111111 ~T HR MICRIGAN DAILY All ~incluoing IAIIT, SHAI"IS' IR&0 MARX overcoatsno ko. wilt he 00o(1 at 1=4 eff regular price $22.00 OVERCOATS nsows $16.50 $20.00 OVERCOATS .now $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS no $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS no $12.00 $15.00 OVERCOATS h~ow $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATS now$$.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier 217 So. Madin St. IMPORTED STEINS The finest collection of implorted Gernian manufac- tured Stemns in rich, handsomte, unique patterns, are displayed by us for the first time this week. Aiiy size or style you may wvant at from $2.90, $2.00, $1.50, down to 35c. MACK & GO. s*sMoney Loaned,. . On Watches, Diamonds. Jewelry and all High Class Chattel + and Collateral security. j W. J. LOURIM. 104hAr,. oositee Court (loose Two doorssoulhsIofewY.. 01. 0.A. (srs 00 to :30.i o I '0 Business Strictly Conidential. 4f Yearaget a A VERAGE suits aren't umeant for you young iien, and you're not mnit to wear 'em. They're too conservative- the makers have to VI please so mniy ages of iten that they dare not % please you. College Brand Clothes -: Are Just for Youthful Dressers ; Not Youths' suits, miiid yell, bttt togs for Col- Sllege boys and chaps who like tlieii way of{ dressing. The style's ieav'ier than the price. [ 1r' 3 a1-5 to 1-2 off for January { Staevbler & Wuerth', 0AT Y A NEW QUARTER SIZE 15CNSEACH ; a FOR 21 CENTS CLUETIT, PEAuODY & CIO., THE I''I0)'.SA PACI CEl 1tt' Il' WOtti DON D. WE[LIA"rS, '05L«w S TEN O GR AP HE R O05cc, No. 5 tLewiBuliing. t' 1ot1t: t 51) n.,exto turday;t10o12 } 1.a0.. , aur ay. Riece001 N. Staa)c 5t. <'Phone--997 L 2 Rings. Residce, 715 L II 1111 IC ASSO)C.ITION ELEC- SlAG . N-1 A '. Watclies, Clocks and Jewelry u T I Oys 1, sN ''1l).\'i. ' w , I-e fmiled hbysexpert workinlen 2A~ yS Te jnio fis w11 oldin nfomal at reasoniale pries. All sserk beer ixal Creari 'I',lavati :3o inll tooersily 1111 will slog lbanqit 101tOs ter J;)ytlonoiiht at guaranteed. 100 ourth silo' othletic eletion. Te 730. 111t he 'mle" ore urgeol to turn J. B. [IBLIR, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. S O~P,~, loowlI lose promly at thelspc- t0 an1d101tiey willbe re)ai1 o'r ioinog hied tineandml ol II ho cdesite to roct o oas ter a1e surriooss i .1sta for Pickwick .9 Tebest hard waler sasthp. ld1be at)1 the01 liti10 early. them olMusic will hlot' vioodedola'd a The' 0 lo ll erest is being taktn iln tie ltas hlightlpicture of tie golherillg will BOWLING ALLEY Lathers freely. Mild and elon 1andooiaolively ontslest is expect- letakenol. Strtlty Vp-to-dwte. Pure, lOc cake. 25c box. 1 'lhewre l~lstolic ht is for foot- S. ROTTENSTrEIN. Parow. ball1mn 1g1r0nd 0111 sides 00011 toO CUT FLOWERS. 707 N. Vm1iv. Av. hae al xeleiit chance of uw1inni1ng.I______- - -_____ Q u a ry SV I l tit cnidates are J. N. '0t on irol 1 rs liiog ill 0111flowe rs 1t1110e 'WA.SHTENAWV lyilll o~ t ~1)r h O~e 110)0 0112115fo~l oo IlLIGHi-T & POWER CO RUG bolebll. hoelam ideenent Te thell nd-or caios.Wrte1orprces F0yin daesirloon.resuer-\VriteV. for pricesoloestee ot 89 r0 .oAS(logNST C.loR. l; sima ili Finonciol Secretrl010 Wealt'01vonue, G.rand1lRapitds, Aiehck IR. W. 1Nor Illbs. 61i111Alpha 1E1- i 79-83 - - solooo andolCIlae 11oyn1to)1, Zeta Psi;2 ibnterscolalstic 1manalger-C. C. Rosier- Go to Cushing's for HIerlheys & our i tso po 0, Mielrooms, Laborator Glas- er, Ilhi IDeltao'Ilieto. Cailler's Milk Chocolate. tf temses ald shutters, Field Glasses, Proeaction I eoor sil gsl thaeadngtLa- oratories and - 0,001 01 oloos tulle. ML CIIESPIE,'lEACH'ER. barles sdhaed ]EN OCT. Of manildolint, baojo anod guiltar. I -' ! State street studio, corne r Liherty. Toa raork owo ill go 011 0s 10sual1Teleiphlone 723. 62-3-6-7 Cataloga Fre. lorader 110e 00atclil ree of itrector 1000 ooootrook. Alliooeotxvlio ore aspir- Steam and French dry cleaing and Boesch & Lomb Opt. Co. ants ifor' raonot r 1s oand 1000101101ho iove repairing at Fuller & OConnor's, 619 se Tork Cito B so l's orante, '5 001')'c0100010'n2(115 toak' or k a11 re (lrged1 to E. Willia~m St. . e(Aiacsm nse 1PIai-1aostneel.ass.Pae 1 051 0 c toe 5011toii Suits prensed, 25c; trousers, 10c. IF. J. SCIILIIEDE, 34-0 S. Slate Street 5~x1-1,1 1ShiIrloe00 ttoOOiNl 8St Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. 11 111IIIIP' 6 WIC1 (ANCEWII New Brunlswick Tables BAILEY & EDMUND.S IHE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD _________ Deaerestin AND) STEAMSHIP LINES. "The Niagara Falla Route." AT Gun's - Fishing Tackle - Ammunition- THE SHORT LINE REID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fish Nets for Decoreatiang. CHIAG Fne cigars end Tobaccos. '2CatLbrt t n rbr ~i IME TABLE-Taking effect Dec. 4, 1904. CHCG Jas. WV. tReid, Prep., 312 S. State StreetIilEstirtSt AnArir ie.______________________ Af _----SOUITH NORTH ARO QBOSONFRNGALSHOLI haeeust received the arges ad finest CLr. No.6'- So)"6 anm. Lv. No. 1l+-t905s.nm tOTN GA GRSSHO ine oat4++--IIts:'3n..Lv. ' 3+- 4:50 p.m pitNEW YORK of DANCING Turkish Cigarettes and Pipes :5pm . * s ~ thdeconnectionn at Chicago for eser broughit to the city. it*oDaly oeept Sundoay between Owe'so and StasasCly, St. Pal est ~o teuretStslt--Ground FNEay. Proechaoircrs on Nes. Iland 4. thr5 west. For information and Flotor. Ito tave no aouseagency- Everythinig Neat and cleanI.T.yLLPA1, to, 911 ickets call on or write to W. oour oice anciolass rooms are tenfined Agoet'for B. H. B. Pipes. J,3.I3. IRIIY, 0. P. A., Ann Ar r, lob. $E Agent, Ann Arbor. (ragers Academy, Phone, 246 308 S. Stale St. H. E. JOLLY. j Toledo, Ohio. CniusIsVIL .lent Train Service. a You Will Find Four Trains Daily Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains, Sleeping Cars on Nighit Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. ' II Billiards Pool Stimson COQ Stimpson 334 Souath State Street Tobaeo Cigarettes Cigars .6 BI I 91-h 111191-ll I ..taeetIhl1 -1 11IPI1119.: S. E. CLARK, 202 Elks' Temple, DetroiC. Stich. -L AIENEVER UNDE R SOLO l O D YEAR'S D RUIG STORE