THE MICHIGAN DAILY :WE WOULD HAVE weaeAou Z YOU TO KNOW That weaedon usiucess at OUR NEW STORE * 31South State Street ITh-at our Newo XWooienst foe Sthe cominoog fall trade re toow ready. ITiat we make suiperbi)r- mlents for gettletme. e That we appreciate your trade aud respetfully solicit a cotittuauce of the saue. ____c Z G. H. WILD CO. TAILORS 311 South State Street i etote e" u a(. ott- e woude 4x f diktot inle t ott- ont ie)\lt'. mqeeeoeooemme ICOLLEGE TEXT-BOOKSI ALL DEPARTMVENTS FOUJNTAIN PENS from $1 upj All guaranteed. MATHEMfrATICA DRAWING INSTRUME1NTS Cone ittget otr prices. SHEEHAN & CO. :20 S. State St. IT WILL PAY YOU Don't take a chance and have your jewelry and watches tinkered with WM. ARNOLD, R~~~ 220 Soth Maia Street THE IMICHIGAN DAILY.1 xit-toIOt CRTA iT? 'to ttt tittree too 't to tO 0 . tt0 Set iisiiy ettit tttt t ttttsi e 1 tot tttti tn titot tottoototoySe-tettrtdoil, litrt~tiaiatttrttstttt ttteIx. :vk1-iiocctolD I ,11 ti .tVsettttttt t t e t n ote t It is toogontoThttat e try ttttttt Thitt e x ek tf Maagng IEdito, . ST ANLiE t' ALEY.__ _ Drawing Busns Maoeontager, CLAt lE A. THIOMOPSOON. I Te lanttr to.I tivtesityttt Micit gauttt-ttttttu tose s anee h; t0 -totesttgt t ths0t tt tt t itt itt ttt att Inst ument AthAltiicstitt. ntootleo1te\itt t iot gtoh tly O t t i~o i 1 . t !I !'So-itoyuta tovorlietoelti rioitit ottotItt toy0. it to 0000 oto ittootostyte ag ry intootol r i n l- o 9a e o h ytto '0to tto-oh.0t-ttt~* cuffel &E sser ittr to All )1t to tt tto .00,0 nooetttty ttitn t ote cttt- iti ttt~ 1 $ 4 t 2 toot. toto-. toe02.t0$1t toti$it tOO'S $ t -libierai tiers tor assistatos it inte Kr' o 1 o$1 pr tto-ituchwititotproadti r---5in Richter's -atot $20 Offtice lHtors:1230 to 1:30 and 63t0 to7:30 thits ito teoot otrthiy rplanttt totie iel- ine Second IHand Sets, Of res totEA T totNBsies dn vn-otgto e' to- Cret'i i tot to 20Per Cn f looagr, 1331 IPactardtSt., Telphone 461. le- eit to - 0ttti0 t t i all o l Vovtl0' toot o 00il sot- ite ojlt'o t o through-tt anit tto-i0 mak t ito-propto soedicl-itousettoa rea- 3Mxieour0000-stoteyotortheadqaiiotr il.0tars itor al Oooursu pltie. I ifatow0'diays toot ort -b-etexplati i th n ire st-ho-toot'ot e. Tit o n tttt andti, 0P 0000000ur timmensee stok, te -ott Cl-i o usettoo t-Ow io oiioi tisd inthe oo- iOI iao l oil r n~ teeds at Loo- Wednesday, Ot. 5, 1904. elyi heoeat uei iotttos-o9_____________________ ever0') Michiigatn stu t oo to t el lis' EdtrToday-H. H. ANDREWS. riendsobou toloote P olatotnl to tcott- N 'HAiRSBOOK ,STRE stier l thevlueof otuttoitato intitutito IJ 1 JS ORf CALENDAR. ottortt near i the o'iotrsottCampoito. : UNIVERSITY HEDQUARTERS ______1.03-05 R. Sain St. Ocoe .Fobll ihgnv. STUDENT DIRECTORY. 3165 State St Ohios Norhern University at Ann Oler studtentos wiii recall wiat di- Arhor.fctoothalsseen enontoero-olilotfor- m ner years tolite any sotudenttlor- tOctoober r --Dean Jordiatn's receitiont o h-toi0on.Ttsi-siet be~" 0to ro-siotoaogirlot at Barounr gyn- tootetnooa nt t"0ioeor H nasiutm. ia oot t-co ItttioiO iotor- l Oetoier S.-Foothaii, Michigan vs. Thaklsgivintg vacationo or eoven boter. Kailamazoso Coiege at Ann Arhor. Tit Ciristioan Asotoc ianion otis ii- Otobeior . Atilotic Associatitoo lct s- -iyoare- ototomtoitteoatotirettry a titot tniversity i-al 1 to., to.- 00hit-it wil ito-readoy tfor itooblic e oo Octoober It2-Foothaii, Miciigano vs. muchtitearliertano diuringtpreiors a05. Phiysicians and Srgeons at Annt 9otos tesatoto tooble- ilacdono- boitoktttlstn Arbhor.ootmoointhir-trespei~ctive 0000oos ittotot- ____ oiat ly. tOetoblert i.--Ocae Jordianot recepit ot t ioeor sto t-nool ot 1 too sohoooe git-s a1tiBarbourthetit-reiotor atnottocaros at Newberry 00)< <0 ii) ntatttO. iHtol.anthto ioo sw oht veooto- lr00000 Ocioher 19-First lecture on the Slti- iretistoroti ihere00shouidodooiti lot ottt tti dieot Lecture Association Corse ith0ety art- to bitsntcuodedt. lit gistro- 0 1by0lRussoel St.-Conweii. 0lio lt--st ilia la nd toole tsdtrugog a \ x5 sOR Octobeor 21. iDeato Joran's r-eieptionto stores is tot sufficient. Thec oire- for totjuntior girls at Baribour gymo- toryis tot-00ftor lion tuoteof anys' pati- . iooicto< VARSITY H T Otbr8.DaJodnsrecepttiono largeHASU to seoior girls at Baorbouoor gym SLUMP IN SALE OF ROWBOATS.z The Typiclt nasitom.o d Coee Ma's Hat All whoo ost-cve1sp-ot a sorft thainog Novetoober Li-Michigan CluotIutse hbanqiuet at xatermntgyona- o~th s 000inAnntoArbooto toill e'ttt-tintr sloon. ioheneotdcofottolsstool a dulonbeoat into sim.crossogthe Campusothe firsitfeow owarno ays aftroteclose ot winter. aN NEW ALUMNUS EDITORS. Btthe sidewak1s5 whiicht ia'e-enoery to. For sale only at - year servo-ti ltte oro tto rlieove0 the Campuiots oto ootiits s atero oill thlis Wilfieid B. Shaw,'03, has een conttitg spriotgtrto-lltito usodotooall (GOO JD S P fE E D%'5 selected as soccessor to Sloire B. on. Smith, aso secretary of the Alumni Dorng Otto-simmtosr Suptt. Reevest Association. Mr. Smith resigned to andt his assisants havoetoeen tbusy HTESHBRAHR accett a position with a life insor- perfectig the tolosewet-r connectnitos t't ompany,'. tolit tttwith oeaq 'ar r,' altoatdotnl ttt 000titg in "sitl iottoe lotnS1 7. Min toSt. Philadtelphia. His successor Mro'variousoo itartsothe tt-Camputs.. too Sohatw, has een connected owith the rot of otUniverstioty al anoted-xoooool Chicago Record-Herald for the tast tg eyondothtoo LatoBildtintg wto- year, anti the exterence gained in tooetrainage nonitiotosns-cve en thot hosewilte noed tt gooodad- the wosorsto '00atrget tes totolsi '-0re f vantageO in his doties asmonaoogingbg swhicho ilttroptoryritotothis I* kL thler editor o the Michigan Aluomnus. at 00 theo Canmpust F. A. Woagner is succeedeod in the Ando condoititos sill tho-imptrovedol reamiy and lasting, is ti-e kind buosiness managershoitofot the Aloumotots ino a onouoober o other tlacs toioere~ ty J. Harry McCormick of KalamaOttoe ccmnot twalks aeensotoraied, you need You'll find it il the zoo. Mr. Wagter has gone to New stoolsowherot ne'0' oas are heinla oid old reliable Yerk City. The enews-etter is in tto gs-nera gradeo has boen boostedl charge of G. W. Barnumn.oisor oeight itces. W I.i.IAMs9S il1 UO"1[T[[EPH1ON[ COM1PANYNo BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE SPEL;IL COM-MUNICA TION WE WoILL tollIN OURO NEsy STORES THIlS WtPK. OCR STOCK OF MEt~N'S FURONISHINGtSANDt SATS ~'ItLtiE ENTIRELY0 NEW ANID FULL , 0O ECLUSIVE STYLES. WE WOCLD) loll LLiASEIJ TO SE YOU AT OUR OP~INING.+ BENRY & KYLR, -tailors, Furnishers and Hatters, 709-71II NortloUlniversity Aveooue. COFFEE... Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting toldeno,00 per lh. - - 15c Mariacaba, per Its. - - 18c r Pedang .ass pr be-Oh 28c Arabian Mocha0,toerslOh,- 28c sl Dean C0 o. 's :Blend, per lb., 20c 214 Sooth Main SI. D A O lyylly~ly~y$ti~lt~ 2 - ALy.lyLitti L Jir SL yL 4 .r.} ~ % i l THE VARSITY .4 CIGAR STORE AND BILLIARD PARLORS Will he equlipp~ed with Brtuswick-Balke Colleuder Co.'~souperfinee, regulation size, 5x10 billiardl tables, aned cues withe per- fectiounhbtts, ehoeny splice cue poitets, L y ivoryytips, ssorted veig lts y. y,~11114 11 11 .DeFRIES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 2-1 S. Fourth Ave.