T$=" MI'ClIG-AN DAILY 1JueJfied's Fine Tailoi'ing ITr1ade Guarantees... Y'ou the mast skillful aud artistic servie to be' had anywhere. We alwais carry a large anil complete line of seasonable wool- eW haVe the agency for Beach & Newel's Custom Shirts, and earn show you a large. beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- lngs_._"erfect fitting. Burchfield's [ine Tailoring Trade, 106 L1. uron HOAG 'resents complimsents of the season 'to thes student body, hoping you base all had a pleasanot sacation Our Hoiday business was veysatisfactorys but sic still have plenty of goods left and siere coming in every day. flfl1 things that appjeal ts the student. Drop IUI in and see us. Our prices are right. IHOAG'S 2019203 So. Me*.Ity Anr~ex 106 E. Waaht~ziton ^r1 y oU Fall Fashions are Ripe Suits= Top Coats= Rain Coats Frosstherwiolesal ailring hougse oef L. ADLER BROS. & CO. Rochester-, NY. Illustrating the latest improved designs, are rust scads. We have exclusive sale of L. A. 13. &Co. clothing in this locality. Men who are more than ordin- arily particular ahout the style and fit of their clothes are es- pecially invited to inspect these products of Rochestei's Cost up- to-date clothing iniufactory. I Wadhams, Ryan & Reule SMoney Loaned Loaned sin WatcheslDiamiionds, watches arid :Jewelry i'epaired. B3argains ini Watches and D~iainoneds. ()1eass reidene,-si P. Libery S-i t 3:4) and 7to )s.ir.n. All;i siBss nfdnil Joseph C. Watts lhvitreceived rise accessadriest Iir-1is inh o a~ihCigarettes and Pipesthciy ILUNChIES 1IN CONNECTION EveythiigNesstarid cean 30$ r. Agsenis for . B. 1. Pipes. Stat St. R. E. JettY. ~WBrunswick Tables Fl~D'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fle igars asd Tsbaccss. G V. Reid. Prosti..3cr2 S. State Street ~AGERS SCHOOL of DANCING we t l aysnard Stresst, oneisioik ,lrf ttie StreetS 5-sses-tiesod i f., 00e have noi sssside ageac- r55 m ad clsascensus areconsin~ed 56apgeru Academy, Phsne, 246 h~lt Lunceh Z PHoTOGRAPHS Caii at SEYMOUR STUDIO, ". 316 Ssut Mails St. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. ra 326 N. Fifth Ave. 10se 4507 SBeiiPihone 457-L VQ.JCIU6AN CENTI ",The Niagara Falls Route." THE SHORT LINE k N A p 'CCHICAGO l " alsj t0 j BUFFALO 'BOSTON With, lNEW YORK I. ?Ct connections at Chicago fsr klia l"in, Kansas City, St. Paul and t155 west. For informaation and 4IV onh tickets call on or writs to W. ,CASE, Agent, Arm Arbor- '"ALLEN'WS FORE.QUALITY" W Ourr Clothirng cointribtutes to a mal's self respect while our prices contriburte to his wealth. Don't mruss our Clearanrce Sale, All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats = $7.90 All $15.400 S its and Overcoats = $11.90 - ALLEN -THE, CLOTHIER., MAIN STREIT WYANI' CLUIB HOUSE. LOST. Artsi regMrirbusinresirreetinig of lire Delia Upsilonr fraterrnity-irs. Sassr- Kec eloise clibtestevrfay mrorninrcPres- daytefcroonr. Finder will receive ye- islessi Gsscisiisrisapoiinied a commritieeswarid. Rtunto 1331 Hll Isireet. 81-82 ort istss ins eisoi ntake sieps toward Ire seeirvisog of a permsanerrt ciubhrouse. LOST. fTie plurs swhichi rhsePernnsylvania sic- dens iIspe is bring Io a surccessfulf is- Sigmra Nur fraterrrity-irs; irnimeiais cic still i is oatcoifict wi'thfiheSlo e riials sillbsuk. Rew-ard if Mi jicinUnion. Thre Penn stare or- reured o'115 Oaklandsl asenuie. Si-82 saiaion wantOssri a hoimne, that is all- a place swhere some of ifs merrbfers CUT FLOWERS. cuss live arid a place to wehich all van Everythlirog irn cut flosters at ntie cssome fssr air hour of recreationi or to - spen anevenng.right price, made lnosairy form for all o srfaiennwr e evening, o occasions. Write for prices. Freylinog der wayrgeesterayswmegtn on-a & Merdels, 111 Monroe street or 89r Icrsty i ytresfy' riceingfo aWeal thy avene, rn ais ii ba-nqpset to liefield noise tume after sire ,G7ndRpis83ih biegiosninig of ltre rext-senstert. The 8 cluill s1al-ssold a dance somse time Got ChigsfrHshy & sos55. All imembers -will get together ms'se'aMik hoote tfs 8 Saturdayis iexi whens a pictuire -of fire isub illIre itakenr for rtse r9ot-5 Mich-o (lt a'Hlambuisrger as Night Lunch i~iiivi~idi. afe 015 S. Stale sireet. Elirrer N. Sniffler. Sit~f REV. T. L.EXIS PARKS, D.- D. MEL GILESPIE, TEACHER. fTeiRev T. Lestis Parkss, D. D.. Of nmandofiro, barnjo arid guitar. rector ofSCaslogivy church, New York State street studio, corner Liberty. Csite is to ireacho at tire -Episcoisal Telephone 723. 62-3-6-7 hucli tonrighsi at 7 :30. Docstor Parks is5 prseasher of intelligerrce aird thor- Steaman d Frencib dry cleaning and siishly io touch withi moderno fife aiod repairing-a.tFuller .& 'Connor's, 619 moderns ii prublemirs. 1HI is at thereicadil E. William -St. ofaiip woriitssivn iiourrbiggest city and fir thiresonsriIe speaks swithr author- The folks at home would appreciate i}" flitstudsenrts uill ifs sell to hear a Miehiganennian. $1.00 each at Wabs~r's t ID)octosr Pairks. Hie is sire of lheire lou- t ruirall nor of Iis chuorch irotire New Yorkdiocse.Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, t0c. X sot srsscse.Fuller-& -O'Connor, 619 E William St. fl" OP CONCERT. LOST. Arrangement's arensw' in prfsgress Pi feegass-las eunt fur ithe asniural"J'"lisp concert of the 1511 'iasisteraw. Reward. 79-SI thueligonerituicaFbcury ir. hSpecial, Magnificent new assortment of gen- irnierest centers irs this appeararoce of nn avajo Indian rugs and hlankcets. the lub beaus oftherecnt uccss=Prices within reach of all. Barrington, r~~~~~se ~~ 1 cCbsathaeerfiherne.tsuces furl iripi. 'lie "J" hop guesstwiff at- 39Cieie reinsitire eiiiertaiinmeint arid tire event, Ticket for four shampoos, one dol- will lie a ig featuire of she arnnoual Mr. Soft water. Miss Vaughan, N. f prnm." University, near Quarry's. t-th-s tf. Spalding's Athletic Almanac (Official) for 19()5 EDITEDS BY JAS. E. SULL VAN 'iefs-i 'isioal CtureDet Wsis sit. Ctinshsundriedsof etres 'this vs-lusiert.1of Oympsic'.iti msiruof i 1904 theworl':u e issssustre rdts The osly compleeinsokof AthetitcIRecds publshed A. GI. SPALI)ING & BROS0. 147 Wdabriah Ate., iicags ENOCH LDItTtkLf Embhalmer ash sFuneal Director Ambulance -Cells attended day sr sight.- i) S. 4sis Ace.; s lsdesce sisme Bay a Parker Fountain Pen at Mann's Drug Store REMOVED F1v s'Ahes thea- 208- '.;Min si, first dioosrurhsof pst- THE ATHENS PRESS, Prites. GEORGE BISCHOFF FLORST Coic Cut Flswers and PL~l(~1 ClsicePlants C hainiatS..bertwiemnHuronssSr. amid Mie Ave. Phone s-es.}y SaeDown Towai Gtryourc a, 14; WAIICIES and JEWELRY 1 RE.s" IIPAIRETD We hiave i-is-c sswoicusuiandisiguars- anteruraworki. OWesl]Fobs, tU. I Pina and Banners at Reduced Prices. Telephone 310. F. J. SCHILEEIDE, 340 S. State Street THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD AND aSEAMSIP LINES. TIME rABL-Taking effect Des. 4. 1904. Lv. No. u*- 8s06 am. Lv. Nc. I-15- s. -'' 1+s-mt:35a m. Lv. "-. 4S-50SOp.m 4+--8:15 psin. Ar. - 5- S:37 . m * Daily- except Sunday between Owcssand Toledc. tSThroughl trains daily escept Surn- day. Free celitrecars cc Not.51ad d. J.J IBG .A., Ass Arbor, Mich. Toledo, Ohio. k1 - Every suit aud overcoat uew amid this season's make, all 11 th ~e s q ut ;af up-to-date styles aud at sevcnty-five cents ou tire dollar. The peer of all sales. Our eutire stock of suits aud over- U. of i. Calendarn given away free with coats mow 01n sale at One-fourth off evr _10 ucaeo vr $25 suits or overcoats at $18.75 $15 suits or overcoats at $11.25 T~h New Fin-m '~ a h n s ( o $20 suits or overcoats at 15.00 $a sits r oeraats t-C o.0 $8suits or overcoats at 13.50 $io suits or overcoats at 7.50 tnt door north of State Savings Bank. 12t-3 S. Main Street E1 ARE NE VER4Ekl' l bL 5 D= OOD YAR'S *DRUGSTOR