THE MICHIUiAN DAILY T11F IlCH lO AN DAILY. E ~ E WOULD HAVE Entered assecond-cl,'ass.mateatlthe Ant. YOU T O KNOW :.-+17_Vhi--e' *l3W1ld Phon1 S92:5 nv Pone76. *. That we are doing business at : Managing Editor, J. STANLEY BALEY. i Busines nger, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. : OUR NEW STORE 1171) ITUI~S 311I South State Street *Athletics - ------------ Cisee L. Inew * 7News--------------ARTHUR 10.POUeN O Exchanges 5...........os1phV. Herr11 A$ 6 W men ........... ......Ida M. Blrownrigg ED1ITORIAL.4ISTAFF: That our New WNoolenls for A. M, G7raver Barry It. Andrew! the comning fall trade are 1 Waite Jaytto dj George A. Oshorn .Arthur' lg t rilllln C. '11 3. Earle OgleJr. That we make snperh gar- llug All er Willej 6. S infr Chas.. W. Ambrios.e Louis Stic'kney ments for gelitlelnen. Cha.s, F. Winstead Jerome Weadoek * i5I5I OBUSINESS STAFF W. I.1loase E. N. Pusey *That we appreciate your trade J. 1F. Fltzer A. B. lmus * an~d respectfully solicit a IH 17 21110'yuo 210i ade continunlce of tilh e me.tadvane. OCA$Office Hiours:12.30 to 1:311 and 6:30 to 7:30 s G. H. WILD CO. m. daity. Addrs:LAUDE A. THO!iPSON, Busines tAI.LORS 11eesger, 331 Packard St.. Telephone 461. Z 311 South SIate Street. .1+-4g+«..+.f~.+t..t«.«r.i« v«.a+rf.« .i' .,$,, , Editor Today-Chae. W. Ambrose. + CALENDAR. *ufl ~ ~ ~Su. 111. ..1 61. 4.4 '' 19044. I UEf A('1J'Q) Sut1ol6 111111121111110 1111- f~++ ++fdc+:d hatit aH ll bou. Tis oo0 ;' (ht )I )f a~far , i o h re reted.Th 113 1.761;176th7heringof 117 loc to-ie .1A1re17 e .6 hcrs ,, 6 t 16: 111- 'nd iN 1mportant1t1a.11 ' 1r 71111 ickelintfory for shmpoos,'honede Thr.isftl weater. Misslg""lela'0N niVer ity pnertar crys. tt's1. A SOUVENIR 01 the University of Michigan tust revised. Cotains views of' all thtehbuildings, hospitals an1d society 1houses. Bon ll11 falncy cover paper and fine ooze leathter. Prices 50c and $ 1.00 Forty-Six Varieties of SOUVENIR POSTAL We 11avet' lrigetasot 1.en6 in the cite.,rintd 10 sep.Jia, and colored inke 2 for c Wahr's B OOKST ORE STUIDESTEADQUA RTERS 1031055 . Male St. 316 S. State St wprinwg Erriving 41 M Come in and See the new reyS, ifl I worsteds andsil worsted che io t S You're Invi' ed to Look~ J45 fl0 EJI " ! !!/A/Nn E!.ee A gi Safety and Ease and comfort in shaving ar found only in the soothing lather of the old reliable WILLIAMS' s'N "C I Eyes Examined IGlassrs Fitted Easy Glasses for Uneasy ltyes ___Al ARNOLD'S Jewelry Store OPTICAL DEIPARTMEhNT Len1e1 Duplicteld Frames Repaired I( Me Curent y ar. II Hic Ili 1,11() IS Da 1i1y th ! 6! 1111111 1,, 111101 lil .o) 11o "'1'c C,1 11111 11. 121 fact HOME TELEPHONE COMPANY BEST LONG DISTANCE BEST LOCAL SERVICE The Students' lecture Association $ 1004 - ifift-ofirst season - 1905 1 1 A 1 1 CO0FFEE.. n ~Always Fresh--Our Own Roasting Golden Rio, per lb.- - 15e Mariacaba, per lb. - . 18ci Yedag Jaa, pr lb- -28c Arabian Moeba, per lb.-28 PedngJav, eerlbDean & Co.'s Blend, per lb., 20c 8 214 Soulh Main St. DEANV & Co.' t..J.GJ JLK. , } N..AeceL. LL. eK.JJ!r.e_",, ,.dc. r_ d .acleeeeeee& 4eI. 45t ' RussellaN. Conwellt Henry Watterson John T. McCuteheon SO 'SAS BAND UJov. LeFollette Eldwerd iBok Henry Van Dyke Lelend T. Powers Chenmp Clerk Hamilton W. Mabie Oratorical Contest Open Number i i I i w L SEASON TICKETS $1.00 SINGLE ADMIS5SION, 50C Bilid a Genltleman's Gan when played ne, is always an enjoyahle pastime at the Varsity Billiard Room F which has the finest equipmlenlt in the city. 313 S. STATE PHONE 951 have your Pictutres framed at De fries Art Store CorNEaISTORe,,