I T H E MICHIlGA N DAILY. IW E WOUTLD HAVE:Zi YOU TO KNOW f THE I1CH IGAN DAILY. E(ntrix as is xxxiii xlass wi ter atthe Ant A S(KIIA], R]" That we are doing business at OUR NEW STORE 311 South State Street That our New Woolens for the coming fall trade are now ready. That we make superb gar-I ments for gentlemen. { That we appreciate your trade :and respectfully solicit a continuance uf the same. G.H WILD CO. rAILORS $ 311 South StatSre . NOrE--Thoxse ofxourfriends'x wbo icli not be orpatrnxs we wxoldxcor- dil 00ivtetocoeNOW. IMICHIGAN, a ++ ISE EH'AN S + 190 +*+ .S+++ .. i4 SOAP--TiLLGOO ONsp REXAL TOILT SOA Si' xx'iolx~~iitxx''Yxx HOWARDS FLEH SOA flrtiir Iss xistori 2toxliixxo' ix' xxx'lissxixi TRUE VIOLE 5 c #+4dx islxx BROWNS DRU STOR Arboir lxxitoiixx. 1)r. Chaixrles'. Keelexr, xxx'istix b,'il \l' Published daiy liii dav exee d) (ldrinO tlii l 1 1.Clifi mpexl-iollator, xxiii i'x'si c ixlsxxxx year. at 117 I,. Washingtonsctrt old P one 589°:iriewIPhonex76. , l f lit xor zlx. xInc Ii xxt ig htl Managing Editor, J1. STANLEY BALEY. x xxxx Busineoc Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. EDIlTORlS tr . Fcv 1xhrxx- erily a p- Athletis------------ - - CI.Y)E L. D11FF i x xixx thexlx sil CC News-------------- ARTHU C.OUN Esxhanges .............I osehY. Kerr 'I'bois ithiracmCtIiirKe Woxmien .............Ida M. Ileoxcrig ED)ITORIIAL STAFF: IlIi xeadrifxhechir t xhe-lih A. M, Graver lBarry1I. Andrew! I. iWaite Jaynie d'tCuc .!dvcvotnap rs t ASSOCIA TESNh tlla ight meting o i George A. Osbsrn Arthur T. Hug- othl hsi iss1S eia.De lrn lini C. 1Pxiils . Earle Ogle..Ir. tr iift lxxxii''l1x e ai pntxi A. HI. Ortmeyer Sidney IR. Miller Thugh Allen ill C. Sanfiordil x'lat iigan. I 'appea''rxedi I xliii' i Chiax. W. Amblrose Loais Stkeyiixiixlx iC.A Chas. E. Winstead Jerome Weadock ilhpsli eor h . I .A IJLSTNENSSSTAFF boys. Doctxoxr Clxx ift,'\i s niis ixiel~br WV. IR.lans E. N. Pusey of te lPh xihoS xxi-inafratritiy, and . . Fetzr A. B. Ious ___ lxxxi RA.TS: $2xiiiper axr, ior $2.00 if pain Ox 1( iii i xluhi II lx xx impersnatedixaiiiold advance." x xix xiii ls o "hee up anIII-l Office Hoursx 12:30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 73 x i. haeIii 'Cliii xeliveredii aixi'-- p. m.. daily. n il ld 'Motheri i I 1xi xix i's xlixit t Addressx CLAUDE A.THOfIeFSON, Busineoss the xxxix Iardxx'ioffis xxlcxixxxx flanager, 331 Packard St., Telephone 461. siedtD1.11eeierJiiia\s 51.75l2't.c1IM01 J lxi x I" xii,; O Il RNI7 CALENDAR. lxii. 2i' -C'omexxlichiii''lubi"TeGiexix- Evii :Monsxter., e.t-Clx. uMixrixi's l'ctureixatixTap- palHailxiii "TlheOdiiaxxiithle Febx. 2-Clhorxxl Unxin xconcert,'lAntion xx 'xrix ofx thexlix L i l let r.lx fte ,111 the xxi xxi ililix th s lfr xx 'xirxsxxs iti setldlofa a tegenxxirxal xxstuden body i xxiiiiislre. Tlidea howevexii r. lt iihe act x xximioa l o xiaiai xx iii'iii ii ii i e~r Iy l tde t iti5ix thii' belief ,)f IIIxxiii'tat he qi s ion wli illxii ooni in- the past few months cannotiii be ide-i reoltinshllbehld iigoodx. iStudenti Spiri iind ilchigxall 'xxxli xxxiii oughti to NOTICE liix'iiig xofcaidatesiiiiifxorxx'io LaW . iiiix liMixr 1xla c xil n lxxxii I ' oom olx -li- ''.''iii xi.at ix3 iii' i l i? L\toda iii ills.. Mr. Josonxoxssesxx'xx'x hatx xiii xliiive qu ltywicis necessary xxi forx a'igoodx lxxxiiisii li but xxinxxaddliii is la ix tie irtixtii solxoiii oi k.ilx liiire cial "moldi havleiibeenixsnoreiifulls' rouind- edi outiihadai lie ivenxaiiianoxoloi. :1 shortsocial ie fllowediix thel're- ctl, i. cofeei ndicackes xliii servediU) lxxiilirexnt.iTleiisxciliioxxi- lxxxi°i' xxxxxxxxxxxx thaliii therixi ucihi so- cxiiiiiia i i xxifolk)"% xin xxichxMi Keeler andii otiheirs iii wil xaricxipatelix h st.-x - anti jublii'i ixiixie ixan uned fr lhei iu'r11 xx dav veingfoloin te xas onei hundredliiigiirlxsxarelxing ireglarix xiiin swxxx xx xxxxxx The talme xxixs xreaii forxiuse' atianxx, tunei'thlix inxxxix xin i si ofl thxeiix nxk.ix ly'x xxiii xcast- in'rlexx has ii' xxmxe, ian thati's thatinoxir gii 'xx x IlxI'lxoine oie'ntrcs is x near.i taxlxx'swimmI iniiig ix'sils xxiiw i lbe iii' ix li'i'rexxs'. 'The ixank ixx notiifully lix andii mxiii'gills xliii noti gxxiiitoi the .Any girl lxxxinixg axticketx to axlocker' i h liii' huh x xiiil ixquliieixd to takiii s5 iixiiig lessonsiii No xx xxxin theli gyo te thaniili' lxx thei' x s imiiiixig needI lbe taken.x xxThis iru x le x iiiacts xany se ior and' ii'5iilxii o do not xxxrieiioitake, ConresS Cards (Ca. rds of ijialis gold edges) We sel this famious make iavaitto esgs PRICE 50c See our State Street [Dispay Bicycle playing cards 25C All the popular games 'ich as PANIC FLINCH and PIT always in stck I BOOKSTORF'RS STUDENTSIIEADQUARTER i 10-105ft. a St 316 S State St Vaughan & Novy's Cellular Tox,015 Harrington's Hygiene Chase's Cases in Torts 2ND) EDITION Blickensderfer's Eleenits and Charts BlackstoneC Owen's Law Quizzer 25 SUBJECTS Law Quizzers fledical Cornpell~ Law and Medical Dictionaries NEW AND SECOND HAND C. [. DARI[L[ Tel. 761 326 S. Stle Winning Faces win friends. You can Itv a winning face, and a conifo't able face, by using WILLIAMS' ST1 HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE eeeeeaeammeeeeoeeee@OOO~t __________________l ' A r l7 ii ' 1rss wr r s v The Students' lecture Association 1904 - piftpfirzt Season. - 1905 I I I 1x ~i 'I RusseIIN. Conwell ' Henry Watterson John T. McCutcheon SO ISA'S BAND Uov. LaFollette Edward Bok Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mati Oratorical Co Openr )le Number N- 50C. EVENING DRESS Formal or Informal If it's from WAGNER & CO. It's Right SILK and OPERA HATS I00 SEASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMISSIOP -- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - -- - - - - - al STEIN-BLOCH CLOTHING LINiDEiSCIIMIDT & APFBL YOUNG'S HATS.