_ THE "MICHIGAN DAILY. I-Burch field's Fine Tailoring Trade Guarantees... You the most skillful rod artistic service t be had anywhere. We always carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ens. We have the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, * and can show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of ohirt- ings-"perfect fitting. Blurchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E1. Iuron H OA G Presents comiplimuents of the oeason 'to the student body, hoping you have all had a pleasant vacation. Our Holiday business wa very satisfactory, but we still have plenty o1 goods left and more coming in every day. 10 ng things that appeal to the student. Drop U in and see us. Our prices are right. H OAG'S 2014 203 So. MmAIa Anniex 106 L. Wa shinjitozs { WLabhanis, 1R~an & iReute. Money Loaned Loaned on Watches, Diaiuondi, ~or other Personal Property Vatelies sod ewelry F-epaired Bargaiiis in Watches and Diamonds. fficei at residience, 331 fE. Libseriy St. JO~i and 7 to 9i p. n1. All ibusines ential. Joseph C. Watts tYos cars get e riot Lunch At Tatte, s, 338 S. State ~ .SCHUiH, Sanitary Plumbing, electric construction and supplies hasan El ectric Portables, Gas and tlectric fixtures, steam and hot water heating. 207 F. Washington St Nel Brunswick Tables. DBILLIARD PARLORS FlcClgars and Tobaccos. asa. .uRid, Prep.. 302 . Stair Street bA CI NG Qranger s LAST TERWM Fe.11, AS to May 2 GirsaundifieoereonMaynard St. Ann Arbor Savings Bank Caital stock.$520.000. Saurpius, $175,000. Riesourcesj, i000,000. A I Ueral Banking Business Transated. lk s:Chas. E. Hisceeb. Vera..; W. it. \bt an iPres. ;M. JFiz, Casieri. Rave's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ave. thn 57 Bell Phon~e 457-L "The Niagara Falls Route.' THE SHORT LIKlE (CHICAGO ON ARBOR to BUFFALO BOSTON thth NEW YORK t direct connections at Chicago for ll5e 1ois, Kansas City, St. Paul and too~ Wept. For- information and DP,4g tickets call on or write to W. B 's, Agent, Anna Arbor. ""ALLEN'S FOR. QUALITY" Our Clothiing contributes to a nuanis self respect while our prices coitul ibtute to his wealth. Don't niiss our Clearanice Sale. All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats = $7.90 All $15.00 Suits and Overcoats $11.90 r ALLEN THE +CLOTHIER., MAIN STRERET ........... i r Spalding's Athletic Almanac (Offfcial) for 1905 EDITED BY JAS. E. StULL VAN Ciesf Phytsicail Culture Det, Wsorid'. iFair. Containsshusdeds of pictares of tihis year's. t'iamptiit'.nd atleie venti; comptile'te reort of ityampie Gaineseof 150;3;a'heworld's test reotits. The only compete bask ifSAtletic Records published P101CE 10 CENTS A. G. SPAL DING & BROS. 147 Wabah Ace., Chicago STUDENT OPINIONS. (Continued from page one.) tiver to the wearing of the M's. Let us grant that 'the mani who wears an "M" on a watch fob, a hutton or a soil case does it nierely to show a pride ini the uiniversity for which it stands." Let us admiit that the spirit is commendable, that it shiows a desire to identify ones self withi the school, that in the majority of oases it is not sit evideince of "four-flush." 'What of it? Nevertheless, ini views of the sys- trio of athletic hoiiors ini vogue here and at iiost uiiversities, this spirit is sorely iniproperly mnifested. It is ain onis.poted fact that if the "M"l' is worn prontiscously by aity or every student, irrespective of his achievemeits as an undcrgradutiae, that te insignia is cheapenied atid its purposue as an "htonor" practically destroyed. 'fTis is the effect in our own eyes ; ini te eyes of outsiders the prontiscouis weariing of M's is most confusing. If, schen the trains left Ann Arbor last Christmss, -cc were to judge from caps, gauntlets atid suit cases, the varsity teams con- tainied about four hundred men, all of whsoimihad won their Ms irrespective of size, color or previous conditionis. Surely, around this "M" should cling a certain sentimeit. This is not silli- ness; it is important to us as students. Well would we rite the day if these sentiments anid college customs should lie siriken front the undergraduate life at Michigan. These are the things that, characterize the life at Michigan, Wuis- consin, Princeton or aity other school ; these are the things that make Mbich- gun spirit. Then let this ."M" mtean. something; let it have a definite place in our undergraduate life.* We, the student body, must save it or spoil it. The athletic association nor aity oilier association cainnot force us to do any- thing. As a restilt of this disctissioii,list it not occurred to sonic of its that the, system of awarding honiors to athletes, mcii. cubthelebaters andotubers is totsvcry clearly aiidldefinitelysswork- ed out? Why could not a joinit coin- oiier front two such orgaiziatios as the Athletic associatioti and the Michi- gait Union work out a formal system of honors that would have soiie clear and defitnite nmeaninig? The coinstitu- ency of these organizations is such that whatever such a comititieswouild re- port wotild be respected biy the stutdeint body. And, I repeait, iio organization can force us to do ansytinitg. If it cotuld,. the result would be of doubtful value. It is our own sentienit anid our spirit that most solve this question. I thank you for the use of your col- umns. I wish that more students would use them for a like purpose. But let us not forget the purpose. The statement that the resolution relative to the "M" was openly favored by Captain H-eston, "Bat" Parker and Captaino Dird that these genttlemns might "take a quick junup into public recsognitiain," anid therefore that "the sensibile thiing to do is to disregard it," hardly commintds itself to serious studetit conisideratiois. GRAn. To cute; EDreOi: Thei'pIersois s'lo ssrote the article ini this mornings Daily ineesd iot try to deceive its ty signinig "Senior.'' Nit right-miiiiesd seiosr would opplose so rs'asuonalble ;sresoiluionl unauunimously adhslioptedby itie .Athletic association. \\'lsc tiil lie nit sole againsttlitre? Perhapslie udoes iiiotssear an athletic buttoof wshlichi le siiuke. 'hue atli- leic bilt tntutnotcotisisloredlin the resiiluitionii alli. Ouly lucople stho base tried to toutaii 1"can knowsthoswmuich it means to the wearer, antdslhuow le appreciates any regardl fur it. I is not only to their iinterest but to thie beneufit of the uniiver- sity inst to hasvc it checapeniesd. The greater of the salue if aii "M", the harsher mcii will scork for it, anld the better our teamss sill lie. Ithiink itie spirit IIIichel the reso- lution lias seen acceptedshldti hle coot- mended. The ones who wore them did it thriiighi loyalty and thieiy put theis asidle for ihe same reason. "M". WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO 200 E. WASHIINGTON ST. IREMOVED 8iirom t hens rhea0 208 N. Maiti,,flrst door nitisetifit post-0 alfice. Phone 341. THE ATHENS PRSPritir.t GEORGE BSCHOFF FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers and Ohapin St., betweenron etoSt. and .L Miller Ave. 'honr 80S. THESES S5ANiSPilL since sCOURi'vTiiiiK DON D. WI[[IA"5IS,905 LAW __ST ENOG0R A PHERC10 OFFICEs. 5 iLawitiiit loiir: os 5 ritupcit itt'Stutrda y;10 tt t2 1h in .. Satarday. liesidl'ten tot01N. Statt'St. Pone-997 C-2 Ringa. Residence, 715L -I-I-1--- ---------.--- -I-I---------I- S Save the Walk Down Town .4 WATUIlUS and JEWELRY ! R[EPAIRED Weihave first-classwttrkimten tntuiri- antics-itsrssork. We sel Fobs, U. of M. +Pins and Bannera at Reduced Pricey, Telephone 310. I'. J. SCHILEED[, 340 S. State Street THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME~ TABLE-Takine effect Dec. 4. 1904. Lvst No.680 6 8%a.nm. Le. No. i+- 9:0s a~m " 2-i11:35 am. Lv. 3+It- 4:50 p.m -4- 8:i5 p.m. Ar. 5*-30...3ta a. m *IDaily except Sunday between Owosso and Toledo. t Through trains daily except Suni- day. Free chair cars on Nos. I usd 4. J.JKIBGP.A., Aonu Arbr~u, ich. Tuleda, Ohiu. a On the square The peer of all sales, Our entire stock of suits and over- coats now on sale at Otne-fourthi off $25 suits or overcoats at $18.75 $15ous or overcoats at $11.25 $20 suits or overcoats at 15.00 $1 2 suits or overcoats at 9.00 Xt8 suits or overcoats at 13.50 $io suits or overcoats at 7.50 Every suit and overcoat new and this season's make, all up to-date styles and at seventy-five cents on the dollar. U. of M. Calendars given away free with" every $1.00 purchase or over. ,sD',.NeW FlwnaS Wadlia ms .C0" tot door north of State Savings Bank. t2i-3 S. Main Street AR NVERUR SOL "Q D-GOOD YE Z AR'S.DRUG STORE