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October 05, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-05

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I'eMichigan Dail y
No. 8
Varsity vs. Ohio Northern University Michigan's Magazine of Humor Has
This Afternoon at Ferry Field- Been Discontinued-Apathy on
Visitors Have Shown Class In the Part of Students the Cause.
Previous Games. ___
W'srislile, Michigani's Cosilt'ma0a-
Tis liftirinliiniltihe'fotlowers of 'nie, has been oiiailly ildistiniied.
fotba i~l l ilibe'ale:ilto see M1 ichlliganl This tmove wsvtakes, io iti angir'
in action for tihe siecoiindItime. The aidmiit, because of the apipirent,
Vsarsity still liiii ipiagainst lie aptihy of theviutdent boilys'towarid
ston iilteam 111repfre senting te Ohio 1thal publicatios. The esaindififietilty
Nuortiern II Iv I itv. This team lies in the 'scareity of mtes,swillinig
showed'i is ialibelfast Siatuorday when'. is givetime isto itsi literary columns.
thley rolleil iiiilscoreiif S toibiTh1nlitooiiiiI tetretwa agenseral lis-
agist the Ii t 'W'sayne tPhysici ass inclination von the parl of the tpuhlic
aniilSiiieos.Ts 'hissvoeiirplroclato investi theoneessary fifteen rests
t him on osiifivhe fastest feasts in the petriioiy torthite iiuiport of '"Jester.''
OhiiiilIagiui. T'lie ultfive to's at- Thi carer of Wirinklelhas heten
t5roo1 gami 'ite still he as follois n fusaddws atya h
I .Garrls;L T, Cutis L. ., itt tis efotist ss a ae t earputthe
Scut r;CTeds: V.. '., 2iit .
Schiutz;It. '., Smttii; if i., Tm ifuflleiciontonitifs Itfeet aidgiave the
Ilitittiiu ft, 's't'rss t. i ii's1Unitrso sity steatltrealfycedfitlhe
t~o tttittiarry iimbrs.liDespiffieli thess'w attitotig-
tHiammond. fltf I. iI attialsiiover tdesinf antiihle breez~y 50-
Lonina an Caterwil no bei ft riti 'sWtrikls faileditofitrach ihe
hie.gatodisays. tiark, Dtple adouatiist r tfitiys flits'sear the tess
Beleri's iipw latl hitt ofutheassocsiateteiitttrsstho rettt'teid
shuts ittheiiIise'o'iittti halt. gvnato ictlleg'i'ltithait.lies' thd sof rare
When a't 'skedi asito yesterda's sprtac-toirenewithile itthilltihtf
tice','o'achY'stssail: "Not halt
sood enougto iisitii 5l
Tiltmalisthsettirti lttoF srrvaiitr NOVEL DEPARTURE IN STUDENT
pointedia'tin tutig vitr immge llod usetswllrmebrth
'ar fiunitti ti atrkits's talle' ' havii. v titnsightly surrt't'intigs of uitdeir-
tilt ts 'fitin-111 tilt erflitt heius nter iof'. .Siate asidMosroe
in rutshingi.tilt tallido fit heieitld.time it twas gist'sotithat. platnsstire
Th bl vs h~n tild ~tothhe tiftingcmtteti toirefve fs thle olds
strnte th Vasya touchdowniii wa5 s t os trut a large aiparftwest
catelit ii It Xiifi'r fihe strimtmageltiotmetftorvistuttits, rcttdutetiafier
t men iiindu ilgtetdi somtttfats igntis hile fashlititlof like entiertirises is the
Some f i ttititrpitts oftheligattit Thi latitihas all tiesn cleare'i, astd
Tilt ittaotile's nt uoifiteivbe1t. ,tegroat stretngthi attilpropotritis of
o'eiifitepliersithey fli t hre entabile oneto iiformvttote itdta
get- into ti layswth i itlthe 'avim w ticfte general appetaranre oftthfle
lea tschatritterized'the ltan'otoitfothlet struturtectwlesnt'ompletedl. Yester-
3't'ars" V 'sImaxim,. ''tlee itse t day theiaotiibotiler tw'hicht sill
to t'ry phiay,,' is ntdemoe ttptt'dytis' nitsh hetofr the eti rte buildinge
,halt i everihs 'beensincert tss is tiocetd insiitinit's'C.IE. Goil-
arril iisiin nn srbor. ft'sq. Tis tosk retitireid thi' services
fiveliststft r tite lettire tday'.to re-
moitve t'itiilti'frosithlitirutchastd
1906 ENGINEERING TICKET. lac~e itin is uplroper retiingplace is
prident Jut . I.lit rttr ; isu'tre tt . hebiluintg givssprotmise'of heisg
it Spalidig; t''euauirtRalpht 13.titue ott'e largest strutcturt's ftotwe
4i'slit yi itic anaigi', I. It. tGiodin; ii'its exisitee it it'e University ot
iotbll managir,tl. If. Andrewtsty i 1-Ml-ichigan.It s its' nesintrprise asid
bastetill manager', F. If. H ollistt'r.tt'illfit'e wa1tcheid sithint.idettabileis'
Ele itc lt tbtr'r , Entgtttineig "t're'st, bthbith'elv'stutdest hotly asid
Buildng, I-6.pm. rsidetssoflAss Arhor at large.
____________T[NNIS TOURNAMEHN.
Fall Tournament May be Held Next
Week If Campus Courts Are In
Shape-Hunt,'St. John and Mc-
Neill in Great Form.
With fovotal now tinder way, r-
ititrs f a all tesis fotrasmet
rs' egisnitig to circulate sot the
Campuos. Te courts west of the
gym., re tusdergoig a thorough
clenig anth ispectio, preparatory
tv a napiy cotet before winter
ets in.
F , rCaptai St. John, who is ooking
oter te meet, will make a decided
a, tchange from last year's plas. It is
r v Ym ~ 1 tribaitle thatistead of a Varity
atid a ecotdry tournanet only one
A Y entetstt-i s'i 'huhd.This sill be a
ISiandiicapu mee, opes to all. The
toorer players with be favored as
tutiteh as poissibe atd by the handi
atimthiodt eteryone with be allowed
10 ry fr he Varsity team. The
, curtrs silthe workeintsf0codition
aoonittiastoible. If everything
sbIwtuks sell hetturiamet will prob
tall's iegiti texi Monay
n..y, wCaptfaiti SI. Jolts anti Hunt were
biih uit Monvday eveing hracticing
susoefanie'strokes otnd imbering up
generalliy,.Mcleill i also back this
'ear at illtithprblaby lbe outt some-
titotethis wuek Cautain Lee, of last
years eam, 'il ot be back, Parry.
'aho shosetiup ell is the secondary
otrnamens hot all, is not in condi
ion asd wilt ot take tp tennis until
S[V[NTY PAIE[NTS. spritig It i early to make any sat-
mens about new material but several
That Many Are Treated Every Week freshlmes with exelent prep, choo
In Homeopathic Hospital-Re' rectrds are anxious to try for the
cent Staff Appointments. team,
Tit McligisVtitteouoiic vvi' The cotest laoh year was very
TheMiciga Hoeopthi Hopi-spiried and tere seems to be every
Ol, comple111ted in 191h, is 'ontsieredi reason o aticipate that this yesr's
onte'of ft' best hospitas of its kisud totramet with be fully as inter-
in thi' countr's, atfhoughl if differs esti. Wih three of the old pay
calm hosutalothrsvbtruseevtsese.all-ers ack and several promising new
icalhositalin ts tues sene. l tes the outlook for a winnig tenis
paotientis receiveud there must undergo team is isdeed promising,
treatment itt the lreece of the vii-tHut, 'alo was one of 'Michigan's
(]cetst. 'Tfere are ni charity sard', maistad-bys' last year, added to his
alt patiensvptangu a nomuinal fee for laurev this summer In addition to
buoard andi mueicines hiv fame is California and also in
The houspital builing was con- tegitoae.h snwcapo
struictedh by the Botard itt Regentsofthe No thes, snwcapo
from the inicreaseudappropriations do.
rivedl at til tisle the Legisatutre in
ceasuid thu mill-lox several years FINE BAND MATERIAL.
ago. The uitilditng ilewto onuttuted Owih to thin large somber of can-
byiu the ctiiiensiof Ann Arior, anti in didtiues tie matagetment of the band
iseuinulfor otheirenerviy the cvuiit av areaudy been able to determine
Th ertedareosxt'a'abeds'i hhsiave.upon the tersotel of its organiation.
oh're teesix tardstwic ae-a More itteret than ever has been
baedstty drigth ree tytitthsyear.atis manifested
-h l umbe riitg en tureateditper whoythe nfact that all of the old men
tuektttwite a vergesbe eae d ity-ier ha ncollege are again playing
tndt-ev ailtrg isenvxty.veis tti'basil asd that so much new
Dr.i stHetns.ae eno tedpr-material turned out. Eight new men
r.histaeodieator of the uhparthave ieen selected. iaving ut one
mneltandis hastuporectorffherboycoret atd one carionet player to be
pIt. .ttihoi,\.A Dwy ,, chosen. This with bring the and p
Kinyn ad Dan . Smthbesdesto its full qous of twenty-four.
theitenean hepTinSith, b ees Following is a complete list of
thres'ithirthaingschfl.uiicta f thoe who have bes picked:
Drs. Vt1,VL. Lo'an antI S' J. Gibson Schmidt, Heudricks, Henning. and
itt the class of 190i4 tate he tuaces Mo's'r clarinets; Church, piccolo;
itt Drs. Al . Reyntolds anti Gustave Walter, Fisher, Smith, and Darr, cor-
Wilsn a intrne. Inaddtionto set s; Clark Nagelort, Wheeler, and
thousueIDr.I. 1F. Stevens, of Detroit,JHvmes, twboes;,Hoxe, atont-
h outs ti clinic ontisin diseasev once fordntos; Elelleroand, Roth.ts
wiel.tDr. I. IM-Richards, alvo of Scr, edes;r anie ndRum, tbs
Dtroit, toy een securedtofitdeliverScreranKilndus
a cuttrse f lecturev hring the year
ont diseases ofth te liver anti kidneys. RUSH CHANGES PROPOSED.
Iiinuconnecitin swiththeit hosp-that tteret this year in the anna
thtere it a nurses' trainiiiscvhool, Frevh-Soph combat seems to be great-
whiichit vartoed sevenl years ago witi er tian ever. andsuich of this is ex-
onlytwisso thrse's, buttuy a recent tulainedt because certain talked of
truer of tte Botrdt it Regets the changev eem to meet with the ap-
tiumbiler is nowvv increased to thirty. trval of the leaders of the two
'hte ituerituritt the hosptial has casses.
besti redetcoratedtduhring the past For a number of years both Faculty
summoser, satu 0 movement iv tuw 05 asd stutdenv have felt that the Rush
tutu to equiti a nest-patthologial ab- ws just a general crash without de-
oratory intheito hspita.1'he udirector rucling the ca.situpremacy. --Itv ri-
ot this nts' deartment haystiot yet ably oth sies claim a victory, It
beenthseltstsbut a seletiots will has bees propoed that o .the Rush
rutbabluyleniatde at he net meet- proper be adduedt a number of preim-
irt'ttintg itt the Board of Regets tn5inary stunts." In oe or two' West-
Octobt'r. ern instittions the "tg of war".'is
prevaet iweny hoiky men from
VENTILATION IN GYM. each cas beig chosen, and takig
The mesmbers itt the L~iterary and oppioite ends of a rope placed over
tttigineeriig lDepartmientvsnitut are at- a lise, across which each side ;at-
hiciu'ul withi compuuusrsg'stm. works tenupts to pull the other, Wrestling
thsyear, auth all otter vtuidens who matches between representative
are athile'icallyinyuclinedl till appre- "strong men" from the two classes
(Continued on puage three.) (Continued on page three.)

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