THE MICHIGAN DAILY $3.00___$4.00 ,0,- Formerly Puritan. ANY STYLE, ANY LAST, ANY LEATHER, BUTTONS Wr or LACE FOR MEN OR WOMEN. ASK TO SEE OUR NEW OXFORDS, BLACK AND TANS IN NEW WING TIPS AND SPUD LAST t.' , , Walk- Over Shoe Co, 111i South Main Street GOODY[AR RUJBB[R'S. [IE[R[PAIRING Study with a Good Light There is so better light thau TIME WELSBACH READING LAMP ALLI STYLES AT ALL PROICES. : The Ann Arbor Gas Company. I RANDALLI PHOTOGRAPHER.I i . t ANN ARBOR AGEINCY, 615 E. William St. 1 . PARISIAN STLA"r LAUNDRY ? tT ('y rtO .I Mash I {.. II Pho e;.. -- Bewtriitching pictures at Foster's Art lootms. tf. DARLING & MALLEAUX.... MSicliganensians $1.00 each at W a hr's. tf. Michigan Pillows, Pennants _________ and Room D~ecorations. LOOT WATCH. .226 South State Stree Go(1ldountig-cast' watch between Calkins attt Ferry Fietl. Liberal cc- ____________________________ ward. ('altl:325 E0. Jefferson. Phoone CHLtk c aptoer. BA RGA INS. The Saturday Evening Pont $1.00--to June 24- 17 \Veeks-$1.55 Per Year, $1.25. The Ladien' Home Journal 7An-including November, '04, anot July, '05-75c Per year, $1.100 Btargaitts in Other Magazines. McEldowney, Mlicbigano's Magazione1 Mtan. 5i9 Williams St. 3.25; B a th Towels Combs, Brushes, Soap, Tooth Powder. -4 4,g Everything for your room. POSTAL STATION Register here tor your mail. Uosh y All [Leaint Collegeo i'i Foot BollPants I sce fc~tc.. A. G. SPAUILDINGi & SONS. lot. New York Chicago tenver Spauldio 'o Oficiat Football Guide For 1904 Studetnts' botoks and clothitng itnsur- cot at apoproxitnately 35c for $100 in. surance. Photoe or write. W. H. BUTLER, 11(t10 P'ooues 402. 200 E Huron. t-tf, P'hysit'alexattiunatiotn(01tioe slt- delts trt'toow beitng held in W~ater- tutu gyos. frono 2 to 4 p. m. atno 7 to 9 p. to. laity. Alt stuldetnts are re- taested to toakse arratngt'etents for akitig utiexamntatioto t. i C a lk in s 3245ot S. L. A. TICKETS. *" Slate Street Stotdents desirittg to sell Stoudets' ___ Lt'cttore Associatiotn ticket'scatt se-. cure tickets by callitog at hinuter's O I E T A I E atty atteroon this week betwoetn 4 and G tf.DIRECT LIttE Tickset for footr shoampooos, one dol- TOLEDO TO COLUMBUS. lar. Soft water. Mios Vatoghoan, N. Partor Caon allt Trains University, near Qouarry'o. t-tho-s tf.1 _ ft Il lt ho, formery wtlo 'ltie first rtehoarsal of te'lootrat av a tKv aTw . to's toutil be IullI'I'ott' .dau toutos ,3 tsrj 1001)s.titoas putrcttasedl the ('am- OcI.4, at 7 o'clock, at te Scoolot 'I'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~" pus I 'octer Shoopt. anoorespectfottly omc'booitg 011nttes'ce So Gt your watches, clocks and jewetry solici ts Il oth otoage of thot'stotdettties'lIo'qor cotot a.tI, Srepatred by tto beot watch smakor andqusetorptpomlyaits ar work guhr iestllinf.oftt'sired(ltoo makelup thbet cht ors 0'. + oV Pis, obs, Spoons, etc. . GLEE CLUB NOTtCE. not meorttoo's will Ito'l rtomtoto ur$1 S0 alarm ctocks guaranteed tor exuaplcat otosietooiolet'notiltVtr-cftomt- no.5at .lot' Sotoom(of'01tsto lol oe year Sive on a calt at 340 South 1111 00'.tO (0s 005 ((o Io'lo' oo acIo5IrtO.ioOlttO 00 .. Stote Street. s t , i t' t boltlubint bototto ,,t'. .,t. 'Wedl- Sioty iall, lbt'gitotitog MloooayO ct' . 0 J. F. SCII L IO Ot '(151't. 5, 11 71p. 00. 'fl'hct' are '' Ton ort'reoaticootarly d''soredt'the .,. many Allitions vacant. o'\ts cr cietot tioale c i egt'tt ancl. ;...g+;.;.;.,.... .. ;;.,. .;.0 ,... no: t' f ip its tls su trAtol tol e b 'sttinobcn to Its' chorus. u )-2 The Ann Arbor Savings Bank addiesses' to ome, at 521_ E. Jt'ferson. Two new mandolino for sale. Ito tAttKloIt. quire at 3:11 Packard street -f A Gieneral Itasking Businss"iE TE[[PION[ COfIPANY OOi o't.o:t: ('lots 0'. Olis1..' Pr'. e's.' (5'.1)n o oaSrittiton.i.te letos.; M..0J. Cotz, (e'uso BEST LONG DISTANCE. BEST LOCAL SERVICE 0 . V. A. A. 6 Js. Railway 0.hsTA DltlI'otI StsME . 0 tb t.'tt ittoal ou.0 rlyfrt.. 6: 1;)ai.un ".. Of 000 J. . Tesi noski, 322 SouttState St. Ambhulane Catts attended doay or nizhe. I' O l t t-O.Ann tArbo.. 4. DONT BUYYour Crea-1m Puffs with L A"W BOOKSWhpeCrm VNEW or SECOND HAND) UNTIlL YOU GET OUR PRICEIS'hp e Cra A Arbor HBAnch, C O "fPjN T Tell your steward to serve them at dinner. AnAbrBacSlate Street, Oppl. [aw Building ffyC qf S.Sat t 4 rT' 'f'sf~af'*tai.. 'Y+1r..if'*d++ '.4I.+ ^.I.4 .4 HO11CIKING V1AbbEY CRy. nuesIts Excel- PT IA NI YOU WILL FIND I [our Trains Daily [rom Toledo Carrying Parlor '"ars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. Ti No Vletter TIurkish Cigarette can he made S. E. CLARK. 32 Campuustoartius, Detroit. Mith. CplR. TIPSI,'okurSnasl : k' ""; 4.. ,..*." o"k. fN '-r:...,q R PLIN f S. ANA$RGYILQ$ A 4 - - I- - I Always Ahead In Styles. MIL WARD, THE TAILOR. The Best of Everything in Tailoring