: HR MICHIGAN DAILY Oii i 'i a lint of t 1 ate 'esoo You "et 01,fZ 'It h'' .IUL- s iiifSffall SIi'Phis includes Hait, Schafne' + a rk s ck o , list toose. stylis- rm'uents. I All $24.00 ad $2.00 OVERCOATS now $17.00 All$20.00 rd $2.00 OVERCOATS now $17.00 All $18.00 OVERCOATS nsow $15.00 4 All $15.00 OVERCOATS now~ $12.00 ± ~All $12.00 OVER'COATS nowu~s $10.00 DON'T WAIT!I COME NOWI LUTZ,. the Clothier, 217' So. Main St. { OF INTEREST TO LADIES +XWinter Coats$50 t ~ ~~~Worth to $2500..$50} j No reservatiotiCetire stock .g osit this tie. All1 other Ladies' Readv-to wxx 'i tm t o is i~oti olie/ y toIi close. MACK & CO,. + "ulNioney Loaned... On \'at } 11 fit 1ttus .f ew(I asnti llater af 01itiiv S W. J. LOURIM. Bu 1siness SirictyCofdnil A2T.a. utiOI,>338 S. State * Quarry s Bronchial l Tablets IOC (ereat for Hoarseness. I Quarry's ItI Brunswick Tables ilEID'S BILLIARD PARLORS Fi 1 0 otcs GRANGERS SCHOOL of DANCING and iioi'tt aynardStree o o GagrsAcadtemy, Phone, 246 , EALLY & EDMUNDSOelril1 Is~ - Fishiing 'lackle.- AmmunitionI F~s esfor tDecoratiing. 3 I~''.s ier i. Ass Aror. ich. i Tuksh Cigarettes and Pipes t1 'If fllu IN (UNtNtttC'IONU iei'iis gfNeat and cIcan .Sat i t. i R. IE. JOttY. 1 A V liPAG Bswits xrieit i t iflilt forYoteu s tint aiiiyiii' re tiot meiaitt to wear 'em. Thley're too conservative- the imakers hase to please so mtanty ages of uieiiitatI tey dare not ptlease yoti. College Brand Clothes Are Just for Youthful LDressers Nt V'otrb' sutis, ttmintil ii, bitt togs for Col- lagse bors aitdIcbaps % i likfie theirxwiy of itressiwT he Vtostyle's lieaxierthIlatithe price. 1-; M01-M oMartir Funeral I "" - J-. s « G i5 CENTS EACH; 2 FOR 25 GENTS CLUETT, PEABODY & CO.. MAKERS OF CLUETT AND MONARCH SHIRIO 1-j !U 1"L. U11 1 Vl U "11th I j ,,,. . M. Map Funeral 0 tin Staebler & Wuerth ntlif, )(,(I dt}, n.. tRestdence 302 S. 5th Ave. Phone 314. Ambutance on salt. FANNYI 51168 PAT.\itY. Thflw i forihefancy dri Iess party has Wen ti f el d cidediupion. 'The party i +mLeO S 'atiirday eenii . Janarytwet-l ira. fThegreendtmarihli iill li'.ii in t'8:30g sharp, anits is huoped that veer idfswill lbe'there t10tle pat.as t eindmarhin iscostumeis ' i th llstist pitis iof the evening. _1 nCW'iirul i'net'iiit fidmissioni fas bee made etf h isirear.fAifthoeirac- whlttltis .er Noh oi'.laue N t ickets iill Iw sldfolrii admiission to the il w ilhi. Itcl. T e ony ta AlfftriLoks'. iofwilflf-iveifec- 0PERFECT BALANCE O < tn rt itt t' - seri'.'', of iltt ica i reital "iii' c'nf)v the Schooa l oNf M ii fu I it f l tt 'l'fs 1 11 1 W t thoit iia is t e 1 ff11ci Ie :; fogi i coo ssjt.c it S urt 'rr rs 13. 1t~rodttiilic-,i:dagD)itiii. . rt fcgri- asia7. . t~' )f it, ' . 1 -del" ff1. Allego ma ie 1fu11f'i if iii; Pres- I 5i 11 tti. ioxls ( l, '-iilt OM ... anisiln, is b thfimebers oftheii fife s -CIi. 111. leu to i liii sit iteitoicrue, miaking 1. Masitosit: Allegrot cit r 00'. usa if iittfatloti o iiD ean Jorafr eaidisi if sotoi. lrrrrsi IrIn flose oases,.eris~ion. Ii 1A. Niaiiitilt 111ffI lSCHfOLfit fIfIt\'E IR. NOTICE. IReading notices, except to Univer- neat Isni inter pubflicationiiof the ctty organizations, one cent a word '01 1 f I lis Scootil ifisastec sax itplacedt per issue, payabte strictly in advance it rl ksedfo theli entoit ut ile'to the Business Manager onty.. ,Uni- Ilgi S-ooiii rck'.teaiim whichlo hst versity organizations attowed one no- it: fiiqifmtt'in tohle recent fire. Itice free. tf. The cdIitioii us taitis tialf totnes iiithlt 01 rIdi '..alsit iclels bi \l5 Arbo s Magnificettnew assocrtienit of get-' leaig its 111 on tilt eireccentlcalamits, inis NavajIndOitiainrugs sald blankets. an eie n aait.ged' y.lI. rics itiniireachliof all. iHarrington, itfit liii hN. IE. heives 1an11 1'itiS if3fit)9kCitiherline. If III Isei a.' oiito' editoris.atitl is fro th pre'.'.of lParker and1 Snydr-. Hav yuttrietd a vibrassage at Tro- 12's? It is great, anii gives a healthy li 5f 51 NIt' ilk'tC1S''. comiplexion. 59tf iD. ,.13hues, Mianiager, liiSoti Suits pressed, 25c; trousers, 14c. VourtiA%.nioiie. Fuller & O'Connor, 619 E William St. Ph c ,ll r iitrttJ. Hoiime Cuif Red. 76--e 1c Get your Gym supplies at Cushing's. i Ty7'+ + .41-1 . Zi.i.a ~ * i"* -* 4 T441414n5++4 41 + Save the walk ~ Dom] lown W 1ACHEIS and JEIWEILRY + REIPAIR[D atit tiii uirrsii s Put Fos, U.eofM. I E.J.SCHILD1)340 S5 State Street ._' 16IWN CENTR-A TheAuutnn Arbor Savings Bank AN 0Pickwick a H N RBRRIRA "'.The Niagara Falls Rsute." Capital stiett. 4$:0,s0. Surplus. gifasOW. 1BOWL ING ALLEY___ Reisourceis, $2,000,000O. THE SHORT LIRE +Srel pt-ae A tieneral Banking Business Transacted. StTty V -odt. 'IME TABLE-Tating ettect Dec. 4, 1iota I CHICAGO Ore ii oiio Chas. E. iscsek. t'res.; W.tII. S. ILOTTENSTEIN, Proup" ______________ itOR B FF L ariman, V'ice Pri's.: MS. . F rita,,(fashier. 707 N. Vn'rly,. A's'. SOTH ilsirciiT AlB R to LBUFFALO11-iati'ii I i . to. I0 4:oiiailm BOSTON_______,C. -1i. i' '.5 ai . ic. 3it. i 5f1 pam BOSOHErScESANtiPRATI CE 'tint 1111 1 f5(t i 4-- 1 5 In. A. 5 - 8:30 a. uis, .t5Kansas City, St. Petit and 'ep iyextort ss'irkmten - TE 0I APEI Tlo cli11oi u1 II Ih d tl ttistai tie it t stinetiss t C icao frpicess. AXllss'ork .day I 't' e e }l iir ('.iu oneiu s iai 4.u~i ol Wesr . 0'. For information and 10 F ii i ii cNo. + 'LawstuitldiAg. W h ticketnscail on or write to W. I a . , atuirttay. eiece: ' tt t. ..i'l 11'.r .1 s. isA'i>,sik 5 >Agent, Aiia Arbor. I J. .[ILER, Jeweler, 109 W. Liberty. Phsne---97 L-2 Rins. Residence, 715-1. 'islediio. i +*+ 1++ I +b+1++t +A.nn~n4444.4n. +k4.4nI+tw...Inn4..44n44.p44.n5444' '.4+4 444 *44..44.14.y++I 44..++ ++4+++444..+4.+ I~lV hf T IV ~j Conftines Its Excel- a You Will Find Four Trains Daily FCarrying Parlor Cars on Day Trains. Sleeping Cars on Nght Trains HIl1Iard8 Pool Stim pson (M Stim pson 334 South State Street UNION DEPOTS IN TOLEDO AND COLUMBUS. S. E. CLARK, 32 CampusHartin, Detroit. Mich. Tobacco cigarettes Clgars W 4AREjANIB1 R UN ZeRSoLID-Goo D YEAI's DRUGW TO RE