THlE MICHIGAN DAILY. 106 111 M $150WeI ak-Ove r$4.OO I KADALL IP H 0 T 0 G A P H E K I I r Study with a Good Light FO There is no better light than MEN THE WELSBACH READING LAMP an ALL STYLES AT ALL PRICES. h The Ann Arbor Gas Company. x WOMEN i i ._ a a ?j 1 : i Ir , 1 _ - R mil xy _ , " Yr "f f/I ^'i6' *11 W t si ARRIVED for the "J" HOP A. G. SPalding & Bros. O1old lof OoO)i oo0.Xoa l tl ee Spplies ATHLETIC IMPLEMENTS BASE BALL BASKET BALL GOLF BOXING GLOVES STRIKING BAGS GYMNASIUM GOODS A. (G. SPAL[)INti & BtROS. 1000; 000;Are Pierakzesir fountain Pe Noorderstorn absforpariesor ntetai ameswil be takntissaonuls RACHDITES; L 00oolrto ooolloeaclP e=.iD eto Amblace-rCallte nd~oed r -orn .0 Ro Psn o. e Holmes'tLivery Walke's.Lv Mry i .nH.Star :EW ROUTE TO KALAMAZOO TRAINS EVERY HOUR EOxfords, Button or Lace To ALBION, MARSHALL, BATTLE CREEK, '{, KALAMAZOO, and Points East and West ; In I. T. RY. at BATTLE CREEK } WALK-OVER SHOE CO. 111 S. Main Ste LOW RATES FAST TIi{: Visit RENTSCHILER'S NEW GROUND FLOOR STUDIO. 319 East Harat St., apposite Ladies' Library m c it s Special Rates to SeniOor sins all Departmensts \f'Alofff:N ffA110 NO)flffD. Ihe Lfiioooooso-.oo ;f Ilinoisoohasooacoo T te as a resuolt l ooffhs oidsredoo-ftof) stuen10 . 1 infro orsfoep 1pro 10V Pr ofeso 1;. W .I I filgordf eaof the isf f r OriOOdool o te 0 00d - wl0;0; Ile, colege of ;agroicultre o 1 o ftheUnivr leaves the r ooooo OoO The floe fitarcoo site of C aloforoeoa, hsb eenor signallyo divifede am0000of theforoe holors at the honoooorfd1by fhe fRussianogoovernmentr byfoendlof the0 sho1 l yar. lTese, ofo leing olocood ;;illoh rgo e o< o lcak fect oe eetnd o lpof. t; e f 11101oth o fo 0 0 0000. ,O~oO0000 c~fOl~l 0Businefsfo doeo o ne ])v the o-op n; e of r ;300,000 c oooof mfo e s00 of thoN i~epe fmilin o pasns.TieNOTICE.C L I~ of 00e great~estof toheocorld's coil client- Reading notices, except to Univer- 2 o tt O Oe an,ool 00 fhe 00y0s0of easotoeri ;uIfooe, sity trganizations, tne cent a word the gratest.per isnte, payable strictly in advance _1 lage traoct of laondofknownooas thfe to the Boiness Manager only.. Uni- ff;a 1 eaorth 0districeo,01;greatestcolora; versity organizations allowed one no- ANAtt IEC.03U ~fltS tice free.t !PaiinSer asd9 foednin alo;; rea; fo;tfe eastoern hfeiOmf- Pai arSem of roe, is ocearinog out. Th~e eca} has J013fPIl TVI\G--Me;yers , 215 'MIn;;; Shirt waisto; w ;o at 0plerialty / S of fe;;; g000duacl, boo; thee e;OOOllOness of fole street, roothol. Phone 2o81. otof 12 1 rcAhlo0 cr00 op; o~o;eo ; lnrasn ear by er, fd eooef G oGsigsfrHrhy ute ar lles ti e ss favrd G osigsfoHesys&ufcen vdeoeethat;;Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf OHIO CENTRAL LINES and0 pobaholy aol;geera~l micgoationoowill Steam and French dry cleaning and TneSsdst'R.t 10100 I;f~~OO'oel oeo oo~~repatring at Fuller & OConuoror, 619 Coiumsn folw ''lprvn uc Blmt . William ELtTled4o t hensp~r Caoliforoniao 00001 fr. Euogene I fflga.oo Ticket for tour shampoos, one dot. 0 00 arci c .oN;'.cc ac.oee;00;; Coool o'.0 Io' tar. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. ";;_000c 0010 o. 0~01 Soroitygirl ofthe 'iners 001o University, near Quarry's. t-th-s tf. S A ES VN SB Wiesconsin fhavceformoee edoocowling Get your Gym supplies at Cushing's. 00 lox0ea 000001dcwill play o off ;o flog sclefoo- - \00..J 00;;;;; 000004). cleehan the bo for e ch;. oo;;fo off of foe 0000- Try some of Cashing's Fine Choco- 000;; A ;l-TOld II%. '. ;'. Veno.100 J.0 . I \V00ae E. F. illsl verity fat.Inet. Cf. 2N.. J. tole;rlJohn 11a r olOii __________________Jn bo;. Koohlo Proof. II. S. Q;l00ri Irasi. 1'. 00 lacier ooor;isi The fSreni or P1rooof ftrhoofnieIsiy oae youo tried a vibrassage at Tmo- _. - r'. j ye? It isgrat, anod gicec a health~y ! E. 1). Ifinno. e. irc;P o~O 0 lw eo cOotfo 000 00 .00 eontplfe'iol;. 59tf 'S.0\4 0 at;ir. o foe; of;;rhdy.Itis aI oo fter _FIRST____NATIONAL_____BA___ Ile;; leo;; oefolr i leo chelforn 00;he The folks at home would apporeciate FIS NA OALB K 00;; ofl'foooooofe; fotOrco;;.Ita Michiganensian. $9.00 each at O n roSth isth0 iis if mportant unifversity10000 so c ioety ttahr's. tfCf a00 talo.o00 )0.00 000 losans o fits,00 c\ow oteyar orrf pnigtoh , ,A. J ALhpa ~ci; 00but; 0ittii- Suits pressed, 26c; trousers, 10e. HY. .00550 io 000yaunvriy far Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William ELt or. STANDAOooflooRDy TIMEo 04600 HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY _:)1Tf. m 0 r7esohuryfon 1 00ntl7:rp.i.0;dt cin 9:15 a d 11:100 Ii BEST LONG DISTANCE. BEST LOCAL SERVICE coo;Orng tolooo. uroSt.. ws oft EGYPTIAN i, DEiTIESE Cigarette can be made Leek fer' Sldrzsatsr'. tJ S. ANMANOYROS ti f Doiijghnuts and Coffee Pennrycook 310 So. Stease ATn Wetlpter Turkish CORK Tips K P1LAIN always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TALR The Best of Everything in Tailor~