HE MICHIGAN DAILY - - -- - -------- ''' } }ri^a +;fi cr , sr4xsc^>cfix_ <" t x::>ar. > Iimbchfiel d's Fine Tail o-ring Trade Guarantees... z You the mnost skillful and artistic service to be had anywhere. WVe always carry a large and complete line of seasonable svool- ens. We have the agency for Beach &. Newel'a Custom Shirts X $od ean show you a large, beautiful and exclusive line of shirt- ings--perfees fitting. Burchtjeld's fine Tailoring Trade, 106 EI. Huron HORAG; pre nts coimsjliments of the. staso i to tie.studesit hod1 hDoping yost have all had a pleasant v acatsin Our Hlidul bsin11 ess was} very satisfactory, hot wstitll hasve plenty- of goodsI left and snore coming in every day. IfIthings that uppedl to the student. Dr op 1001 in and see its. Our prices are right. HOAG'S 20.23So. MadnV Amnnex 106 E. Washirxton x rf a o Lj o o o 0 1 i Fall Fashions are Ripe 5 luits = Top Coats = Rain Coats From the wholesale tailoring baso of L. ADLER BROS. & CO.; Rochester, IN. Y.t Ill ustrating the latest improved designs. are now ready. We hate exclusive sale of L. A. B3. &ft.,'o. clothing in this locality. Men who are more than ordin- arily particular shout the style sod fit of their clothes are es fu~illy invited to inspect these products of Rochsester's moot up- 0 to-date clothing manufactory. + Wadhlams, Ryan & Reule 4 Laney Loaned londo atches.1)Dismondf Or ther Pe'sosnal IP'ropesrty w atsches ands .1evelryiReird B Iargaisss in \'f' ;Sates -ist Diamns. St55Arbssr. iiourss.s'tos1s::50 a.Il.I ) au d l tos 9 p.is. Afl busisss Joseph C. Watts not Ltuxch As Tutti,,'s. 338 S. State WASHTENAW '"T& POWER CO 200 E. WASH-INGTON ST. v Brunswick Tables P"te0S BILLIARD PARLORS t~ igars and Tobaccos. 155 sY il eidi. Propt.. 312iS. State Stret 1 ,. 1 I "ALLEN'S ]FOR QUALITY" Ouir Clhing contribuites to a iiaii's self resipec tihile osur prtices mit lsite to lila wealth.- Doi't imiss our Clearaisce Sale. All $10.00 Suits and Overcoats = $7.90 All $15.00 Suits and Overcoats = $1 1.90AL E 'TH C T I Ko MAIN STREET 1S 1)111 VS SI:ILS. NOTICE. Ins pislilshiss..te 'sticle b-rfe Reading notices, except to Univer- st r' tVells'e iis1 isin hecuret suimbers ofsity organizations, one cent a word the' "Jimsie ] I'cd 5 t.edto per sse, payable strictly in advance 1 r, to the Business Manager only.. Uni- apnistefo r olinksiltntote. IfsyIlls versity organizations allowed one no- r. sitses of the in t orfti ofi5te " icth-tice free. tf. i ;tuS b1i elsisW ae ifbedto pub- IsI tt';Journtil ofi Iesfs-otiu s itil- Csl f l,hi\\ 1)148. lIsn s c 5th' issl s a ppearance__inth 1)r tb' A11n ns r flsr 11c - I s c y tin ilsl ' cu t s s '" sit tif lc t "" 'repit iif 5illifret ioi ts f t Is yrl ilsi Iprie ,ld int 5, formS for all '155115 ts ii. T i C v f h o ca its. Wdrite for trite'.. fei is u eor fte M sly c m i-& M mllIllM nresre r< litll is easily sitth mst reliablle nassst Welt.hsflss s tt, GrandIssf asiids.Michs. tesms timethefi stltills sisisisshp70 3 ytpbihdill ttiscounlstry, andifos aritgla to br Sil;to tse s ttenmfsit iofLOST. thes readerrls iof te ''Jiournals of Icesfs s11YV Iils t he fortemoiist tilt u ~ i l l 551 iiir i frelases. leasre.. trn11 to Save the Walk 4 WATCHEIS and JREPAIRED F. J. SC HLEUD E, 340 S. State S tan' ffcaitrceaet FOOTIBALL loed ho All Leading Colleges Foot Bali Fants -Larefront, hitpsan eets usd1ddwt inecuitrled Isair. aind tigho wsithssctie strips. , 5.0G. SPALDING & BROS, Inc. Nies York Chicago Denser Opaldlog's Oficial Football Guide For 1904 Esditeid by Wialter Catmp. Price i0c. The Ann Arbor Savings Bank Capitl sockur,.05,000. Surilsts 015,000. Ite.siorces, 02,000,000. A Gencraol Banking Business Transacted. tOro rtjss Chass. iE. iiscoek. Poet.; WI. 1D. Harii aVitePvt s.;.t' J. r i tts, Casier JI F. SCHIUH, Sanitary Plumbing, Electric constriiction and oupplies Gas and Electric Portables, Gas and Electric fixtures, steam and hot water heating. 207 If. Wash ington St "'INGjER'S SCHOOL pf S - o Sf lil >SstI tay it.Lme of DANCING eat shst> a the l 1ts l i- tio o5 cteass ruems It. ifiittllsi 11N\d\ ' A'sid s'l). t r4e Academy, Phone, 246 Tis I *ivcl ist iiiof Texas', acn 4AILFEy & EDMUNDS tii s lists vvirlvasIinithedi ld1 o iifts- ciai iii ict iii St, isvsits. adsice', and Ieleters it'uic i S'Sa s icne of te sh iirip ex- FishigTackle .-Ammunition aii i' f stassi tilsivtrsty condufscteuf li Fish Note for Decorting. \* 'hut rit fit s fbeenItafpfledstfoi "4et Liberty St. Ann Arboi h.1 Ifi apes fonit lete rce'ived'i by 'hS5lstreeedC tesrgeesstud fint cyadstudenits it f te liTa ii T r 1 line of s5555 t i i Sccase vr teC reel:'.'f Ciaetsand. Pipes lctm Sis fl tsteis f 1oillsis are li PjpZ verhbrought toste city.ifstst.msitistleit L CHSIN CONNECC'ION reedt15 aritrat and cre it.t everysthing Nest stid cleait le lvclctes fr eiec o b ''S-iSateSt. R. C.Joit.L. lit ifmiistationllie ast d i'fi,ia tst e . Xt1IIGAN U T ENTIR is till is i sitilcitaffa.'irs,, excet.'ft t fr J iitSis.tibr5ncsessaryin amt mgrmvaif "The Niagara Falls Route." Casei, isetto e pisft lsorred, and tis THE SHORT LIRE 15 iinf mis i sill bfiretrilto tOth nxiou 'cxiii-. AN~ an tof CHICAGO______ W BOSTON__ With NEW' YORK fCshd fraidi sipgiet sttsfoish if st tdirect connections at Chicago for issssisi;rantiI_ . dlK1., Wdsdayts noionit, tbke "Ioi0, Kasao City, St. Paul aond irsicri i f Ilsol rmicl fsilslissp ndS ivi is- thr~ West- For information and p° tiktcaloorwietW.trstitFndrlacrtrntI7 Bit, Agent, Ann Arhor. 8 Sii.ivisnstreet minifreceiie c tntd 1 L L 1t et Illl'llit\1'. 1\(.' :.ii(1. (9-o \1stetch dfc ili lss tl shoul sf4 79) Go to Cushing's for Idetahoys & I PH O T OCG R, PAP-T Cailler's Milk Chocolate, tf ~ '±~1~= k£...h Ticket for tour shanipoos, oite dol- lar. Soft waler. Misa Vaughtan, N. University, near Quarry's, t-th-s tf. Steam and French dry cleaning and repairing at Fuller & O'Connor's, 619 E. William SL 4Tmpsifccsi test ass~ortmencst of gen- uisle Navajo Itianut rugs stnd blanklets. 'Priceos withsinsreacht of all. Hasrrinton, 3519 Cathferinec. fl lAR'lON1IC ORCIIES'lR V. L. If. lBat.'s, d1miss er, fS . S ith IoriutfiAvenue. P~honeicBell off) J. homise e289 Red. 76l-e- o d Thte folkss at home wtould appreciate a Msichiganennian. $1.00 each at Waer's, to Suits pressed, 25c; trousern, t0o. Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E Williatm St. Calf a THE SEYMOUR STUDIO, 316 Sout Stale St. Rowe's Laundry Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. 326 N. Fifth Ave. INew Phmone 457 Bllt Phone d457-L THE ANN ARBOR RAILROAD TIME TABLE-Taking effect nec. 4, 1904. Lv. No. Vi- 8:06ilaSm. Lv. No.Ito- 9:t5.&am .2St11:5 amw. Lv. " 3t- 4:50 p.m 4t- 8:5 .. Ar." t5- 8Ou7taens ItDaly excetSunday betwees Owosso asd 'Toledoi. S tirougta ramos deily esept Sun- stay. lre'elthair ecrs on Nos. I snd 4. \V. T. WILLIS,At. J.. L IsiIIOYF, G. P. A., Ass Arbor, Aich, Tledib, Otto. On the square The peer of all sales, Onr entire stock of snits and over- coats nowy on sale at One-fourth off $25 suits or overcoats at $18.75 $o5 susilts or overcoats at $11.25 $2o suits or overcoals at 15.00 $12 suits or overcoats at 9.00 $18 suits or overcoats at 13.50 $io stilts or overcoats at 7.50 liv'er susilt aiid overcoat newOVasid tis seasoin's make, all op-to-date styles aind at seventy-five cents on the dollar. U. of M. Calendars given away free with every $1.00 purchase or over. tst door snurtht of State .Smtiitgs Baunk. t21-3 S. Main Street - - -- - - N us F .- ns W a d a m -C o WE ARE NEVER UNDERSOLD-GOODYEAR'S DRUIG STORE