls''ueil-ti th aPenottitha soltd 5c111ert ii llFeb ury.ii tt'i'i i i W 1 M i l c 1 ( 1 f r m ndis t n c s . in t t -t s i A, proucy helivomediy c lb,. the pilayis 1onetil''fIthy trngst1that ha: ec een1adopedlfrom hitenh.ttt Theplt s im lenaurl, forit flly an111 'l d I'ldot not expshnt ows hll I utttile tjlitit ofiitielt ay toilltill fll of thy' wasli a te f otii'uu"'cugher.tu Th 'sliv of ,cats itas gooduandutotli 11111gvi menti of11 llt1. Dutton. illytilhe lnew materialii whiclht einabled lthett'tmanagementt h ttorutd ut lla at wthutich i ult be heav it il'egecuv'the-t- ricl crcls. s sital iPaiulDiket- traedthylpricipalharacter.., 1 iliiias tery tye.Mis IatutulivO lll ole showedvuhblihivr clvert impeursoationuutof \4it<- XX lihilihithati it i 1isto tsibl full ani tmit ius ac tr h ito ak'''odthe liy lint ylvr. MelvilleivBrookstiagin liirov-1 I'l thati hit has ht ii thseted itie ll' e which he has malullntilltil'Comedyi'utclb fo w ys eterin nihtsuvuger touk ill, p rt 1f1a1 i sh tll ervan 1ttt''i l ls hsiianothet-Irlishitbrogue wI as tliclt patut to ll it ht cirtt ith it wevl. - XX tts iltiamt w ul d witat uh t ththt'Mo 'ld akelalbtteIEngi'hi detani 1lizabthiDodduiisI' 11111 1Tynchl, Msihi hlltred sv I It er NelleShuuislr, Jouhn Kauitfmani i i itt he ir i rutsi it uttvan e scarrn'tg'talainihg urtlullt year.Thy cas' wsl el> b lanced 11111the 'ight 'tilt wee co In'or till'rigt p ll-ces The pilatiy ttu-ptens i in tiondon iin thy - l t i l f l Itisvr West. titpr'om isigt omgtil uistIlitsitif1- hG-rtue is shitvshe is losig hertu't' itt sitt affecttt- ios.Teiuter t XX'st's udesiest hetian v-i'llutlt wtutit the assist- iii of Sit'-,iti e ai d, 11'h it upon a :,ta to gitae Ms. Wes's already ical 111111ture tand strt taiqurrel. \Ie hMtr. XiiXXstt limes homte from the ,-ui'liltusan puls11w10blndtue hatirs upon 1is111atutud drenches itussit per- fume, tll unnttuiced y imiytt. Mtrs West, ,,, discov'rinitg tits, isttly fl- ies i ls iuraet'id dclaet ht her husutatd suntutolhle. XX't tris every ar- ill-it tolv brig her tarotundiut 1 all in i. IHis swife'isists otutualuininig a 'one tutu goust's huter father adh moter t rtsuuuuui. Oser foloss inself-duefenite. 'he secondtt ichhpets atte lote of alt eiherbuu's at Pottrsmutuuh. The old folks hivesen111itformted by their soil Totm wlihuo'has vyeut isiitg tie Wes's )fithetoubleiv-f Oliivetr ad hilts'ife. 'hilt deterinto tuhttoutthe vthutg oll tlt' tilltlls f iri loinucuut by 'a pre- 'cnd q5duarrtetlXWell XWettaid lilt wiie.11rily hehitoiuise is itt a ttuuii tadi they, ntth inttkig that the old tillk I knoutof tuirtubutlue,' eterminote :si ul tt o fectiont for each other tillenititltheiir lresute. :Asutntuerpuots whichtuvtrn through the (Cintttuetd ott4th page.) flee, Niandolin C n e tUNIVERSITY HALL and Banjo Clubs Annual Hom e on e tSaturday, [eb.1I TICKETS ON SALE MONDAY, FEBRUARY 6, AT SHiEEHAN'S BOOK STORE