TTilE1 ICI-TIGAN DAILY. , ,..,...."" THE MlCHIGAN DAILY, himt liv the Mlichighan hoard of cotrtol. 0 *-1li h o nei tiiiiiii act ion ws a re - , S E WOU'LD H-AVE CEntred as secn'td-class a atler at the Ane afirimiationi of raie No. 13, ofitheWet-~ TVYArbor lestoffie. ern InitercoliegiateConfernce,. which Congre YOU TO KN"" uilintied dailyl(Aeoda exce pteddinlg the prohitbits copetition in athletic con icniirOlnPhneyrat e117 C. Wa 'hincetacstreet. es i uria g the collecgetyar ithoit C r O ld Pl hoine E39 ; iniw Phone rf76e. Tllat we are dointg business at Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. the collegein iic tihle compeliting ath- adlitalt odegs Business Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. letr is registerei._"1nmijiority vote if (Cars f ll # od dgs OUR NEW STORE -:-the coniifereticewonilidprohahb'liy.bett. c- W el ii auoi ttk l 3 1South State 0Street Ac o Oreleto i ei n sttetti R itc tiearlt fdettt CAletice . Js ------------C YEcL. -av rit ofd sg . IThat our New WXoolens for the cortting fall trade are now ready. That we make superb gar- ments for gentlemen. f That we appreciate your trade " and respectfully solicit a * continuance of the same. f G. H. WILD CO. rAILORS 311 South State Street. NullTIC-'.t'hseoior frtits wlthor av aot benourlaudtros eioutiittor- dially initto comIeiiNOW. Womec ............Ida M. Brownrtig EDITORIAL STAFF: A. M. Grarer Barry H. Andrewn I. Waite Jayce ASSOCIATES Goarge A. Oshrn Arthur T. Hugg Frantktli C. P1ali hs J. Carte Ogte, Jr. A. H. Ortmseyer Sdney C. Mliler Hugh Atten Wil 0. Sanford Chua. W. Ambrose Loots Stickney Chas. E. Wnstead Jerome Weadoch BUSI!NESS STAFF W. It. Hats E. N. Pusey J. E. Fetzer A. B. Icmus RIATES: $2.50 per Scar, or $200 if paid Cin adveane. Office Hearst 12.30 to 1:30 and 6:30 to 7:30 p. m. daily. Address: CLAUDE A. THOriPSON, Business rlanager, 331 Packard St., Telephone 461. tinlat offer 'itlhletic scholarnstips' atad Spreail swires all itter their snetitionsot the contry attemtinflg to seeltre tite test athletes, tisi act of dlebatrrinug a finwois inpeerlein Illshi class.nnseemtt almtiiist a noveity. 'The inst til the EUn- trnity o it hilugant till far great, an farasrecondsindiitptrestige tee con- ceritei-,hbtt tlte actiottnshowsth' iat thte A n l tiler1boaridIof cintrol kntottsnitn bsus. It nliitts, alit, hots the InardisuandstIiI eet tnt cetrtaittqilen- tin f collegiate athletics."' LITS VERSUS LAWS. Conticued from page one. P-RICE 50(c See our State Street DispR$, Bicycle playing cards 25C All the pttpul ir games such 3S PANIC FLINCH and PIT always tn stock. BOO KSTOR&0 STUDENTS IIEADQUARTERS 103-105C.Stain St. 316 S. State St. IaH t iaughtt schotol for several yearn in en a tae M Niclutgatt ialdalso downtin ttTexan. Reltrttintg to is homelun tateite enitereid -- -- the utiiernity' witht tilelaw ss'into N # N~f Nf+NfO N 1{I~t I)r1' .3 X \ ' At I n27.iiytp *"a ~ ~ jCALENDAR. it EUs .1 JE,11 3 1. -So a recital iy ' )r.hennlar, ' + st'iii 1 X itt n tal, 8 p. ttt. ii. 4 Jai.27 Intrdel eigi ntitrebate'fai- E~~am SIAN l ite r n a eatet I Jii 28(- iniiid ltttin"ThGi r t s-ou +n' ivd kitit. ten. / , t +I~ l, uItCo. ditcih'nsflecnturgitig Tap- ++7 YX* . lpI tttnHa ll ite"' i'he tile Sndl ltine 4T. I l nl clfi ut it tte tlni i te '0 T eqeto frtile lin i f t hetit 'I' i " ii i t nt eti n t ove r tta tat-r '. tin' 'i''t t i 12 1 r itmy contiernsithe I n -t l erit ciiogenwati othe t er Iini f thte ".+S~t- in amy eriest y ern' eititfroit *SH EHA ' "I ticogetnnooestdofr It e Slvtn r alo neSis ays vt e z 1 1 C t I I Jutnge E. D. Ritnuestill ptresitleinter the ndebnnte. Th'ie judagen are XV. X. WXedemeya~er, Jatmtes Ii. XXatde tandXV. V. Reitnard, of Seattle, an old grtt- ute of thte law departtmtnt. 'lueexactt readntg of the qtuesinnins: 'Shtouldt aty cattdidaten firnetional. nMnte antd coutety electionts arelnmifn- ateally nifrect vote ?" Thue consatitu- tionatlity of such a mteatnure isnededi. 'Te debate wiii be tunder tite autn- pieat of thte Utiversity Dratorfiltnnso- cintiotn. As admtinsion fee of twsenty- ire centsil al be chanrged to all nn- + C IrVIII(3 Dai x I' Come in andse ___ the new greys . l teetorhrltessieetestill gins aworsteds and i snug reital it M'ii.'aiii i atll a i htl_____________ p o'clock itis nstig. lie still worsted chevioCt ,% cotininnittis byins Jinon ndmiiwillIanst) ic asitnstellbyi 1. X i XX n Cl i s n ev enii readntgn. X vaie nd Totvurjt" ing ptrongratistnbeing plilred.No d-~ oureInvitC its ui~u's'i.a e d to L 000 PH-ILOLOGICAL SOCIETY. Thse Philological nociety willI mtet't1i11 roE ,,U iest al usa vn g, Jan. 31, at 7 :30 o'clnckn. Pattern are to lie readl by Dtoctor 'Ttlock antd Doctor Sttuart. 'T'he ssubject nif thte for- ~p ar !~ r. t mar is, Did Chucoer Retinaette Citt- terbury 'Pales ?" 'Taelatter wl pa n"meilM to sofI sriiontioin Restored Builitngs." Get a Hatmtbutrger at Night Luttel Cafe, 301 S. State street. Almer N."AWell Lathered Stoflliet, fortmerly wttit Jntck 1Fenst.~t is half shaved. No aidn 'hlateset andunitp-to-iate t.lsibewell lathered without nliiptpers fir tic Ā°"'hop-ptrusftrit rich, thick lather of $2.00, $3.00 antul$4.00. Geonrat . ii Si icr, 212 Sit. :Minitstreet. to-t.s I U A'S P T )~~~~ NE COMPANY________ BEST LOCAL SERVICE [yes [xamined Glasses Fitted Easy Glasses for Uneasy Eyes Ar ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store OPTICAL DEPARTfIENT E. H. ARNOLD. Optical Specialist Lenses Duplicated Frames Repaired ''Otcnilo the tent recent exatpltes of ntickitug teuntcinouslny'tinriules htas beeni uhonitsythee t b'oaunrdlnf cenutrol of athl- leticn at thue tUnivernity' of Michtigant in decliarinag Ralph Rose itueligibale for all timei. 'The chtauttiiotnlhot-putter cottt heeds1uttuter the cohort of the Chuicagoi .tiletic asnsnciatuiontutntmeet helti hu the Patiume Atletic cltubaitt Ness'Y'sek Cut.,nfer hpermuinionl hadi beeti refutnad HOME TELEPH( BEST LONG DISTANCE @ e e e .. e e e m " RWdqiapqatgucOqyygb a4 4Jt4 Jf.+l5O ) n ,,a,}{ a+ Ihe Students' Lecture Association 1904 - f1itti~fltrztĀ¢880n - 1905 i it .. . .... ..... ................... .......... , COFF2E. Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting Golden Rio, per lb. - .- I1Se Mariacaba, per lb. - Pedang Java, per lb - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb. Dean & Co.'s Blend, per lb., 20c 'Bc 2$c RusseII1N. Conwell Henry Watterston Johnt T. MecCutcheon SO'I3SA'S BAND Gov. LaFollette Edward Bole Henry Van Dyke Leland T. Powers Champ Clark Hamilton W. Mable Oratorical Contest k Open Number 214 South Main St. DEAN & CO. +I +I SEASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMISSION 50c B i1i~rds a Gentlematt's Game, is always an enjoyable pastimte when played at the Varsity Billiard Room which has the finest equipmsent in the city. a r K k Y F F P r 3 13 S. STATE PHONE 9f1 -. have your Pictures framed at De fries Art Store CornEMain'and Lierty