THE MICHIGAN DAILY t In....+..c..clud1+4 1ing HRT, S IIIER12&:MARX.4 Alovercoats maewl ni l olt 5I1 - of reguar ric $22.00 OVERCOATS now~n $16.50 ' $20.00 OVERCOATS ro $15.00 $18.00 OVERCOATS rnaow $13.50 $16.00 OVERCOATS .now. $12.00 f $15.00 OVERCOATS mow~n $11.25 $12.00 OVERCOATSno $9.00 LUTZ, Zhe Clothier} 217 So. Mairi t. IMPORTED STEIN The finest collectioin of imoted German nianfac- tored Steins itriob, h ci lon e, uniquoe patterns, are displayed 1y us for the fir'st time this week. Any size or sty le you inaywanit it fronm $2.90, $2.00, $1.50, down to 35c. MACK & CO. or' Watehes,. Diamnitds.,Jeiwelry atid aii High Ciass Chattel anti Collatea1seoutrity. + W. J. LOURIM. 100 to 8:30. $usintss Strictly Confidential. I tot Lunrch At Tu~tti.'an. 338 S. Stae A VERAGE suts rent nieant foir yciiiounig men, atnd yon're ttot meant to weaor 'tin They're ton cotiservativ-e- theinmakers has o to pleas'e so matty ages of mtetn that they dote iiot please yen. College Brand Clothes Are Just for Youthful Dressers Not Youths' suits, mnid yon, bitt togs for Col- r ~Ilege boys and chaps who like their was- of a dressinog. The style's heavier thiai the price. 1-5 to 1-2 off for January Staebler & Wuerth r i -, ::' i :_ I : ; M }IY{Yi.. "H y'l Jt) 4 r{}{*t.x i tec. cciH.ciicit }{cii Q tI~l..rry 'S JosephclI1.Iadci icc,Atliclrco. Dermral Cr'eam ieflm,'nlte wsreexe Sois.p Wcil he read i ci intrs Stic itici()ticsiltilt Jut tic that aic 1!( The best hard water soap. \Ni l) I ci all fl ilic , t c a II ahrsfel. M ldad Iotn m ;ievha 'o iesalpahus. "'isrerfo-te is il Lahryrey.Ml on ti cli icicarecchcciii there tatu AnnctiCltd ~1)wl h iI op pure. lOc cake. 25c box. 'ccl ccci dc oftewi shcciiI culdi dropini sen a I c l c i tei r v hetr. Thr Q u r y U cr inetimeiiOutc hefei n tleii hinc i n ti patic.iic c I he prli i cin of i iccci cii h e iicli t il thensiteatre ii 'i li iits 1111v icc her fo fJOB.. wtlia ltte liine 'ccleiii -clii ci Occiii h Cas heard of te Uiitali resevaIin an Brunsw~ick Tables h n gehlfi1i11111i c res W'ciillr petr'.t u n iDeri he tlinm11 ope to ithe cpulicnexti'ii.ii \\ 1 lccis to (f ie etm ~BID'S BILLIARD PAi.ILORS ci 5 Opera I Iot . c saC fciiteia Pit iars and Tottaccos. The he . 'cccIs c ropi ngci i" cii c ci i cccOutci ii' .ci ci Jas.'IVRteid. tPrccp.. 3 .0 t at ne Stre'c' o unrc id i i ci itcIinae )ae. T e land isic c 'c cci'cdtei _ 1 :\cliii ciii i ciiicccii-ciii icic. iOfii c'i'c''cc cleasi u 'ii ilciery str ct iciand noc onIsii ci civediic'esterdaccy i fromc'' i ctric ile Lowe isa(ol'c. tcc ccit c iii'..' tie rsev inut iliiitiIiiii licit ccciiilouche hr e Sitcic floor15. ici 0have oisideo agoncy- '.i''ic 111andcitil ediii 1 cci cciiiw iiith tedut cilcici.., n fie t romoe conodctass roosarconfcinedoi 'tci c'iico i ~i i i iiti ii c c sc1ic c .ci'i hc c aa e'Acadey, Phnne, 246 5,ococifor ithe cli dust. cuinii I s o 1c s(. )ctcii cci, A N" tlpca i'. ,of hi cucc'is p () ~c ciiind te ()f a cci cciii a11(1 i itlc ill e I 5 Ii1I)1&1EDM UNDSI).n' iiloltc' ' ir ex t tiri'he iciitte'.as.0 )ccil l iii The iitl'ci ihave 1we c - Deaclicrs iclic c ii'i I etcry f "Tie ahei aso iin ofthe ill,-c i i cci on th t ti i ll b c, iii ce u -Fishing Tackle - Ammunition cci c'ccci'co cciiio't'icit11cc. ' i tc 0 Fish Nets foncorating. ,, i iiio uuc FatLiberty St. Acns Arbcoc, dii.c cc iext }cr. T'leopr1p ijos cci' iitin'g od citest arwh ha c cillis I\'. c 'ehost teceived thcce argest andfinoest .al Fris Inn' ci ileciiihopci'howevcer,.ti ciaiechii uua~tl pr icce or 3~ros rkish Cigarettes and Pipes :ti) ciiitih'ciiitoAn'cricirineotc '.iiio criccccwiii hoeitakenii10y'\\'altor 1). C" L UN lC HSsIN CONNECTION ito h 1mherecencccocn ticcii ' hersI of'.ithe cast Evserythiig Neat aod ce'teoeacic oiiiiidr Oc thletiteor ccsi'; 'it- sg~ " t .tot t . to E1 oJ''ciiiY.c ene.. It ccc's Soits pressed, 2ie; trousers, lice. lob Si. g C Jott n athleto icoicccia icapr, Inc Fuller & OConnor, 6t9 E William '.t. iVI~iLIGA.N L u drGENTlcAN)lt'c .1C ci'ii ,ii "the Aiagara Fails Route." Rowe's La ndy ON D. WILLIA"Sr~, 'OS LAW THE SHORT LIRE Thomas Rowe, Proprietor. ' TN0tIdAPiI I (C IA O326 N. Fifth Ave. OF°F'tH:. .J.Law Bt i cdccctscii ;u NCwICAoGO 457l)euiltc:o3 to'L). ' m s r dco . 1 (t t S o, . A p13 R to jJFF~, Nw Phoe 4 i Bell Phone 45- 50oe 97 L -2 Rings. Residence. 715 L BOSTON NEW YORK 4d Pickwick .0 Watches, Clocks and Jewelry SL direct connections at Chicago for BOWLING ALLEY IRepcaired by exptilut rkiioc tbe ills, Kansas City, St. Paul anod a esnbe rie.,lwr thest. For information and Strintly Vip-to-date. otrcccalpiee.'icok tihckets call on or write to W. S. ROTTENSTEIN, Prop. guaralnteed. CASE, Agent, Ann Arbor. 707 N. Urineo. A've. J. B. EIBILER, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. x P' WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO 210IiE. WASHINGTON ST. aha FaE 0Ec~ltyMOC 1. ol Sav o te gthe alk :i e '>iuwe, ft2r 'W ct o L 5 Wln!arliz; ie aniJIIWILh RY In..... h" p$ d -ivesAIIILdo 5cn Sc cccispuca (.aculc , t c fc, ction ,Uo M Pc nmod~dannat~el:dPrice 0 whro uI lephonep01. TH . . iEGRN MFG.340 .Stte Sr Soovnic Ashor in raye ca SarvertheWal THETANNSARBORJRAILROA 'IIMETA LEr-Tking nfvII F De . 4,f19M . Fe. J.SCHLEE'a,340L. Nctate Seet Soveier AshcrcPinAray5-s.c c Giv'cenicwaycciuth eve'ryoo 5ccscuran DARLING & M LL5,AXt THE ANNiitl' c.t . A nnR AIROAD ANtDci, EASHlPii NKS "I. "I". ..InI.."lnlnlr+4n n nbnI IIOCKIND ItsAI nJ.f lntTrain Service. You Will Find Four Trains Daily Carrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Night Trains UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 32 Caopun Martin, Detrit. Mich. g. 1. 4. & 4- - 44 4 44 44 ol 140 A A A A A -31 I'l It 44 4.4.4.-PU4*44" of^ Billiards Pool Stimpson ( Stim pson 334 So'sth State Street TobacicorsCigarettes Cgr T ate "n n'orn .s'a.'s"rrr. +Tta''~ifr'.Aa.'*.- _ tt.t _.s r s- -"- -a*** ..._.*. -.'. _.-.*..5..I't._o ts-Ai--coi. L W E ARE NEVER UN11DE RSOL;D--GOOD YEAR'S DRUG STORE