: Hi MICHIGAN DAILY II +«+I+ +++OI I++* ++InP 4-q 4 a o44 x.5>pg. 3 4i irh fTra de You the inc We always ens. We ll and can se inkS's-per] field's Fine Tailoring G uaran tees... ost skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. carry a large and complete line of seasonable wool- ate the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, ; owv you a large, beautiful and exclusve line of shirt- feet fitting Burchfield's Fine Tailoring Trade, 106 E. Huron presentsetttpliitst of the season -to the student bods, bolting you have all had'a pleasant vacation Ourx Holidayv business'was very satisfactory, buttwe still have plenty ofi goodo left and more comin in every day. 100 things tha t appeaI to the student. Drop I in andseec us. Our prices are rig;ht. 201. 203 So. M061rn Anmrex 106 E. Wa ShI.sgtOAM 0 0< 1 I. Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits - Top Coats = Rain Coats Frons the wholesaite tailoring hoone of L. ADLER BROS. & CO. Rochester, N. Y.e Illustrating the latest improved x designs, are now ready. We have exclusive sale of L.A.B & Co. clothing in this loxat. Men who are more thanou dn arily particular about tbte style and fit of their clothes ares pecially invited to inspiect these products of Rochester's mosttp to-date clothing matiufactr. + Wadhams, Ryan & Reule M V T T q Money'Loan"'oed' ALNSFR ULT Lot~and onN\atclxe.. Diattonds, x Otir Clothing contributes to a mian's self respsect while onr prices 'tchtse and eeelrylroetairodtributte to his wealth. Don't nilss our Clearatnce Sale Jwlyltpitd Bargaitis in Watches and Ditttd.All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats - $7.90 >r 04! at rsect331 E Litberty t,. All $15.00 Suits and Overcoats = $11.90 to~~~~i n~xi xp x.All txinessv 0 C~aidenta].ALLEN THECLOTHIER., Joseph C. Watts 31 MAIN STREET -t(1 N IU.NIC:VI'IIN. I tili N Oti 'lixx dxxx, Ja.h .t. lix' irs-li tix .'Yoxs. ars ttist e%.t lcl a ss of0 tse lxiii sit t iNofP nttxx Ittia VAN tkkr rsc~t s n rsp asb l ixexd its first tatnital Ibaxnquet. \ltxxti 10111 55a.rs ______class . tre Ipresetnt. HUH Electiotaby l, ngas frandtx watr i 1cinthltcSaurdyl xxljc yea-ciminptai evn u aEle P rabeGa n asciain metnlaira, s < x v hsnt ttt schownxxi iitsimttle., s'.tt11 e crcfixtures, steam and hot now rccci xg veal xcriouslthoughitxll lctii 'ttit cuc water heating. xwhenixthe actutalcexultsof suchxtion _______________ 207 If. Washington St itrexreal'izd NOTICE. I s extelxy ieliee lthat teeti' l nxi 11aperst n i t tth ix'ecity lxxtifeel'. that titunswixckxlivtecrblesxi Reading notices,''except to Univer- AT tale\iand Itlxxt xlivathltestc should sity organizations, one cent a word per issue, payable strictly in advance EIuaDS'BLLAR PRLRS ivsesust rtcognxitixon: iiitut es xsuchxto the Business Manager only.. Uni- Fi Clara SBILADPROSaTobaccos. eaia itt aexix ithatno itne elseversity organizations allowed one no- NV.1Reid. Prop.,32 .stti Sre hsa hvt etarx hexic Mli 'Iini '1115tics free. tf. b A N Cin NhG cor, yellxoxiaxxiiblue on xx CUT FLOWERS. sweates, Iecrsey xxixnIdxcaps, sold i q ra w io ,r,Sri5giltfullyxeitsccvceditox xxtitters-ofxi Eccyxtixg in cot fSowersxatIthxe 49atlt l x xx Inor. flux tse xther haxndi, it ighit price, oxide intooaxty formxfor all LAST TERi.M ttrimht the xivmxantwtotwxcrsc-alxxoceasionsx. Write for prices. Freylinxg 1N~.I 15 to May 2 n ixxi xxatcii lxoi, ox ittbutn, xc & .lexxtlsl, xxx Montroe street or 891 xCxtonhlotltxxxxtx vxii'i Manad t.xnxxsit Ircas, doxexs tit t)ely tos'w xWeathy aveixue, Crand aid sMich. a xpid xin thl iv ritytie for lxvwhiichxit IRpi79-83 TeAnn Arbor Savings Bank xsttnds. toxix(11w, yayq Surs 175,000.IS Werthe xidexaxxxxctrieioutthe xlv - ix Go to Coaling's for Hersheys & Ilcxxxure:,oxo , ioott,O tletic xassocxiation xwould expect eer-Cailler's Milk Chocolate. t is'' hxt. I.lisetek Pes xv I.bxuttxxtxs.sixce: tey ice lxxtteshapxtie xxi Get xx IHamtburger at Night Loixchx Oxan Vie ie'. xx. ..Fito Ca hier. loixcxk " I Agxain,.the asstocixtionxxxCafe, 301 5. Stale sireet. Eliter N. hsjs asgoodx a right to cxxxitrol tile Stxflet. 8itI 4O~e's+Laundry lxe le tter ice.itxbot are awardedxttor Latest novelties in suitings at Fl Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. itixcites. er & OConnors, 619 E. William SL. 326 N. Fifth Ave. The ixxtutatiotn wouldixhnot lxe xxolxag- Phone 457 Bell Phone 457-L ccxx tt~e ee it notx lxxvthxe fact thaxt Get your Gym suppies at Cushings. oohr"NI" exceptithue blixck ''NI" is relsialxfor uxch use. W e doutt Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco- " 61cxIGAN CNTL _ __ -al wnt o e ticiaxdt wethe ti e de- lates. f. 'Thse Ifigara FallsRuet." s-." THE SHORT LINE 'Tbic resoxlutixnxws evixdently spuruntg IHave you tried a vibrassage at Tro- Cu-pCAn lltlei cons'ideraxtion ott thue part ofhjys? It is great, and gives a healthy Abrrs BUFFALO certainxtptopiexwhoxtthotugiht to ixake acomplexion. 59t1 'xRRtotiuick jump xxlin t ubict'recoxgnition,andu BOSTON' The folks at home would appreciate itl NEW YORK itix .exxbA hxxgtox Sen xxtiogruL Michiganensian. $1.00 each mat tt. Coreel connections at Chicago for x.AStix. Wls 115 Is, Kansas City, St. Paul and StaanFrnhdyceigad Suspesd,2; leWet For information and StaanFrnhdyceigad Suspesdlc trousers, t0e. W, ellwt tieket call on or write to W. repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 619 Fuler & O'Connor, 619 E William St. E, Agent, Ans Arbor. E. Willianm St. Spalding's Athletic Almanac (Official) for 1905 EDITED BT JAS. E. SULLIVAN tt'xltix sFaly. ye'sxtuixxluutn icculandxthleticexnxx ts:x x'xxmxple'te'Cr'epxrt xxtlymii.Gtamesi'.ofx The onlyscomplete book of AthletReords published PRICEl 10 CENTS A. GI. SPALI)ING & BROS. 147 Wabash Ave., Chicago REMOVEDKFrom thensithea- 20 xxN Alin, first oorxxnortho ot j THE ATHENS PRESS, Priters.J GEORGE BISCHOFF FLOISIT Choice Cot Flowers asd ca..'jsx~ja Plants Aillier ve. iPhonexs 809. ENOCH 1DItTEkLt flssleloxce csaxl 1lonryl Director Ambslasce-Calls attesded dry or sight. :.t0 S. 4th Ave.;x Rexidene sxe Phionte 404,Annx Arboxr. Parker Fountain Pen at Mann's Drug Store 21i S. Alaoin Si. Save the Walk Down Town iGet your WATCHES and JEIWELRY RlEPAIREDO levi'te 'firxti-t'lasorkxxc ndxxigouar- ante xxr wrs. 'tecselli Fobs, U. of M. Pins and Banners at Reducd Prices. Telephone 310. F. J. SCHLEEDEI, 340 S. Stale Street THE ANN ARBOR. RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. , 190a. Lv. No. e'- 8:06 a.m. Lv. Nos 1t- 9:05 a.m ""'2±tix'35. m~n. Lv. " 3t- 4:50 pox 4+-l8:15 p.ms. Ar. " 5'- 8:37 'assm *Dotty except Sunday between Owossoxanod Toledo. + Through yeains datly except Sun- day. Free chair'as onNost1ad 4. Wv. T. WVILLIS, A t., 3.3J. KIttBY, o. F. A., Ann Arhoe, Aich. Toledo. Ohio. On hesquare O n teThe peer of all sales. Onr entire stock of suits and over- coats now on sale at One-fousrth off Every suit and overcoat new and this season's make, all: up-to-date styles and at seventy-five cents on the dollar." U. of M. Calendars given away free with every $1.00 pturchase or over. X5suits or overcoats at $18.75 $15 suits or overcoats at $11.25 th~e New F5.s-m ~ ~ d a rs ( o I 20 suits or overcoats at 15.00 $12 suits or overcoats at 9.00 W d a o $18 Suits or overcoats at 13.50 $io suits or overcoats at 7.50 1ot door north of State Savings Bank. 121-3 5. Isain Street ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE r 1 1